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单词 mesa
释义  Related topics: Geographyme·sa /ˈmeɪsə/ noun [countable]  SGa hill with a flat top and steep sides, in the southwestern US 平顶山,方山〔一种平顶峭壁的山,见于美国西南部地区〕Examples from the Corpusmesa• They'd lope out to a mesa two miles away and walk back.• There was a mild breeze twisting up the canyons, switching back and forth across the mesa.• Off the mesa, the setting sun was more apparent.• The last hundred feet of elevation form a near-vertical cliff, effectively turning the mesa into an imposing dark fortress.• That was because of this little mountain, this mesa outside Big Spring.Origin mesa (1700-1800) Spanish “table”, from Latin mensame·sa nounChineseSyllable   Corpus sides, with steep a flat a hill top and




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