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单词 forsake
释义  for·sake /fəˈseɪk $ fər-/ verb (past tense forsook /-ˈsʊk/, past participle forsaken /-ˈseɪkən/) [transitive] formal  1  ALLEAVE A RELATIONSHIPto leave someone, especially when you should stay because they need you 遗弃,抛弃,将…弃之不顾 SYN abandon children forsaken by their parents 被父母遗弃的孩子2  STOP DOING somethingto stop doing, using, or having something that you enjoy 放弃,摒弃;戒掉〔喜爱的事物〕 SYN give up She will never forsake her vegetarian principles. 她绝不会放弃自己的素食主义原则。3  LEAVE A PLACEto leave a place, especially when you do not want to 〔尤指不情愿地〕离开 He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain. 他离开祖国芬兰移居英国。 → godforsaken→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusforsake• If Barlaston can be saved, no other major country house need be forsaken.• Disappointed customers and forsaken employees pretty much had to tough it out alone.• They have a certain vibrancy, an eye-catching quality, and they go for impact without forsaking good taste.• Gwendolyn begged Hugo not to forsake her.• More than 80 older men and women have forsaken retirement to help at local schools.• They were as welcoming as ever; a little surprised because they had thought I had forsaken them.• When science forsakes this basis it loses its way.Origin forsake Old English forsacanfor·sake verbChineseSyllable  should because leave stay to they especially Corpus someone, when you




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