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单词 Terry
1. I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.
2. Terry greeted the visitor warmly .
3. Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress.
4. Terry had a soft spot for me.
5. Terry was sitting on the bottom stair.
6. Terry was, as usual, slow to respond.
7. Terry seems to be in rather low spirits today.
8. I've never seen Terry laugh so hard.
9. That's the school that Terry went to.
10. Our host for tonight's show is Terry Wogan.
11. Terry lacks depth - he's a very superficial person.
12. Terry Street was demolished a few years ago.
13. Terry was so tired he couldn't walk straight.
14. I'll get Terry to check the wiring for me.
15. 'His name's Terry, actually,' she butted in.
16. Terry was very cut up about Jim's death.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. 'Oh, no problem!' said Terry, ironically.
18. And this is Terry, otherwise known as 'Muscleman'.
19. Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.
20. Right, I'll leave this for Roger and Terry to sort, then.
21. If we got Terry to do that, we'd be well away.
22. Terry had a little misunderstanding with the police last night.
23. Terry will have to double up with Bill in the front bedroom.
24. What's Terry up to - I haven't seen him for ages.
25. Terry has been going out with Sharon for six weeks.
26. Calm down, Terry - there's no need to fly off the handle.
27. You can't expect Terry to take all the blame .
28. You can talk in front of Terry - he's one of us.
29. Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not to notice.
30. Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.
1. I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.
2. Terry greeted the visitor warmly .
3. Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress.
4. Terry Street was demolished a few years ago.
31. When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over.
32. When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.
33. What's up with Terry?
34. Terry made it with Sharon on the back seat of his car.
35. Running his own business has really made a man out of Terry.
36. You got us into this mess , Terry. You can get us out of it.
37. Terry stripped down to her bra and pants and tried on the dress.
38. Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.
39. As far as I'm concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.
40. Sharon and Terry have been going out for six weeks.
41. Terry fixed herself a cold drink and sat out on the balcony.
42. Hello, may I speak to Terry, please?
43. J., real estate broker Terry Gamble.
44. Terry got a C in algebra.
45. Running back Terry Kirby made only a cameo appearance.
46. In the other semi-final, Terry Griffiths faces John Parrott.
46. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
47. Terry is the best player on our team.
48. Paul Terry, a business consultant.
49. Terry, after all, is no romantic hero.
50. And Terry was her kid brother.
51. I rushed back to Terry, all glee.
52. Terry was so drunk he couldn't walk straight.
53. Terry wants to work in the family business.
54. And does Terry really want him to?
55. He was totally dejected said RSPCA inspector Terry Winbstone.
56. It was a terrifying place for Terry to be.
57. Marge made no secret of her dislike for Terry.
58. Michael and Terry were sitting in a crowded bar.
59. Terry was such a soft touch.
60. Terry relayed the offer to his boss.
61. Terry ground his teeth in consternation.
62. Franks introduced him as Terry, the picture editor.
63. Terry jabbered with her brethren, asking for jobs.
64. Ellen Terry, Irving's leading lady, was a great-aunt.
65. Terry was in the bathroom, fixing her face.
66. Had there, despite Terry Gill's denials, been an encounter?
67. Above her Terry was watching her, fascinated.
68. It was then that Kylie and Terry Blamey - now experienced legal hands - suffered a rare courtroom setback.
69. Terry Jones has moved into film direction, as has Terry Gilliam, the show's animator.
70. She glanced round, spotting Terry Lewis on the outer fringes of their circle, an expression of chagrin on his face.
71. Seen as potential rivals to his Dalek creations, Terry Nation's Mechonoids proved too cumbersome to move easily around the studios.
72. Flint had shouted something as Bob and Terry had scampered into the pub.
73. Tom freely acknowledged this just as Terry acknowledged his earlier insensitivity.
74. Terry deals with the workaday details of running a store.
75. The attack has left mental scars on Terry and his family too.
76. Despite the alleged sightings[ ], McVeigh and Terry Lynn Nichols remain the only two charged in the blast.
77. Maura had been seeing Terry for nearly five months, and miraculously had managed to keep him a secret.
78. Terry wrote out messages for his girlfriend Madeleine and their daughter Sulome, his elder daughter Gabrielle and for his sister Peggy.
79. I didn't know Terry very well, but we went out for an occasional drink together.
80. Nevertheless Seymour continued to preach and testify at black missions in Houston where he eventually met a woman named Neely Terry.
81. Terry and Ponzo came back and we rattled off in the old truck to meet Rickey.
82. Terry kept badgering the guards for magazines and a radio.
83. As with Terry she meant nothing to him, except as a means of extorting money from her papa.
84. To sit in relative peace and quiet in the Miller house was a very rare occurrence and Terry was enjoying it.
85. Automobile Association spokesman Terry McAllister warned motorists to reduce speed in the wet and windy weather.
86. Terry and I gazed at the stars together and kissed.
87. Joe picked Steve and Terry to be on his team.
88. Terry, for her part, tried in every way to keep her parents from finding out how desperately ill she was.
89. Terry had come out of prison to try to regain his control over the organization.
90. After only a month Terry had worn out the soles of his shoes.
91. Gary DeHart, two-time series champion Terry Labonte's crew chief, also was fined and placed on probation in Daytona.
92. He turned professional in 1973 under the management of Terry Lawless.
93. Forget talk about possible moves to Tottenham, following Terry Venables' departure.
94. Terry Kirby and William Floyd, scoring for the first time since his return, scored touchdowns on short runs.
95. Mr Powell, 44, came in for fierce criticism when he replaced Terry Wogan with the £10 million drama.
96. Apparently Neely Terry had not given Sister Hutchins a comprehensive report about his theology.
97. I got off the truck at the crossroads, and the cousins drove Terry home.
98. You seem to be thinking of funnyman Alexei Sayle there, Terry.
99. Terry Donahue should reassess his switch from coaching to broadcasting.
100. He is a natural opener(), and Paul Terry has dropped down the order to accommodate him.
101. But his co-defendant, Terry Nichols, bears no resemblance to the sketch of John Doe 2.
102. Hendley's lover, Terry McIntosh, 46, who admitted murder, also received life.
103. Terry Lierman, a wealthy businessman and lobbyist, had been considered the leading candidate among Democrats to challenge Morella next year.
104. It would, however, like to thank Terry Mansfield, National Magazine's managing director.
105. Terry Battle, normally the No. 2 tailback, played briefly because of an ankle injury.
106. Don't ask Terry to do it - she'll probably just mess it up.
107. Billy Egan and Terry Place had not quite risen to their ranks[Sentencedict], although Egan at least had aspired to.
108. Terry and I tried to find work at the drive-ins.
109. Terry and Ian Whelan were six miles out to sea off Southport's coast when they dropped the compass.
110. Terry won't be taking a dip in the waterworld either.
111. Terry had many periods of sobriety, including eight years in the 1980s.
112. His position will be general manager, retail, reporting direct to Dymocks' managing director Ken Terry.
113. As I got up Terry looked at me as if I'd just announced I had a private income.
114. Long terry robe in choice of pink, crimson or garnet, $ 45.
115. Keegan had his assistant Terry McDermott later explained a plane to catch at Manchester airport on Saturday night.
116. Terry and Stephen were not complex characters, but Eileen, always simply considered a tomboy, was sensitive and vulnerable.
117. The Health Secretary posed for the lens of the famous photographer of beautiful women, Terry O'Neill.
118. Terry was all for starting at once with the twenty dollars I had left.
119. Terry was standing at the landing window, Rose just retreating down the stairs.
120. I'm full of admiration for Terry --she's really achieved a lot in her life.
121. They date from a year later and are the product of a different engineering team - Bob Auger and Douglas Terry.
122. Terry had the desire to see how they had been affected, or for any visible signs of compulsion.
123. But ex-light welterweight champ Terry is worried about his brother's children.
124. Would seeing a re-run of the incident, as he had recounted it, help Terry Gill to a firmer conclusion?
125. Two weeks after Terry was born, my Mum died of cancer.
126. Area director Terry Wigley was on hand to present the new trophy to Islington.
127. A top asset could be future closer Terry Adams, 23, who throws harder than anyone on the roster.
128. But this year John Major's elder brother Terry is missing out on his annual Butlin's holiday.
129. They had not scored an offensive touchdown; their only touchdown came on an interception return by Terry McDaniel.
130. He can not hope to match the advances which the likes of Waite, McCarthy and Terry Anderson could command.
131. So, of course, is Paul Terry at the other end.
132. Divorced father-of-three Terry Liffen was found dead in his car with a hose pipe leading from the exhaust.
133. Headteacher Terry Anderson said staff had been struggling in the cramped conditions since the school was opened in 1985.
134. After serving five months for refusing to pay his fine, Terry was released from prison in Atlanta.
135. Tony attended to all the arrangements and Maureen wrote to Terry with the sad news.
136. The clean, neat cuts were delivered with a skill Terry would never learn to master.
137. Vice-president, international operations Terry Booth will head up the operation.
138. Terry said we could live in tents on the job.
139. Ten days ago a police bullet had hit the explosive which Terry Place had hidden in a carrier bag in the tunnel.
140. Terry Etherton was another Californian who took a shine to the Old Pueblo.
141. Terry hated him; she said he hung around with her brother in order to get close to her.
142. Dale and Terry have little trouble keeping their work life separate from their married life.
143. Terry hated having to make these tapes and we knew how distressing it was for him.
144. Terry was used almost exclusively as a kick returner, averaging 21. 8 yards on 37 returns.
145. Terry saw other apes biting themselves and each other and gnawing at the bars, all classic signs of distress.
146. Terry and Meena aren't married but they live together as man and wife.
147. He thought money from sympathizers had formed the reliable backbone, though he wasn't going to argue with Terry.
148. Like most armchair sportsmen, Terry is sure he understands the game better than the referees.
149. Terry ran after it, and for about ten minutes he tried to show her how to shoot a basket.
150. She saw Terry walking towards her and smiled at him.
151. And yes, giving Jeff the Candice account will free up Mike and Terry.
152. As mentioned in Chapter Two, Terry began with an appeal to intellectual understanding.
153. In fact, Terry McGovern had been through treatment many times as she alternated between sobriety and binge drinking.
154. Terry Murphy and his colleagues continued to work hard at getting each of the key elements in their exchange strategy right.
155. Terry Hands's direction whips all this along at a fast pace.
156. Havvie Blaine, for all his name and lineage, was no better than Terry Rourke.
157. Terry Kirby is one of the best third-down backs in the league.
158. This belief was obviously challenged by our presence, but he insisted that Tom and Terry had gone home.
159. I didn't want to lend Terry my car, but he said he'd make it worth my while.
160. The man appeared to take violent exception to a Liverpool football t-shirt Terry was wearing.
161. We walk into the bath with our tiny white terry washcloths.
162. Both Tom and Terry decided to go on hunger strike.
163. But Field probably will not retain the defensive coordinator position he held for 14 years under Terry Donahue, the source said.
164. Terry hurriedly stubbed out his roll-up, pushed his chair back and got up.
165. He handed it to Terry with a show of false reluctance, preceding it with a string of apologies.
166. To Chrissie he is a friend, to Terry a revelatory lover, and to Melanie a soul mate.
167. Terry seemed to regard it with awe and wonder, Ellie thought it was desperate, morbid, the stuff of nightmares.
168. Terry Bradshaw makes an incredible recovery from a knee injury.
169. Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money.
170. I bet she told Jill or Terry or somebody about it.
171. Sitting on the ground was Terry Porter who'd apparently fallen over and cut his knee quite badly.
172. The visitors took an early lead, but Haslemere quickly struck back, Terry Powell heading home from a corner.
173. Terry knew he had to drive change in sales and marketing.
174. In summer, the little bungalows ring to the cheerful chirrup of hedge-clipper, budgies and Terry Wogan.
175. Fishery owner Terry Knight now makes his living from running four fishing lakes at Burton Village.
176. He delivered a great kick backwards at Terry Place's shins, the edge of his boots like iron.
177. As with Brian, and I hope myself, Terry worked on these areas to try and even off the rough edges.
178. Palace are themselves interested in splashing out £2 million on Wimbledon's Terry Phelan.
179. Terry, who was taller, and far more slender, would look much better in classic lines.
180. Terry played bucket-base, Mike played the harmonica, and Leonard played the rhythm-guitar.
181. Terry offered a bike to his son if only he would use the good brain he undoubtedly possessed.
182. Terry Nicholson's side had conceded eight goals in two previous defeats by the Co Antrim Shield holders.
183. Terry didn't believe in social workers, left-wing politicians, radical lawyers, liberals or gradual improvement.
184. Terry managed to fight off the man; if he hadn't, he reckons he wouldn't be alive today.
185. The emergence of Operation Rescue also pushed Randall Terry to the forefront of the violent antiabortion forces.
186. Cascarino did not train yesterday but Manchester City left back Terry Phelan proved his full recovery from tonsillitis.
187. She ended up in conflict with co-leader Terry Butler after being selected to join the force.
188. When Bob and Terry left the pub, they went straight to Terry's sister's flat.
189. Put the stick down, Terry. You might hurt someone with it.
190. The real Erik died more than 1,000 years ago, but he was recently resurrected on the big screen by Terry Jones.
191. Millson saw the workman, Terry, descending the ladder.
192. Terry: The company is changing the dress code.
193. Terry just lost that account for our company.
194. Terry: Yes, can I cash my traveler's check here?
195. Terry and I were more on the whimsical side.
196. Terry Allen burning off bolts on drawbar center casting.
196. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
197. Godliman fell silent, but Terry talked on.
198. Terry Puhl leads off for the Houston Astros.
199. Terry is the England team on the game: fullback.
200. Dear Terry , don't cry please , you had try one's best enough .
201. An alternative to the terry cloth is a cotton grooming mitt.
202. John Terry had treatment from the England osteopath yesterday, Sunday, who was brought down to the Chelsea training ground to help the captain recover from his back stiffness.
203. John Terry was actually the gunman on the grassy knoll.
204. Chelsea thought they'd won the game when John Terry scored late on as Chelsea rallied from 2-1 down to lead 3-2 only for a defensive lapse to throw away two points against relegation-threatened Villa.
205. Using a clean terry towel or microfiber applicator pad or towel, apply a quarter size amount of product...
206. John Terry underwent an operation on Sunday morning on a depressed fracture to his right cheek bone.
207. I produce all types of single-, double-sided fabric, fleece, jacquard cloth, mesh cloth, terry cloth fabric, and other popular market.
208. Right?Now, what if you, me, Tod, Darter, Terry, Billy, Missus Lewton messed up that design.
209. Dear Terry,'t cry please, you had try one's best enough.
210. John Terry epitomised the team's never-say-die spirit, refusing to succumb to Bolton's increasing reliance on long balls and aerial pressure.
211. Includes a parasol, a canopy, a sun sail, a terry cloth seat cover and a rear textile cover.
212. On top of all that – and as well as the troubles handed to him by former CEO Terry Semel – Yang also presided over a sharp fall in Yahoo's share price.
213. Names to strike fear into John Terry and Rio Ferdinand 's hearts on Friday?
214. Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her.
215. Terry A . Welsh , A Technique for High - Performance Data Compression , IEEE Computer, June 1984.
216. Joyce is talking to Terry, an instructor at the dive center.
217. Ziva, a female loggerhead turtle being treated by veterinarian Terry Norton, was injured after being hit by a boat.
218. Terry, who flew back from America last night, admitted the Premiership champions are still peeved by his fellow defender's no-show and are expecting an apology at the get-together .
219. Been wondering about tortfeasors and arrears, peculation and naked promises, John Doe summonses and Terry stops?
220. Reverend Terry Jones said he would mark the 9-11 anniversary by burning copies of the Quran. He said he wanted to send a message to Islamic extremists.
221. Blot the back side with a clean terry cloth washcloth to further remove as much ink as possible.
222. Terry can't participate in the match because he has hurt his foot.
223. Where McCorvey holds back from the full - and - brimstone rhetoric of Terry is over the death of Tiller.
224. "With present methods, you need to grow a sample on a gel plate to get your results, " said Terry Niblack, nematologist in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois.
225. He had the friendship of Terry Jones and the respect of John Cleese.
226. Players from both sides made frantic gestures to the touchline as Terry lay motionless on the floor.sentencedict .com
227. Unable to find anyone to coach him, Terry Sullivan bought a book.
228. Terry Towels, Cotton Fabric, all Terry Towel Products . Kitchen Towels, Gloves Terry Towels.
229. He also announced that John Terry had suffered no ill-effects from playing in Valencia with a mask-protected fractured cheekbone.
230. " But Terry also believes that not all pass the buck to Facebook, "Before we blame thee-mail, then forward a strange call.
231. Terry: Sure, if there is a good pay. Just kidding.
232. Training is at Cobham, and Terry is there and to all intents and purposes is fine.
233. Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery.
234. “Imagine being a caveman and having to eviscerate a dinosaur with your bare hands,” Terry said.
235. Jamie Carragher will continue to deputise at right-back if Ferdinand is fit to play alongside John Terry in central defence.
236. Captain John Terry revealed following the win at West Brom that a half-time talking-to helped turn a drab first -half showing into an explosive display after the break.
237. At times , Jackson had Ariza defending Dallas guards Jason Kidd and Jason Terry.
238. Chelsea captain John Terry admits it's time they prove their Champions League favouritism.
239. Terry cloth is a type of fabric with woven loops providing thickness.
240. Terry Eagleton is an outstanding scholar of contemporary western Marxism, whose theory reflects the evolution from literary study to political cultural criticism.
241. To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
242. One of the songs, I suppose you would call it a signature tune, 'Wild Horses', has had a great reception and was first played on the radio by Terry Wogan!
243. England defender Phil Jones on Thursday stressed there was no ill-will towards John Terry after the Chelsea defender's inclusion in the squad to face Spain and Sweden despite allegations of racism.
244. Terry is on the bus but he doesn't know where to disembark. He asks the driver.
245. The new heavyweight champ of the world, Terry Conklin, has signed with me.
246. The previously unreleased Listen features renowned rock sideman Terry Reid, whose growly vocal dominates the piece.
247. John Terry and Frank Lampard are both set to make their 300th Chelsea appearance over the Christmas period.
248. Using a clean terry towel or microfiber applicator pad or towel,(http:///terry.html) apply a quarter size amount of Deep Reflections XP.
249. Hargreaves biting presence in midfield had allowed England's more attack - minded players licence to roam, Terry said.
250. Direction: Shake well before use, pre-clean car paint surface, after dry, apply and spread a thin coat of wax with sponge, after 5 or more minutes, buff to a high gloss with a soft, dry terry cloth.
251. Dominique Jones is a great scorer, almost in the Jason Terry mold with tremendous confidence, almost cockiness.J.




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