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单词 medic
释义 Word family  noun medical medication medicine medic adjective medical medicated medicinal adverb medically medicinally  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etc, Occupations, College, Armymed·ic /ˈmedɪk/ noun [countable]  1. British English informalMNBO a medical doctor 医生2. British English informalSECMN a medical student 医科学生3. American EnglishPMAMN someone in the army who is trained to give medical treatment 随军卫生员 → paramedicExamples from the Corpusmedic• A medic jumped in as we got light on the skids.• Pearson acknowledged that the new racial science could do little without the hearty co-operation of medics.• Repealers launched a double-edged assault on medics.• Our medic was carrying an M 16 rifle.• It seems that medics have not changed much over a hundred years.• The medic pushed it under the sling seat.• The medics however, are reported to believe he will be fine for bench duty tomorrow.• The less fortunate were the severely wounded who were being placed on the grass with two medics to attend to their wounds.Origin medic (1600-1700) Latin medicus; → MEDICALmed·ic nounChineseSyllable   Corpus doctor medical a




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