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单词 respiratory
释义  Related topics: Biologyre·spi·ra·to·ry /rɪˈspɪrətəri, ˈrespəreɪtəri, rɪˈspaɪərə- $ ˈrespərətɔːri, rɪˈspaɪrə-/ adjective formal or technical  HBrelating to breathing or your lungs 与呼吸有关的;与肺有关的 respiratory disease 呼吸道疾病Examples from the Corpusrespiratory• Hence, this condition is termed respiratory acidosis. 283.• People with allergies and other respiratory and heart ailments may be more seriously affected.• Hospital staff were puzzled after children collapsed with cardiac arrests and respiratory attacks.• respiratory diseases• To provide practical experience of the nursing care of patients with respiratory disorders.• Subjects - 256 Infants and children under 3 years of age with symptoms of respiratory infection.• Everybody from here to Wesley and back has upper respiratory infections.• Living organisms do not have the ability to swap one respiratory pigment for another.• The examples stated here are basic to all patients with a respiratory problem, or problem of the cardiovascular system.• the respiratory systemre·spi·ra·to·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus your breathing to or lungs relating




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