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单词 respiration
释义  Related topics: Biologyres·pi·ra·tion /ˌrespəˈreɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]  technicalHB the process of breathing 呼吸 → artificial respirationExamples from the Corpusrespiration• Such anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration, but also much less efficient in terms of energy produced per unit of fuel.• Francis, said a side effect of morphine is decreased respiration, which can lead to death.• When this degree of hypoxia develops, respiration will most likely be stimulated.• Since the 1830s, various inventors, even Alexander Graham Bell, had tinkered with devising some kind of external respiration.• But her silky skirt's climbing high, and so's his respiration.• The latest results from Bristol show the pattern of respiration in a normal baby changes dramatically when the room is warm.• A cesarean delivery was performed without problems, but the baby at birth had rapid respiration.• As consciousness returns Observation of the patient's respirations will gradually be decreased if they are giving no cause for concern.Origin respiration (1400-1500) Latin respiratio, from respirare “to breathe”, from spirare “to blow, breathe”res·pi·ra·tion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus the of process breathing




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