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单词 back office
释义  ˈback ˌoffice noun [countable]  the department of a bank or other financial institution that manages or organizes the work of the institution, but that does not deal with customers 〔银行等金融机构的〕后勤部门,后台 —back-office adjective [only before noun] back-office operations 后台业务Examples from the Corpusback office• And when I ran mortgages, I religiously took people from the back office.• She liked to stick around, see the results, maybe enjoy some off-camera larks in the back office.• The first traders had their origin, like Lewie, in the back office.• In 1979 Tom Kendall joined the desk from Wharton, with a brief intervening stop in the back office.From Longman Business Dictionaryback officeˌback ˈoffice [singular] FINANCE the department of a financial institution that does work connected with managing and organizing the work of the institution, rather than the actual work of trading, working with clients etcBack office problems led to a suspension of trading. → officeˈback ˌoffice nounChineseSyllable  or Corpus department of Business bank a the other




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