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单词 baby boom
释义  ˈbaby boom noun [countable]  an increase in the number of babies born during a particular period, compared to other times – used especially about people born between 1946 and 1964 〔尤指1946年至1964年间的〕生育高峰(期) the baby boom generation 生育高峰期出生的那一代人Examples from the Corpusbaby boom• Fifty years ago, the United States first met the postwar baby boom without enough pediatricians, schools, jobs or housing.• In the 1970s as the baby boom generation entered the labor force, capital-labor ratios rose more slowly or even fell.• But as the baby boom generation retires, the fund faces the possibility of depletion by 2030.• The study defined parents aged 30 to 50 as being members of the baby boom generation.• In the early years the baby boom carried almost all women before it.• The baby boom generation lined up for their Sabin sugar cubes and hardly noticed that the Salk vaccine was disappearing.• Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom.ˈbaby boom nounChineseSyllable  babies the born increase during number of Corpus in an a




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