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单词 Cruise
1. I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.
2. I'll cruise over to your place about three.
3. The car will cruise at 80 mph in top gear.
4. The cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'.
5. The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.
6. He was billed as the new Tom Cruise.
7. Don's story unfolded as the cruise got under way.
8. The cruise included several days ashore.
9. The cruise ship is a four-decker.
10. I've always wanted to go on a cruise.
11. They've just set off on a round-the-world cruise.
12. They met on a cruise.
13. Any film starring Tom Cruise always packs them in.
14. These cruise ships can turn round in two days.
15. My parents are going on a cruise.
16. They're going on a cruise round the Med.
17. This romantic evening cruise is a memorable experience.
18. They went on a cruise to Tenerife.
19. The travel agent booked our vacation cruise.
20. We crossed the Mediterranean Sea on a cruise ship.
21. Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.
22. Their dream turned into a nightmare as the cruise ship began to sink.
23. Tom Cruise has performed his own stunts for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals.
24. We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.
25. As you cruise the waterways, feast your eyes on the gorgeous views of the illuminated city.
26. Mother Nature had served up some terrible weather for their cruise.
27. Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise.
28. She used all her savings to go on a world cruise.
29. He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise.
30. Passengers were piped aboard ship at the start of the cruise.
1. I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.
2. I'll cruise over to your place about three.
3. The car will cruise at 80 mph in top gear.
4. Mother Nature had served up some terrible weather for their cruise.
5. Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise.
6. The cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'.
7. The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.
8. She used all her savings to go on a world cruise.
9. He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise.
10. They went on a cruise to Tenerife.
31. You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa .
32. She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge.
33. Cruise met Kidman on the set of 'Days of Thunder'.
34. What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?
35. I would never willingly go anywhere by boat, much less go on a cruise.
36. A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter.
37. Rough wea-ther would have denied us a landing on the island, for me the high spot of the entire cruise.
38. With her new image, she'll certainly cut a dash on her holiday cruise.
39. 1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship.
40. Over 2,000 people enjoy an Avocet Cruise each winter.
41. Cruises Many retired single people go on a cruise.
42. The film starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
43. The cruise control does not disengage when it should.
44. The town already has one cruise ship dock.
45. The cruise boards at 7 p.m. at Pier 33.
46. The cruise ship dilemma is a classic example.
47. Do you have cruise questions or comments?
48. Cruise lines work with wedding planners to customize ceremonies.
49. Maybe she's booked a cruise that leaves soon.
50. And many cruise fans swear by various over-the-counter remedies.
51. A perfect way to end a perfect cruise day.
52. I hear a car cruise by.
53. Best cruise ships overall: 1.
54. The postcard offering a free cruise.
55. Let's go cruise some chicks.
56. On a cruise ship or with an inland adventure?
57. This short cruise took us right behind the great cascade.
58. It is another nail in the coffin of deterrence even if the first generation of cruise will be slow for such a role.
59. Indeed[sentencedict .com], reports have reached the West of Soviet efforts to develop their own cruise missiles.
60. People still exhibit articles for sale on the quayside for visiting cruise ships, but boys no longer dive into the murky waters.
61. We are to cruise slowly over these rocky hillsides with high-powered spotlights beaming into the dense brush.
62. A publicist for Cruise said she could not confirm the plan.
63. The Tomahawk cruise missile, born in 1972 and built here ever since, has flown the coop.
64. Beds on cruise ships may either be free standing or bunk beds. g. Will there be self service at mealtimes?
65. Meanwhile, civilians go about their business and cars cruise the streets.
66. Technicals - trucks carrying cannon, anti-aircraft missiles and rocket launchers, cruise the city centre.
67. Another threat to the F-22, he says, is the cruise missile.
68. But most improvements are aimed at vacationers who for some reason are reluctant to cruise.
69. As cruise ships have become larger and more luxurious, cruise lines are becoming more like grand land resorts.
70. She wants to take a luxury winter cruise ... next January ... Six weeks on the Stella Polaris.
71. In 1988 the cruise ship Jupiter sank off the coast of Athens, with a party of schoolchildren aboard.
72. Once at the 1,000 Island Resort region, embark on a cruise aboard the lake's still waters.
73. There are very distinct rudder trim changes as power is brought back and cruise established.
74. An alternative, but equally popular and relaxing boat-trip is the cruise to the town of Bernkastel.
75. I went straight back to the street corner where I'd lost him and started the slow cruise.
76. If only I could cruise without having my eyes bug out.http://
77. While the keen amateurs struggle with maggots and nets on the bank ... these professionals cruise by sweeping up.
78. A few decades ago, the average cruise ship passenger was elderly, affluent, and retired. Not anymore.
79. He was dressed in a blue blazer and white trousers as though for some pre-war cruise.
80. But hardly anyone thought the Dow would cruise past 5000.
81. Passengers flying to Rio from other cities for the cruise will receive free round-trip economy air fare.
82. After a short cruise, continue by coach to Victoria, passing logging towns and fishing villages enroute.
83. Spend the afternoon exploring the many shops and galleries, or take a leisurely boat cruise.
84. "Speed 2" stars Willem Dafoe as the villain who takes over a luxury cruise ship.
85. The vehicles that make up a cruise missile flight will emerge regularly from their base and drive around the countryside to practise.
86. The cruise industry would love to have a word with you.
87. We chose the southern route for our cruise and so our first port of call was the beautiful bay of Les Saintes.
88. Dafoe plays a computer mastermind who seeks revenge on his former employer by commandeering a luxury cruise ship.
89. Three tourists were reported to have been wounded by gunfire in separate attacks on Nile cruise ships during October.
90. Gates warned that Hussein probably expects another cruise missile attack.
91. While 1996 offers great promise for cruise passengers and the industry, there is some sadness.
92. Instead, his cheerleading coach said, he chose to spend his spring break on a cruise ship.
93. Sales of Ray-Ban sunglasses went through the roof after Tom Cruise wore them in 'Risky Business'.
94. If afternoon winds are light it's fun to cruise along this spit visiting the beaches and anchorages along the north shore.
95. Trafalgar said it aims to cut debt and revamp its money-losing engineering and cruise line business.
96. It was time to weigh anchor on the cruise to Alaska.
97. That murder is indictable under our laws, just like that murder on the cruise ship, Achille Lauro.
98. Last year cruise sales rose by 25 percent in Britain to 340, 000 passengers.
99. Cruise through the romantic illuminated waterways to a background of soft music.
100. The Cruise, for instance, was the making of Jane McDonald.
101. Since a fast cruise is not essential in the training market, this is not particularly critical, nor is the range.
102. On their latest cruise, Tiemann said, there were three cruise lines vying for their business.
103. A few low-flying cruise missiles could wipe out an airfield before the mighty jets get off the ground.
104. Jungle Cruise: What: A boat, a river, animatronic hippos and you.
105. Our empty shipyards can not refurbish our cruise liners to the same time-scale as overworked but competitive foreign yards.
106. Since that date some 1.5 million hotel rooms and cruise ships cabin doors have been fitted with Keycard access control systems.
106. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
107. An interesting way to learn about the Civil War is on a riverboat cruise.
108. The new SA-10 surface-to-air missile, being installed across the Soviet Union, can also shoot down cruise missiles.
109. Tom Cruise was first to speak out, his voice appearing over the first scenes of the crash site.
110. The campaign against the Cruise missile bases, in particular, led to passionate demonstrations.
111. The average age of the cruise vacationer is 49, according to Cruise Lines International Association.
112. Jerusalem's wish-list includes nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missiles, real-time satellite intelligence and funding for missile defence.
113. Amtrak and most cruise lines still refuse to transport pets, according to Ballard.
114. An impressive display from Magnum player Muir saw him cruise through with a 7-2, 7-1, 7-1 win.
115. Have you ever thought about a cruise to the Bahamas?
116. For a pleasant and relaxing end to the day, why not take an evening cruise on Lake Zell.
117. Unlike previous generations of cruise ships, the ever-larger vessels delivered in recent years have virtually no single cabins.
118. Cruise fares start at $ 5, 395 per person, double occupancy.
119. A recent example is the termination of the B-1 bomber in favor of the cruise missile.
120. According to the Port, each cruise passenger last year spent an average of $ 124 in San Francisco.
121. It is quite easy to test the waters to find if a cruise fits your personality.
122. The nearest lakes are Derwentwater and the larger Ullswater where you can take a cruise.
123. You can use your included Canal Bus Pass to hop on and off the Rembrandt cruise.
124. In the meantime, the three cruise lines are moving full speed ahead with major expansion plans.
125. Cruise ships, already sailing the seas of the Mesoamerican Reef more than ever before, are gaining in size and frequency.
126. The family dip came at the start of a nine-day summer cruise around the Ionian Sea.
127. Residents of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships.
128. On balance, the Cruise missile demonstrations embarrassed the left, and turned much to Mrs Thatcher's advantage.
129. Otherwise, his supply unit would be on the receiving end of a simulated bomb or Tomahawk cruise missile.
130. We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.
131. It does give the edge on cruise speed, but only at altitude.
132. This would leave nuclear-armed bombers, cruise missiles and depth charges.
133. But who ever heard of getting bumped from a cruise?
134. These should be confirmed with cruise lines, travel agents or tour operators.
135. Developers have been trying for years to finish building a cruise ship pier that will bring more jobs and tourism to Cozumel.
136. The Pentagon ordered up cruise missile attacks from two of the six cruise-missile equipped warships on patrol in the Persian Gulf.
137. Cameron Diaz has joined the cast as a woman stalking Cruise.
138. Tipping can add £40 or more to a 10-day cruise,[] but some cruise lines have abolished the custom.
139. One word of advice: If the cruise line allows it, book your shore excursion before you get on the ship.
140. Atlantis is one of the world's most luxurious cruise ships.
141. So many nations are developing cruise missile technology that a traditional air dominance fighter such as the F-22 could become obsolete.
142. It will be replaced by adventure movies starring Hollywood idols including Tom Cruise.
143. The main aim of cruise missiles is to deter an attack.
144. The Shuto is a symbol of a transport hierarchy in which cars cruise among the rooftops while pedestrians subsist in the shadows.
145. Though the laws were rarely enforced, the Cayman Islands turned away a cruise liner chartered by 1,000 gay men in 1999.
146. This is not the first time that Kloster has shut down a San Francisco-based cruise line.
147. The seven-day cruise stops at Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and other Mexican resorts.
148. He is part of a detachment which will be responsible for the deployment of cruise missiles.
149. The patter suggested a warm-up for a cruise ship entertainment.
150. The key political point about cruise is its high visibility.
151. Fred Travalena, who impersonates many celebrities, was on our cruise.
152. You've put me down for holidays in September and I've been telling you about the cruise in October for months.
153. They swim and they dance and they cruise the high seas.
154. The excess fuel cools the engine - acceptable for short periods in the climb but inefficient and expensive for extended cruise.
155. Countdown to the cruise Mark Hewish Going to war with cruise missiles would be precise, ruthless and utterly effective.
156. Pat went on a world cruise in 1990 and hasn't been seen since.
157. I like to cruise around and hang and chill and check things out.
158. But Caniff changed the tone in 1934, sending Dare on a cruise where he encounters gun smugglers, murderers and kidnappers.
159. They were very relaxed and Skip conveys the feeling that they were treating it more as a cruise than a race.
160. More than one correspondent filed a story describing the spectacle of a Cruise missile travelling up a Baghdad street at hotel window level.
161. One man's job was to select films for airlines and cruise ships.
162. Torpedoes, cruise missiles and anti- ship missiles can be stored aboard the tender.
163. After one night in Bergen, participants take a cruise along the Sognefjord, the deepest and longest fiord in the world.
164. I understood he took it traveling around the world by cruise liner.
165. The cheap solution is to take a leisurely cruise through a bookstore.
166. Cruise controversy Congratulations on giving cruise missiles an extended examination, but I was disappointed by some omissions from your articles.
166. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
167. I can set this cruise control to any speed I want and it drives without me having to touch the accelerator.
168. Fares for the eclipse cruise start at $ 1, 049 per person, double occupancy.
169. Latest in electronics, new sail inventory 1990, new coffee grinder system ready to race or cruise.
170. The cruise tries to keep the bookings balanced, with a proportionate ratio of men and women.
171. The cruise industry has embarked on one of the biggest building binges in history.
172. Booking agents at the Royal Cruise Lines reservation center were continuing to book passage on several company ships through early May.
173. Mum and Dad fell in love on the cruise and were married by the ship's captain.
174. That means cutting off a day of transit on a cruise to Hawaii, and giving passengers an extra port of call.
175. None of the other big cruise lines seems interested, however.
176. On a long cruise the courtesy ensigns can cost more than the charts and wear out quicker.
177. Travel agents cannot guarantee the condition of the cruise ship or the food served aboard it.
178. Some cruise lines offer excursions to Harberton Estancia during sailings in the Beagle Channel.
179. Realising this would be laughed at, I set the cruise control, undid my seatbelt and climbed into the back.
180. The cruise was to be in the nature of a "rest cure".
181. I tried to take a pleasure cruise on the Mekong, but was told the river was only used by smugglers.
182. Guests also take a short river cruise on the Rhine, and visit famous castles and cathedrals.
183. By the time the cruise was over, I knew I could never return to my old life.
184. It was on this cruise that I made my first dive to the seafloor.
185. As a cruise ship is primarily a hotel and leisure complex over half the staff are employed in these areas of specialisation.
186. What class is the cruise ship?
187. I made a hash o'this cruise, did I?
188. Welcome aboard the Luxury cruise bus to Nanjing.
189. Welcome aboard to the world's first'My Academy Cruise '.
190. Faked crime scenes, cruise missiles, gun toting band members.
191. They are "The Iron Heel" and "The Cruise of the Snark. "
192. Russian military officials also say a new Iskander cruise missile was successfully tested in the Astrakhan region.
193. With his cruise control set at a steady 35 MPH, he does his best to instill courage in Louis when getting ready to face a new and scary situation, college.
194. Jill and I did take the boat — a large, underpowered Whaler that leaked up to a point and stopped once the bottom was full — for a cruise to an amazing snorkeling spot.
195. With the goal of pre-multi-point, memory, automatic cruise, scanning the region, auxiliary switch control, infrared remote control functions.
196. The Anglo-American assault lasted four days, with 650 air sorties and 400 cruise missiles, all carefully targeted to hit military and national security targets and to minimize civilian casualties.
197. This discrepancy means that insects can do long time flying at the velocity range from hovering to medium velocity. However aircrafts can only cruise at typical speeds.
198. With strong arms and obliging souls, Tahitians usher ashore French vacationers after a lagoon cruise on an outrigger canoe.
199. It was the second time she had been seen wearing stack-heeled, T-bar shoes with peep-toes, and led to Ms Holmes and Mr Cruise being criticised.
200. The Barstow branch will stock enough food and clothing to sustain 135 people for at least a year, and in a lifestyle that Vicino describes as compact but luxurious, like being on a cruise ship.
201. "If they feel we'd be less likely to suspect a high-end ship as opposed to one of the fly-by-night cruise liners, they'd use that route," he added.
202. The Melody, on a cruise from Durban in South Africa to the Italian port of Genoa, was last night continuing to a scheduled stop at Aqaba on the Jordanian coast.
203. It is the crowning achievement of my recent cruise through the Hawaiian Islands.
204. Whole day tour at Sydney Ms. Macquarie's Seat, Opera House, Botanic Garden, The Rocks, ; Darling Harbour including Sydney Showboat Jazz Luncheon Cruise, China Town, Bondi Beach.
205. Vacations To Go approached the cruise lines with a way for them to sell their unsold cabins at a deep discount without affecting their full price market.
206. Cruise, alpenglow, mist, adding to the sea and your integration.
207. CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Fuel-burning devices can create carbon monoxide gas because not all of the fuel is burned.
208. Before leaving, the scientists decided to test the equipment they would use to detect airborne nitryl chloride on the cruise by sampling the air in Boulder, a mile above sea level.
209. (Source; Voice of America news; issued May 29, 2007) Russia has successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile and a tactical shorter range cruise missile.
210. The Mobula is a jaw-dropping proposal for a massive, luxury transport vehicle which blurs the line between a cruise ship and a passenger aircraft.
211. The cruise control switches are conventionally mounted on the steering colum.
212. In the lake, the waves of cruise ships and in the main access road of the tourist car shuttle with ease, visitors may be cited throughout the various scenic spots.
213. In paper, the scheme, model and algorithm of navigation for hypersonic cruise craft have been studied.
214. Sleek, gray reef sharks cruise past a remote - control camera in the waters the Bikini Atoll.
215. Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future.
216. Ocho Rios, the country's prime cruise ship destination, is a gauntlet of colorful craft shops, food stands, and juke joints.
217. Winfrey interviewed Cruise at his mountaintop home near Telluride, Colorado, surrounded by the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.
218. In 2010, 12 international cruise ships called at Quetzal. This year, around 100 are expected.
219. The decision to cast Cruise in the role has caused anger in Germany because of his strong links to the Church of Scientology , which is regarded here as a sect.
220. Also, check out newer attractions like the London Zoo, Thames River Cruise, the London Eye or taking in a play or musical in London's famous West End.
221. Director Brad Bird shot an action scene involving Tom Cruise swinging from the tallest building in the world -- the 164-story Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
222. A ban on heavy oil, which is expected to be adopted by the International Maritime Organization later this year, would effectively block big cruise ships.
223. CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: A storm with a misleadingly pleasant name recently brought death and destruction to parts of North America.
224. Finally, the methods of passive ranging which are used by infrared detection system to defense cruise missile are introduced.
225. Granted, there's a definite "beauty" standard for males: the square-jawed male models with rippling abdominals; Tom Cruise; and of course John F.
226. But liners ranging from cruise ships to refrigerated cargo ships continued to sail.
226. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
227. And on paper, they both measure 1, 184 feet long, but technically, the Allure is about two inches longer than the Oasis, making the new passenger vessel the biggest cruise ship in the world.
228. Because many weapon systems, such as aircraft carrier battle group, ballistic missile, cruise missile, long-range fighter-bomber, etc. , are various kinds of moving targets.
229. But it's been no bed of roses. No pleasure cruise.
230. The Roman nose, seen on actor Tom Cruise, was sported by almost 9 percent, who were ambitious, courageous and clear-thinking.
231. The smaller island of Little San Salvador to the west is privately owned and used as a port of call for cruise ships.
232. Through studying the cruise missile aimed to land and analyzing the operation principle of its guidance system, its weakness and some electronic countermeasures are proposed.
233. With a drunk's logic, I decided to cruise around town—slowly, safely, sanely—and pick up all the cones. Every single one.
234. A boat and water skier cruise by on one of several lakes located in South Dakota's Black Hills.
235. In this paper a cruise missile's passive acoustic detection and classification technique based on the processing technique of passive acoustic signals is presented.
236. The Wu family is taking a week - long cruise in the Bahamas.
237. Cruise Ny Alesund throughout the summer, some small, some large.
238. It has been building large numbers of relatively inexpensive but highly accurate non-nuclear ballistic missiles, as well as sea- and air-launched cruise missiles.
239. Cost of a single Tomahawk cruise Missile : $ 900, 000.
240. In our travels in Argentina, I've had the chance to visit Eva Peron's grave, fall in love with a local winery, and take a river cruise.
241. The liner is making a round - the - world cruise.
242. OK! named Holmes, the 28-year-old wife of Tom Cruise, a beauty queen because of her "refreshing girl-next-door look " and sporty cropped haircut.
243. In February 2007, a team including Thornton prepared to set out from Boulder for a research cruise from Long Island Sound to Iceland via Norway.
244. Actor Tom Cruise, noting how deeply he immersed himself into the role of Algren in "The Last Samurai."
245. The cruise control switches are conventionally mounted on the steering column.
246. Inadvertently, as a shell of treasure lost on the gold tourism belt of Three Gorges, Yichang downtown became a skip zone of a luxury cruise from Chongqing to Shanghai and other high-end customers.
247. Some military strategists already think that the job the F-35 is meant to do can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones.
248. Helmeted police cruise the streets of Kuqa at night in open-topped jeeps.
249. Here’s hoping that whatever arm band peripheral Microsoft develops for this interface is half as cool as Cruise’s three-finger, light-up gloves.
250. This admittedly pretty series of waterfalls in a lush forest has been transformed into a death march for millions of cruise shippers on shore leave.
251. seen on actor Tom Cruise, was sported by almost 9 percent, who were ambitious, courageous and clear-thinking.
252. The cruise takes us to the Beijing Zoo, the five-pagoda Temple, the Black Bamboo Park and the Summer Palace.
253. The design and test results of the new type high-subsonic speed submerged and semi-submerged intakes for cruise missile propelled by a turbojet engine have been introduced.
254. If the cruise control system breaks down in driving, it can be diagnosed and serviced according to the system characteristic and the input and output signals of controlling circuit.
255. My girlfriend said I'm a dead ringer for Tom Cruise. What do you think?
256. The next stop on this cruise is likely to be in Cornwall.
257. At Grand Circle Corp., employees are graded on their open communication,[http:///cruise.html] one of the travel and cruise company's six key values.
258. Appearing at the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise Classic Car Show in Detroit, proceeds from the sale of the cupcake went to cancer charity Passionately Pink for the Cure.
259. Hotels, airlines and cruise operators say they are dropping prices at the last minute because of lower demand as well as difficulty in forecasting sales.
260. I was thinking about a romantic cruise or scuba diving lessons.
261. "Sometimes we get tour groups and we've even rented the place out for cruise ship dinner parties, " said Benjawan Kayee, 39, the museum's docent.
262. This is an additional function which is incorporated into the current cruise control system.
263. The indiscretion rate may be decreased with the power supplied by the AIP, so the power rating should be selected according to the requirement of the cruise speed of conventional submarines.
264. San Francisco Bay Cruise, Hearst Castle Car admission is optional.
265. From Kaiteriteri, cruise the protected waters of the Astrolabe Roadstead past idyllic beaches fringed by lush native forest to the golden expanse of Anchorage Bay (30-45 mins).
266. Old photographs of the Moscow subway stations, the city of Ufa and a steamboat cruise. All different and all moving.
267. These submarines, built with Russian technical advice, are similar to the Russian Victor III class. They have been modified to use the new Chinese land attack cruise missile (HN-3).
268. Tom Cruise is famous for his lady-killer grin and cocky demeanor.
269. Cruise said, "Water Dragon" in the surface waters of broad, and its causes is the tornado.
270. The mature male squid was caught during a deep-water research cruise on the Patagonian slope.
271. Hop on the Swing Car and prepare to zip, zoom & cruise!
272. His "superliner of the skies" would also contain cabins resembling those on a luxury cruise ship.




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