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单词 Widow
1. A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent. 
2. The widow gossiped about her neighbors.
3. She has been a widow for ten years.
4. Police have condemned the theft from an elderly widow as despicable.
5. Tony hobnobbed with an attractive widow when he lived in Metz.
6. He leaves a widow and two children.
7. The sorrowful widow begged for mercy.
8. Martha was a very rich young widow.
9. The widow and children are very poorly off.
10. The widow has willed away all her fortune.
11. The widow is in possession of a large fortune.
12. He married his brother's widow.
13. He left a widow and two children.
14. The widow weltered in tears.
15. His widow has taken over the running of his empire,() including six London theatres.
16. A widow, she is the sole provider for her family.
17. She's been a golf widow since she gave her husband his first set of clubs.
18. The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband's side.
19. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.
20. The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.
21. The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence.
22. There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.
24. She's a widow now.
25. He died in March leaving a widow and three children.
26. Dave Gilmore is currently appearing as Widow Twanky in the Arts Theatre's production of "Puss in Boots".
27. The woman offered written affidavits proving that she was the widow of Pancho Villa.
28. I just put my mind ghost town guest a widow.
29. He hadn't been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow.
30. He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.
1. The widow gossiped about her neighbors.
2. The woman offered written affidavits proving that she was the widow of Pancho Villa.
3. Martha was a very rich young widow.
4. The widow is in possession of a large fortune.
5. She's a widow now.
31. His widow, Cheryl, lives in Houston.
32. His widow sued the defendants for negligence.
33. My wife is a kayak widow now.
34. The black widow spider and its relatives produce neurotoxins.
35. The owner's so nice, another widow.
36. There the widow was recovering damages for the death of the original victim of the defendant's negligence.
37. One of them, Merovech, attempted to outwit his stepmother by marrying Sigibert's widow, Brunhild.
38. If a widow had an illegitimate child, outdoor relief was likely to be stopped altogether.
39. Linda leant out of the widow and shouted out my name.
40. My dear child, Richard Talbot would never have left his widow alone.
41. Pepita had been trying to remember the events that led up to being bitten by the black widow spider.
42. The black widow spider has red-orange markings on its body.
43. When his son became an official in town, he left his old lady at home like some kind of grass widow.
44. There are stories about the ant and a black widow spider.
45. Scientists are now making use of the black widow spider's venom to help them understand disabling human diseases.
46. Wilkie, who describes himself modestly as a working journalist, then tracked down the poet's widow.
47. Marcos's widow Imelda broke down in tears but her daughters Imee and Irene maintained their composure.
48. Her husband, who had become increasingly dear to her, left her a widow after forty years of marriage.
49. Mrs Smith is a widow living in a small council flat in Bermondsey.
50. As soon as it is sold the 58-year-old widow plans to move into the mobile home in nearby Laguna Beach.
51. His widow has blocked all plans to complete the story.
52. She is a petite, trim widow of 73 who dresses stylishly and lives in a beautifully decorated Longwood home.http:///widow.html
53. She and Gwen, a fellow widow and expatriate, were booked on an escorted tour of the Holy Land.
54. Black widow venom affects the muscles, and may cause severe cramping in the abdomen and other parts of the body.
55. I am sure that the House will join me in sending our condolences to his widow and children.
56. When the company finally makes a small offer to the widow, her lawyer will have his say, too.
57. His grief-stricken widow destroyed all his cricket clothes and equipment.
58. She was an ageless woman, this widow of a sea-captain.
59. Major Hartley-Harrington's widow was a big, brusque woman, with muscular legs and a nose she could look down.
60. Widow birds have thick black tails many times the lengths of their bodies, which they flaunt while flying above the grass.
61. He had designed the first chemist shops, and died bequeathing his widow and three daughters some valuable property in Nottingham.
62. Mrs B is an 86-year-old widow, living alone in a two-apartment flat.
63. She was a widow, fleshy, piggy-eyed, slack-mouthed, with a taste for sweet sherry.
64. The excused forewoman is a 55-year-old widow who works as a supervisor for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
65. Fittingly, the winning team trophy was handed over to Lance Corporal Manning's widow, Elaine.
66. A brief discussion of how to control the page layout and how to avoid widow and orphan line is provided below.
67. The widow in question is hardly spending dark days adorned in black.
68. His widow gathers his old mates together to prepare the funeral orations.
69. Joan herself was a widow, and as an ex-nurse she befriended Stanley and began to care for him.
70. When I first answered the ad in the paper and said I was a widow, that was different.
71. It was a strange sensation to have them on - more intimate than sleeping with his widow.
72. How this rock widow and ageing wild child cons, manipulates and exploits the sharks makes for a delightful tale of revenge.
73. Mrs Lowenstein is a widow who owns considerable property in the neighborhood.
74. Mrs. Archer, who had long been a widow, lived with her son and daughter in West Twenty-eighth Street.
75. The claim by the widow was allowed by the court applying the direct consequence test for remoteness.
76. Cause of death would have been of purely academic interest to the deceased man's widow.
77. Out in the hallway(), the new widow started screaming at the priest and the doctor.
78. A 33-year-old widow with four children in my constituency lost free school meals and housing benefit - a total loss of £25.
79. Sammler noticed how his widow tended now to impersonate him.
80. He died of exposure, and his widow received the usual death allowance of £20.
81. The victim's widow is considering a private prosecution after Elliot was acquitted of murder.
82. One measure he took to bolster his position was to marry Sigibert's widow, Brunhild.
82. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
83. He was built like a black widow spider, his chest and shoulders so large that it diminished his limbs.
84. To his grief, Donny's widow would not find it in her heart to speak to him again.
85. The widow of Sir Brian Stapleton left a collection of books which included Rolle's psalter.
86. A ceremony was held to mark the occasion and's widow is pictured planting the tree with managing director.
87. A black widow spider has a distinctive red hourglass marking on its stomach.
88. Consequently a widow or widower will enjoy a higher retirement income than if or she had been single when they retired.
89. There was no elderly widow to con, but there was an empty house, and one he knew well.
90. She renounced the role of tragic widow with an austerity that irritated her would-be saviours.
91. He describes lodging in the beautifully furnished house of a respectable widow with artistic tastes, who had been impoverished by inflation.
92. But he died rather young, leaving his widow to carry on the farm and bring up their three children.
93. She was a war widow and worked round the clock in her efforts to bring up a young family by herself.
94. On the present occasion he was convicted of attempting to rape and then murdering an 81-year-old widow.
95. The widow, a Quaker, would seem to have been a devotee of herbal medicine and various other quack cures.
96. He left a son and heir, John, aged twenty-two, and a widow, who died in 1349.
97. In the movie, Reynolds plays a widow sublimely adjusted to retired life in San Francisco.
98. When he died, the widow came down here once to sign the papers when the place was sold.
99. Often the horror and humility of her widowhood would drive a young widow to follow her husband on his burning pyre.
100. One widow wrote to thank the organisers and said it was the most moving service she had ever attended.
101. Yet there is that nearly irresistible need for lawyers to smear their adversary, even a grieving widow.
102. Much of the money owed was Brian's personal debt that his widow is not liable for.
103. A widow lives in the house just across the road.
104. Edward's parents sent their condolences, attended the ceremony at chapel and graveside, and Mrs Thomas visited the widow.
105. He added his approval to the proposed monetary awards for Leonhard Euler and the widow of Tobias Mayer.
106. Pope was given a leaving present of £25, soon supplemented by a further £25 to his widow.
107. Hepplewhite had died intestate at Redcross Street by 27 June 1786, when administration was granted to his widow, Alice.
108. The death of Vial left his widow in parlous straits.
109. The widow advertised herself as "without encumbrance".
110. The young man became enamoured of an attractive widow.
111. At the center of the case is a 38-year-old Salt Lake City widow, Gayle Burns (pictured).
112. Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the orphan and the widow in their distress, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
112. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
113. Up! go now to Zarephath, in Zidon, and make your living-place there; I have given orders to a widow woman there to see that you have food.
114. Mrs. Bates, the widow of a former vicar of Highbury, was a very old lady, almost past every thing but tea and quadrille.
115. From his early years as the son of a widow abandoned by her clan, he showed remarkable ability as a charismatic leader and unifier .
116. Some crash into tall buildings, telephone poles, or even widow panes.
117. But all that the widow of the high Anglo-Indian official said to me was: "Come along, Ruby, have a cup of tea."
118. There is also poverty, convincingly etched in the statistics, and etched too, in the lives of people like Hortensia Cabrera, mother of 14, widow.
119. Lemuel Struthers, the widow of Struthers's Shoe-polish, who had returned the previous year from a long initiatory sojourn in Europe to lay siege to the tight little citadel of New York.
120. The suggestion of some ulterior motive for the affair, particularly ambition, was risible in a way that the widow could not have imagined.
121. Without a will Chen Qiang's widow was only able to deal with Chen Qiang's shares in the company after the Grant of Letter of Administration unsteady of immediately had he made a will.
122. Orly claimed Majerik became her client after she helped the widow prevail in a lawsuit against another matchmaker.
123. Durga Neupane, an organizer and a widow, said activists would mobilize widows throughout the nation if the government failed to scrap the decision by Friday.
124. Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
125. All these make the widow flimsiness and independence coexist. So the widow has weak right of succession, passive amenability position in family and the possible property management.
126. The government offers meager help: a $130 annual payment to each widow, and a ration card for rice and oil.
127. It's only Leviticus that mentions the poor. For Deuteronomy, it's those who really can't provide for themselves: the widow, the orphan and the stranger who may not be able to find employment.
128. In the morning the Anglo-Indian widow sent for me to breakfast.
129. I happened to get acquainted with the widow of some departed high Anglo-Indian official.
130. and if any one says anything to you, as they probably will, being but men, you can chaff back a bit, of course, but remember you're a widow woman, quite alone in the world, with a character to lose.
131. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.
132. We get to know Cosey through the memories of five women who survive and love him: his granddaughter, his widow, two former employees, and a homeless young girl.
133. Hammerman, 66, a widow with a grown son, decided to smuggle her to the beach.
134. Large numbers of chaste widow and worthy daughters-in-law appeared in thee reords of Shanxi province in Qing Dynasty.
135. When asked if anyone had ever told her that she talked too much, Amaiza responded to Solo that one previous acquaintance had, and that "his widow was living it up on Bestine with his death benefits."
136. "Liviu was a believer in Maimonides's principle that 'God is the only one we may serve and praise, there are no intermediaries between us and God, " says Marilena Librescu, his widow.
137. At 25, he became a commercial agent for a rich widow, whom he soon married.
138. The Bible specially instructs God's children to care for the widow, orphan and the sojourner in their midst.
139. But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.
140. He had bought a new horse and he wanted the widow's opinion of it, for the Widow Stimson was a competent judge of fine horseflesh.
141. Sir Paul was given them by his late wife, Linda, who'd bought them at a sale staged by Magritte's widow, Georgette.
142. During the Victorian and Edwardian ages,[http:///widow.html] a widow was expected to wear several stages of mourning dress for at least two years.
143. Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth 2)symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
144. I'm a grass widow at present, my husband is on voyage to Japan.
145. "Before getting the certificate in my name, it was just socially understood that the land belonged to my husband," says Tashegu Woretaw, 48, a widow with a hectare of land near Mamo's farm.
146. A couple on a bench become a woman's face; a peaceful walkway becomes a conflagration; a weeping widow morphs into an obelisk for an unknown soldier.
147. Why can't the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole?
148. In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow.
149. And Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda, Solomon's servant, whose mother's name was Zeruah, a widow woman, even he lifted up his hand against the king.
150. Turgenev had wrotten a novel, named by Cabbage Soup: A poor peasant widow, but her only son died.
151. Rich widow are only secondhand goods that sell at first - class price.
152. Then one day, the ranchers widow said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job and the ranch looks great."
153. Scandal ensued when Todd's best friend, American crooner Eddie Fisher, then married his widow.
154. When thou beatest thine olive-tree, thou shalt not go over the boughs again: it shall be for the sojourner, for the fatherless, and for the widow.
155. In 1983, Don's father died, and one of the first things his widow did was hire a private investigator.
156. Mourners are remembering Lady Bird Johnson, the widow of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson will lie in repose until Saturday.
157. Nearly Headless Nick tells us that the Wailing Widow travelled all the way to Hogwarts from Kent to attend his Deathday Party in.
158. Every weekend my husband goes off golfing ; I'm tired "being a grass widow ."
159. This later led to a legal battle between Apple Corp, owned by Beatles band members Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono.
160. No sheriff in Louisiana or spurned widow could ever have tracked him to the Lorelei.
161. Every weekend my husband goes off golfing; I'm tired of being a grass widow .
162. Ordinary widow glass is used to serve as substrate and encapsulation materials of the cadmium sulphide thin film solar cells, which is encapsulated by all-glass for terrestrial application.
163. As a soldiery's widow, her love has a bloody full stop and left two childrens and her.
164. For instance, a widow from Pontiac calls about her husband, a veteran who's just died.
165. "Wonderful, " said St. Timon, "the Honorable Mrs. Coran, a widow.
166. His plea deal was announced after special Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood consulted with defense and prosecution attorneys, the two surviving administrators and the widow of the man who died.
167. Grass widow: the angel a man loved, the human he married, and the devil he.
168. His widow Aleida March said she'd decided to publish the unedited writings, Diary of a Combatant, so that readers could get to know him just as he was.
169. From more enemies than I can name, with swords beyond count ... this is what you'd have the poor widow believe?
170. And Widow Maker, in the end, caused the biggest problem for Pecos Bill.
171. Following Aalto's death in 1976 his office continued to operate, under the direction of his widow, Elissa. The office was involved in completing works already to some extent designed.
172. The Merry Widow is an excellent work of Franz Lehar,[] a milestone in the history of Viennese operetta and a gem of the operetta.
173. "Rot your tongue! " said Lota. "Our master has no concubines. That young woman is his adopted daughter and a widow. "
174. He buys shoe polish for boys who support themselves by shining shoes. He pays the rent for a widow whose daughter is undergoing multiple spine surgeries.
175. You prayed to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the wet street.
176. Lehar's Merry Widow Waltz sung as a lullaby with guided visualizations to release the mind and body into renewing sleep.
177. My friends, fifty-four years ago this week I was born in a summer storm to a young widow in a small southern town.
178. Ally is asked to be a pallbearer at the funeral of her ex-law professor, but in the process must confront his widow about how well she knew the man.
179. Let us look at Ruth, she is a Moabitess from a poor and humble origins. She is a widow returning from the Gentiles.
180. As everyone knows, he was camel-driver to a rich widow whom he loved and ultimately married. It was her capital which supported him throughout the early unremunerative years of the prophet business.
181. "Hardly ever, " laughed the widow, good-naturedly, "and I don't want to lose the chance.
182. No wonder he will many the widow, she is a millionairess.
183. Sati was a Hindu funeral custom, now very rare and a serious criminal act in India, in which the dead man's widow would throw herself on her husband's funeral pyre in order to commit suicide.




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