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单词 macrocosm
释义  mac·ro·cos·m /ˈmækrəʊˌkɒzəm $ -kroʊˌkɑː-/ noun [countable]  ALL/EVERYTHINGa large complicated system such as the whole universe or a society, considered as a single unit 〔视为单一体系的〕大而复杂的系统;整个宇宙;宏观世界 OPP microcosmExamples from the Corpusmacrocosm• The Germanic mind is highly amenable to the belief in correspondences between the Universe and Man - between microcosm and macrocosm.• For us the individual is a microcosm of the social macrocosm.• The picture is of a freely developing microcosm whose internal dynamics nevertheless parallel those of the social macrocosm.• When the microcosm presents an experience of the macrocosm, it is dramatic indeed.• This is not to be confused with the framing of part of a limitless series, a microcosmic view of the macrocosm.• Belief in the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm and viceversa does not produce some bland reflection of a theory of stable order.Origin macrocosm (1600-1700) Medieval Latin macrocosmos, from Latin macro- ( → MACRO-) + Greek kosmos ( → COSMOS)mac·ro·cos·m nounChineseSyllable  a the whole Corpus as large universe or complicated such system




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