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单词 Uncomplicated
1. She is a beautiful, uncomplicated girl.
2. Why can't I have an uncomplicated life?
3. Uncomplicated computer interface that is truly easy to use.
4. Some cases are uncomplicated with a good prognosis while others are difficult to manage with a poor anticipated outcome.
5. So would I. You need to be uncomplicated, maybe, to sacrifice yourself willingly.
6. Indeed, Schiffer's natural beauty is as uncomplicated as the mineral water that she appears to live on.
7. There was, however, no significant difference between the uncomplicated Barrett's patients and those with complications.
8. But cleaning your windows is not the uncomplicated, value-neutral endeavor you thought it was.
9. Mathilde's friendship was uncomplicated and undemanding, with no element of passion or competition.
10. They stressed the manufacture of uncomplicated and easily repaired weapons.
11. He invented thermograph and uncomplicated telescope and microscope.
12. This uncomplicated method is really functional.
13. Uncomplicated high blood pressure usually occurs without any symptoms.
14. The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.
15. Yvonne's arrival was at once delightful and uncomplicated.
16. Should we treat uncomplicated symptomatic diverticular disease with fibre?
17. Uncomplicated expansion of the system.
18. Advocate an uncomplicated and harmonious interpersonal relationship.
19. Wound healing uncomplicated with no evidence of recurrence at 3 months.
20. Uncomplicated pyelonephritis is usually caused by E . coli .
21. Play consecutive altissimo notes with most logical and uncomplicated fingerings that work well together.
22. In spite of the fascinating biological response, the ultimate chemical structure had turned out to be remarkably uncomplicated.
23. What is really great about this guitar is that it is such an uncomplicated affair.
24. And yet, such sensitive elongations the anteater had, too, uncomplicated by assertions of power, even over ants.
25. In the United Kingdom over 95 percent of males with acute, uncomplicated gonorrhoea will develop symptoms of some sort.
26. How I had despised his brutishness then, and how I longed for his toughness, his uncomplicated, animal certainty now.
27. Those run charts and their analysis will suffice for the most whose products involve uncomplicated processes.
28. And, according to Smith, a success rate of more than 90 percent is attainable in simple, uncomplicated cases.
29. Cognition is to do with the rational domain: logic, reasoning and problem solving uncomplicated by irrational behaviour.
30. But it was who she was in the eyes of Henry and Ted that she cherished the most: sure-handed and efficient at her job, quiet yet at times chatty, uncomplicated.
31. In fact she was twelve, a happy, uncomplicated child with a nature as open as the red hibiscus that decorated her black, waist-length hair.
32. Routine laboratory tests frequently indicate a relative lymphocytosis in uncomplicated parotitis.
33. Their lives are uncomplicated and few Amish leave their homes to enter the mainstream American society.
34. AIM: To explore the effect and safety of dihydroartemisinin piperaquine(DP) phosphate tablet in treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in battambang of Combodia.
35. With open shop for inheritance award-winning uncomplicated, full-time immersed collection.
36. I see playfulness, reminiscing a time when we take pleasures in things uncomplicated.
37. In sharp contrast with his predecessor, his trip was a simple matter. By comparison, his staff was minimal, and his itinerary uncomplicated.
38. This Cabernet Sauvignon is a fruity and uncomplicated red wine.
39. We propose a conservative management of large,(http:///uncomplicated.html) uncomplicated neonatal ovarian cysts.
40. Treatment of uncomplicated CP is usually conservative with the major aim being to effectively alleviate pain, maldigestion and diabetes, and consequently, to improve the patient's quality of life.
41. Except for immunocompromised patients, those infected with an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus have experienced typical uncomplicated influenza symptoms.
42. For more information, go to Health Care Expenditures for Uncomplicated Pregnancies.
43. This homogenization simplifies and uncomplicated the world enough to model It'sanely.
44. Objective To evaluate postoperative laser photocoagulation by binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy in patients with uncomplicated retinal detachment (RD) treated with scleral buckling surgery.
45. An existing extension language, such as Tool Command Language (Tcl), was avoided to keep this capability uncomplicated.
46. Good looking, easy, and uncomplicated, just the way I like them.
47. The patient underwent an uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There were no unusual anatomical variations.
48. You value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated.
49. A flavor so familiar, so uncomplicated its utter simplicity renders itself as a frozen dessert to luxuriate.
50. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of dihydroartemisinin—mefloquine on acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria.
51. It is true that not all technologies are so uncomplicated.
52. Would-be mothers who conceive within six months of a first miscarriage are more likely to have a successful and uncomplicated subsequent pregnancy, according to a study in the British Medical Journal.
53. Also, no association was seen between the foods and development of uncomplicated diverticulosis .
54. You value a natural style and love that which uncomplicated.




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