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单词 Single-handedly
1 She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics.
2 She brought up three children single-handedly.
3 She single-handedly saved the town from disaster.
4 I mean, tackling six men single-handedly - that really is the ultimate in stupidity!
5 She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice .
6 Oh, right,[] this is the Tonelli family that single-handedly started an evangelical church in Buffalo.
7 But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system.
8 With dizzying speed, the tiny label almost single-handedly ignited the hip-hop revolution that made rap a household word.
9 Rolly single-handedly attempted to apprehend the youths, put out the fire and administer first aid to barman Wheeler.
10 He almost single-handedly brokered a peace deal with secessionist rebels in Chechnya last fall, thereby ending an inordinately bloody war.
11 Nader almost single-handedly changed the public's opinion of the big car companies.
12 If I am ferreting single-handedly there is no need for any other digging implement.
13 He had single-handedly turned the Swan from a down-at-heel spit and gob saloon to a down-at-heel success.
14 At times, he seemed to have to cope single-handedly with everything that came from the Opposition.
15 Preston shrugged, as one did who had just single-handedly dispatched a Beast who Rode the Underground.
16 Olga Korbut single-handedly turned gymnastics into a major event.
17 He's single-handedly responsible for tens of thousands of acres being set aside to preserve kudu, crucial trails connecting habitats, and an ancient trade route essential to local livelihoods.
18 In this story, Kenobi single-handedly foils the attempts of the Merson pirates to attack a luxury liner.
19 She faces the herculean task of bringing up four children single-handedly.
20 He has pulled off an extraordinary feat in completing the voyage single-handedly.
21 Collor nurtured the idea that he was a superman, who single-handedly could resolve Brazil's crisis.
22 Only the female can guarantee her parenthood, and to her descends the task of single-handedly rearing the young.
23 Sometimes I would feel immensely powerful, feel that I, single-handedly, might change the course of Woolf scholarship.
24 Do we think we have to win all battles single-handedly when we know you have already won the war?
25 But it is doubtful whether, if elected, he could single-handedly change the timetable at such a late stage.
26 It was then left in the hands of head gardener Ken Vaughn, who ran it single-handedly for 30 years.
27 Samson routinely got into fights, and once killed 1000 Philistines single-handedly and then gloated over it, showing no remorse.
28 He co-authored the first Dalek movie, and wrote dialogue for the second virtually single-handedly.
29 Pecos Bill was the hero of American cowboys . Bill almost single-handedly tamed the rough wilderness in the American Southwest. He was so tough he used a rattlesnake for a lasso to rope in his cattle.
30 Darwin made it clear once again that?as Maimonides, Avicenna, Aquinas and Eckhart had already pointed out?we cannot regard God simply as a divine personality, who single-handedly created the world.
31 To this day Crocodiles almost single-handedly defines what it meant to be young and impossibly cool on Merseyside.
32 The new secretary is still unthaudio-videoailable at could work single-handedly air conditioningquireitionfriend incompetency may cause her to lose the job.
33 You have single-handedly ballsed up the best opportunity we've had!




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