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单词 loony bin
释义  ˈloony bin noun [countable] informal  MHMPan expression meaning a hospital for people who are mentally ill, usually considered offensive 疯人院,精神病院〔一般被认为具有冒犯性〕 SYN psychiatric hospitalExamples from the Corpusloony bin• Perhaps that means it's raising money for a loony bin.• What kind of a loony bin have they got down there in Berkeley, anyway?• On the floor above the loony bin, nobody quite knew what took place.• It was Day Release at the loony bin.• Make one misstep marketing creamed corn and you could end up in the loony bin.• Even if it wasn't quite enough finesse to keep him out of the loony bin.ˈloony bin nounChineseSyllable  meaning who hospital for expression a are people Corpus an




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