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单词 long jump
释义  ˈlong jump noun  the long jump DSOa sport in which each competitor tries to jump further than anyone else 跳远 → high jump —long jumper noun [countable]Examples from the Corpuslong jump• Was it Carl Lewis falling prostrate after his gold medal long jump?• They will also clash in the senior women's long jump and the shot.• Ewry also took the standing long jump at 11-4 and the standing triple jump with a whopping 37-7.• But agile he isn't; witness this rather half-hearted attempt at the long jump.• He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints.• This is one country where he never was going to grab the gold medal in the long jump.• Carl Lewis has done it in the 100 and 200 meters, tossing in the long jump for good measure.• I hurt my foot in the last round of the long jump.ˈlong jump nounChineseSyllable  sport in Corpus further each than a to jump tries which competitor




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