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单词 Lower bound
1. Hence a reasonable lower bound is the maximum gradient of the radius vector in the interval blackout point, whiteout point.
2. Practically, the lower bound for the fed funds rate may be somewhat higher than zero.
3. The lower bound of the probability of error estimation was presented by Bahadur.
4. The upper bound and lower bound theorem of classical plasticity theory and corresponding FEM is applied to analyze the bearing capacity of gravity dam for judging the stability of the dam.
5. Moreover, the application of lower bound theorem is especially difficult.
6. The storage costs still imply a lower bound, but one below zero.
7. The new lower bound will decrease, and its selection is easy and effective.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Based on the lower bound theorem of limit analysis theory, the admissible stress field is modeled using finite elements.
9. The lower bound is always zero, whether you specify it or not.
10. An almost lower bound is defined similarly as an almost upper bound.
11. In addition, lower bounds on correlation function of such sequence set are improved, a new lower bound, for those ZCZ sequences which don't meet lower bound, is presented.
12. The greatest lower bound of A is also called the infimum of A.
13. SHN _ LORESERVE : This value specifies lower bound of the range of reserved indexes.
14. It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
15. Based on the rigid plastic assumption for soil materials, adopting lower bound theorem(), the bearing capacity of rectangular surface footing was calculated.
16. Recent model-based estimates assume a single transition to a new ploidal level within a genus and provide a lower bound of the polyploidy speciation rate: 2 to 4% in flowering plants and 7% in ferns.
17. Second, even if we accept the existence of a lower bound, it might not be zero.
18. This result shows that an approximate compatible solution will give a lower bound.
19. Degree sum conditions of ID-factor-critical graphs are studied. A lower bound for the degree sum of any two nonadjacent vertices such that G is ID-factor-critical is obtained, and the bound is sharp.
20. This paper revealed an optimized strategy to search for systolic array transformations for nested loops, when the upper and lower bound of inner index was affine functions of there outer loop indexes.
21. For the non-SACK test cases, I used the typical length of the delayed ACK queue reported by the client as an approximation of the lower bound of the sender's window size.
22. Safety factors of slope stability analysis and limit bearing capacities of footings were solved by adopting lower bound theorem of limit analysis.
23. The stability problems of steel structure are studied using the method of probability analysis and stability lower bound theorem from three respects.
24. In this paper, we use the method of the estimated characteristic function to estimate a lower bound of the first eigenvalue on compact Riemann manifold.
25. Then, by a class of examples from algebraic-geometric codes on Hermitian curves, we show that the Goppa′s standard lower bound of the codes can be improved significantly in some cases.
26. When passed a dimension, the function returns the nominal value even if the dimension is set to the upper or lower bound.
27. In this paper properties of AFE and influences of frequency bias are analyzed, and formula on estimated variance lower bound is derived, and condition which is required by the bound is got.
28. For the linear weighted regression model, this paper defines a new relative efficiency, gives its lower bound and also discusses its relation to other three efficiencies.
29. The tree structure of large organizations sets an bound on freedom, not a lower bound.
30. The pressure in a perfect gas, being directly proportional to the kinetic energy of the molecules, has a lower bound of zero.
31. People can get a list of ascending lower bound of minimum matching error and cut the useless search branch to get higher efficiency by the list of lower bound.
32. The lower bound of the subrange must not be greater than the upper bound.
33. In this paper, we gives a new lower bound estimation for the rank of a matrix, and im- prove the result of.
34. The influence of the heterogeneous structure on the local voidage in the dense region was characterized by introducing the lower bound of local voidage and the heterogeneous influence coefficient.
35. In this paper, the lower bound problems of the maximum genus and the genus distributions of digraphs in orientable surfaces are studied.
36. The paper gives a lower bound and a relation with the generalized relative coefficient where the design matrix is nonsingular in the model.
37. The zero lower bound is one of the great myths of monetary economics.
38. And we at the zero lower bound right now, for the first time in 70 years.
39. The greatest lower bound of constraint was the bound of tasks for satisfying the constraint and can be used to guarantee the "meet row" weakly hard real-time constraint.




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