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单词 life-threatening
释义  ˈlife-ˌthreatening adjective  a life-threatening situation, illness, or injury could cause a person to die 危及生命的,威胁着生命的,可能致命的 → fatal► see thesaurus at seriousExamples from the Corpuslife-threatening• Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.• Slipping and injuring yourself in the bath is not only painful but life-threatening.• Anxiety about life-threatening diseases, dead-end jobs and diminishing funds.• Whether they are driving too fast or drinking and driving or using life-threatening drugs, teenagers frequently engage in risk-taking behavior.• If the infection is unchecked, peritonitis may follow and gonorrhoea becomes a life-threatening emergency.• Its role in alleviating the pain and distress of non life-threatening illness is ignored.• The most critical is a life-threatening weakness in the aorta -- the major blood vessel from the heart.ˈlife-ˌthreatening adjectiveChineseSyllable  life-threatening person illness, could Corpus a or situation, a injury cause




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