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单词 Adultery
1, Many people in public life have committed adultery.
2, to commit murder / adultery, etc.
3, Adultery was a ground for divorce.
4, She had committed adultery on several occasions.
5, He admitted adultery with several women.
6, He cited adultery as grounds for divorce.
7, She suspected her husband had committed adultery.
8, I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.
9, Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.
10, The Bible says adultery is a sin.
11, He was convicted of adultery and indecent assault.
12, She finally left her husband because of his adultery.
13, Had the woman committed adultery or not? they wondered.
14, Call it adultery if you insist.
15, Why then has the military insisted that adultery is a crime?
16, A trickster who constantly committed adultery - and then left her facing a mountain of debt.
17, If both parties committed abandonment, adultery, or extreme cruelty(), the union was still held to be inviolate.
18, Although he was on home ground,[http:///adultery.html] his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.
19, She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.
20, He had compounded a number of venial failings with the mortal sin of adultery.
21, In 1989 more than 25,000 divorce decrees were made because of the husband's adultery, 18,000 because of the wife's.
22, The Church considers marriage an indissoluble union; remarriage without the benefit of an annulment is understood to be adultery.
23, And, more important, the military certainly has not lost its ability to fight and win wars because adultery is prohibited.
24, Had the court believed her, the men could have been convicted of adultery and stoned to death.
25, Mubsan is a legal concept; it comes into play in cases of adultery, where it can increase the penalty.
26, The pin-headed young woman was being surprised by her husband in the throes of simulated adultery.
27, For the first time he was tempted to commit scientific adultery.
28, Men or women convicted of drinking alcohol or committing adultery may be lashed in public 100 times.
29, And it appears that the aggregate number of partners in heterosexual adultery is quite low.
30, That may be the most notable legacy of this affair: a Republican leader questioning enforcement of rules against adultery!
1, Many people in public life have committed adultery.
2, to commit murder / adultery, etc.
3, Adultery was a ground for divorce.
31, Infidelity had become freshly dangerous, potentially much more lethal to a marriage than adultery had been previously.
32, Adultery was the sole ground, but a wife could only divorce her husband if accompanied by some other matrimonial transgression.
33, Adultery rather than years of abusiveness towards his wife prompted the church board to take disciplinary action against her husband.
34, Second, brief mention should be made of the law relating to adultery.
35, The revelation of his adultery scuttled his chances of replacing Gen.
36, He pardoned the woman taken in adultery and cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene.
37, Do you know what Nabokov said about adultery in his lecture on Madame Bovary?
38, Smith admits he did wrong by committing adultery with the wife of a Marine sergeant, while the enlisted man was overseas.
39, A Inc., has been Baccused of mishandling church funds and committing adultery.
40, In hunter-gatherer societies the male opportunist streak would have been far more easily satisfied by adultery than by polygamy.
41, Adultery is seen as natural for a man, but a serious offence for a woman.
42, Marriage was expected to last for life and adultery and fornication were punished in the ecclesiastical courts.
43, Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary.
44, Sexy young blond women, both committing adultery, turn up as victims early on.
45, By 2015, the charge of adultery had become a convenient way of silencing women who protested anything.
46, This is a backward and cruel society, in which people are executed for homosexuality and adultery.
47, A little adultery now and then was harmless. As harmless as the man himself.
48, Marriage in his eyes is sacred; adultery the unforgivable sin.http://
49, To make matters worse it is clear that much troubadour poetry was concerned with adultery.
50, But the teaching does treat adultery and divorce with the seriousness it deserves.
51, But how long do you have to decide whether her adultery should end in divorce?
52, Marital dissatisfaction can lead to adultery which, in turn, exacerbates dissatisfaction in a vicious circle.
53, I wanted to hear from people who were prepared to talk about adultery with stories that would work on television.
54, And the sad fact is that the military has not gained anything by making adultery a crime.
55, She divorced me because of my unreliable behaviour and adultery, but wherever I go she is in my thoughts.
56, One obvious example is the almost universal ban against committing adultery with another man s wife.
57, As we shall see, the lesson they teach is that we are designed for a system of monogamy plagued by adultery.
58, Crowley's wife divorced him on grounds of admitted adultery in 1910.
59, Not only was the act of adultery wrong, but even a lustful look.
60, They include theft, adultery and fornication, wine drinking, highway banditry, apostasy to of the faith and rebellion.
61, He'd committed adultery with the wife of the local steward - the land agent for the lord of the manor.
62, First, usury is not intrinsically wrong in the way that murder, adultery or theft are wrong.
63, Garth was found guilty of violating a lawful general regulation, indecent assault and adultery, and using indecent language.
64, 60% of men admit to committing adultery at some time during their marriages.
65, Adultery would be punished by lapidation.
66, That is a case of adultery.
67, Adultery is a mortal sin.
68, He was accused of committing adultery .
69, To me he committed the most deadly crime, of adultery.
70, Presidential rage was excited by the observation, as it were, that the vicar was committing adultery behind the presbytery.
71, But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
72, One thing for you to remember when coping with adultery, is to realize that the adulterous marriage partner does not understand the full consequences of their actions.
73, Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery , are among the many crimes laid to their charge.
74, One of the hardest things in coping with adultery is to actually forgive the marriage partner that has committed the adulterous act.
75, Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, "Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
76, In some countries sexual crimes, such as rape, adultery, incest and sodomy, carry the death penalty.
77, I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and commits adultery.
78, When the damage was done adultery became as unimportant as friendship.
78, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
79, The king then married Catherine Howard, who, in 1542, was convicted of adultery and executed.
80, Adultery by the woman is the only ground for divorce mentioned by him.
81, Under Iran's Islamic law, adultery is still punishable by stoning, which involves the hurling of stones in public at a partially buried convict.
82, She was originally sentenced to 99 lashes for adultery, but her case was reopened when a court in Tabriz suspected her of murdering her husband.
83, In the Apocrypha , a captive in Babylon who was falsely accused of adultery and was rescued by Daniel.
84, Iran's government is denying reports that an Iranian woman convicted of adultery will be executed by stoning, though her death sentence may still be carried out by some other method.
85, Therefore your daughters turn to prostitution and your daughters-in-law to adultery.
86, I had this song about adultery that was written as a duet.
87, They're less prone to adultery than Americans but more forgiving when their politicians philander.
88, The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery.
89, In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ Jesus tells us that "the man who has looked upon a woman with desire has, in fact, already committed adultery."
90, He conceded he was guilty of adultery, but he declared he was innocent of charges of felonious sexual assault.
91, And, despite all the adultery and cuckoldry that goes on in the world, it is the husband who fathers most of the children.
92, But I tell you this: anyone who looks at a woman to lustfully has in fact already committed adultery with her in his heart.
93, In ancient India, adultery was punished by amputation of the nose.
94, I'm sure the woman the Pharisees took in adultery didn't look half so pale.
95, Snyder says Fatal Attraction , a cautionary tale about the dangers of adultery, a similar theme.
96, For the women fo the upper east side, adultery is pathologically ignored.
97, Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky.
98, A marriage partner must also remember that the adulterous partner does not really understand how much adultery affects the marriage and the family.
99, Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation.
100, For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying , and slander.
101, While David was king, he was guilty of murder and adultery (2 Samuel 11).
102, A wife confess to her husband that she has committed adultery. He forgives her, continues to live with her, and has sexual relation with her.
103, But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
104, Matthew 5:28, for instance, says, "But I say unto you, that whosoever look unto a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
105, If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
106, A man found guilty of adultery has been stoned to death in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, judiciary spokesman said Tuesday.
107, Adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife.
108, The only way out was divorce; the only grounds were adultery.
109, And among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen something horrible: They commit adultery and live a lie.
110, This constrained and messy adultery was a damned poor substitute for having a wife.
111, Now if thou commit no adultery , yet if thou kill,[Sentence dictionary] thou art transgressor of the law.
112, But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.
113, For out of the heart come evil thoughts , murder, adultery , sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
114, Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another , committeth adultery.
115, You have heard that it was said 'You shall not commit adultery. ' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
116, When, later, Atreus discovered that Thyestes had committed adultery with Aerope, he could hardly contain his rage.
117, Gemini man is generally too noble-minded to indulge in any kind of adultery, when in a relationship.
118, Ashtiani was convicted of adultery in 2006 and was originally sentenced to death by stoning, but the sentence was put on hold earlier this month after an international outcry.
119, Pass into Japan when christian, when the thing that publicizing concubinage, adultery is injustice, a lot of Japanese complain unceasingly, think it disturbed the peace of Japanese family.
120, Crassness, the nature and number of divorces and acts of infidelity, seem to matter. In fact, adultery may be the new divorce.




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