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单词 Maternal
1. Annie was wonderfully warm and maternal.
2. She didn't have any maternal instincts.
3. She had little maternal instinct.
4. Maternal age affects the baby's survival rate.
5. She seems to have a strong maternal instinct .
6. Her maternal grandfather was Mayor of Karachi.
7. Maternal smoking can damage the unborn child.
8. Her feelings towards him were almost maternal.
9. Your maternal instincts go deeper than you think.
10. Every woman has maternal instinct.
11. He is my maternal uncle.
12. She feels very maternal towards him.
13. She is very maternal towards her staff.
14. I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.
15. I'm not very maternal.
16. After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.
17. Maternal smoking increases the risk of low birth weight.
18. There had been no gush of maternal love.
19. Pity probably, and an over-developed maternal instinct.
20. My maternal grandmother was a strong-willed woman.
21. Maternal nutrition may have an important influence on programming.
22. Maternal nutrition may be an important influence on programming.
23. Gertrude lacks any maternal instinct.
24. And different from the maternal ideal.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. A strong maternal instinct takes over.
26. Maternal diet is only one of the many factors that can lead to fetal growth retardation.
27. In other studies information on maternal smoking during pregnancy was not available.
28. The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts.
29. The sight of the helpless little boy aroused her maternal instinct.
30. Three drops of herbal potion placed on my tongue by my maternal grandmother saved my life.
1. Annie was wonderfully warm and maternal.
2. She didn't have any maternal instincts.
3. The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts.
4. She had little maternal instinct.
5. Every woman has maternal instinct.
6. He is my maternal uncle.
7. I'm not very maternal.
31. They were to be prepared for their maternal duties and given material assistance to maintain a higher standard of motherhood.
32. Reduced to just the haploid maternal complement of chromosomes, the egg develops into a male.
33. At first, reading this passage I let out a gasp: I had never seen maternal ambivalence described on the page.
34. Illegal abortion was the leading cause of maternal death before Roe v. Wade.
35. I get sort of maternal when I'm around those kids.
36. My oldest sister, Roberta, used to fuss over me in a rather maternal manner.
37. Also, he has the confidence to let me know when I use my maternal prerogative to automatically overrule him.
38. Cognitive impairment in children may follow milder postpartum depression and may be detectable four years after the resolution of maternal symptoms.
39. Each of the two cells now contains a diploid nucleus, containing both maternal and paternal chromosomes.
40. Pataki later revealed that his maternal grandmother and an uncle had entered the country illegally.
41. The relationship between maternal age and infant mortality stands not only across countries and populations but also with passing time.
42. E.'s maternal grandparents applied for residence and contact orders and on 18 February 1992 all the applications were consolidated.
43. It was the only time in her life that she had noticed her maternal grandmother at a disadvantage, on the defensive.
44. It is the attitude, the sense of entitlement that allows for relaxing maternal management.
45. No matter how Gordon may see it, her identification with the maternal ideal runs deep.
46. Her maternal grandparents had come to New York for the occasion.
47. My maternal grandmother, Ke-Son, was the only other person who went with him, as had been planned.
48. When her child was born, Claire was overwhelmed by the strength of her maternal feelings.
49. Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.
50. They would think her maternal instinct outraged at the extraction of her child?
51. Behavioural problems at 3-4 years of age have also been associated with maternal depression, both concurrent and postnatal.
52. What comes through is a totally idealized notion of the maternal, the maternal perhaps as envisaged by a Victorian.
53. The content of the false self rises out of maternal expectations and claims.
54. The third method is maternal transmission between an infected and pregnant woman and her unborn child.
54. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
55. They reported a 60 % higher risk linked to maternal alcohol consumption.
56. What is to be made of this extraordinary permissiveness on the part of the maternal uncle?
57. As Appendix Table A. 10 shows, in the communities studies, rising maternal age has an increasingly deleterious effect on viability.
58. We are to christen this child Pilade, being the name of Ferdinando's maternal grandfather whom he wishes to honour.
59. In some places, it meant maternal mortality and female infanticide.
60. There is still considerable disagreement as to whether maternal experience and emotions during pregnancy can affect the developing child.
61. Her background was middle-class, cultured, my maternal grandfather being a rabbi.
62. It should be noted that, jointly with maternal age, parity is also associated with maternal mortality.
63. Moving in, she was a one-woman gang whose contributions went well beyond the maternal.
64. They also observed a maternal hypoglycaemic response in their subjects in the third trimester.
65. However, no systematic observations have been made of maternal behavior and anxiety or of later infant development in these cases.
66. Acute schizophrenia can severely impair mothering skills when maternal distress leads to distraction and neglect.
67. As mentioned above, the rate of reduction in the level of infant mortality was not uniform in each maternal age group.
68. They're depriving their children of the maternal love that is the child's by right.
69. He didn't know how it had happened, but Sarah was giving all her maternal love to the wrong child.
70. The maternal bond had been cut with the umbilical cord - at birth.
71. Maternal care needs modeling; each generation benefits from the care received by the earlier one.
72. The maternal instinct can't be dumped, even when you've got rid of your baby.
73. She could see no sign of maternal love in her daughter.
74. The real frequency of worldwide maternal mortality may be as much as three to five times higher than this ratio.
75. The older ones were more maternal, and far more reasonable on the whole, with exceptions.
76. Jarrett dismisses excessive birth weight as being secondary to maternal obesity rather than glucose tolerance abnormalities.
77. We suggest that maternal undernutrition, by constraining fetal growth, may programme cardiovascular disease.
78. I had very strong domestic and maternal instincts; there was no way of tramping those down.
79. Ayear after the ban was lifted, the number of maternal deaths fell by half.
80. Even during the operation, performed by other maternal uncles, there is much talking, humour and giving of advice.
81. Though maternal age and birth order have an independent effect on the viability of the fetus, that act together.
82. Maternal transmission is becoming a major problem as increasing numbers of newborn babies enter the world already infected with the AIDS virus.
83. Each extra year of school also reduces the birthrate and cuts maternal deaths.
84. His maternal uncle, William Dauney,[http:///maternal.html] had been an architect in Aberdeen.
85. Aunt Mary was a large, maternal woman who worked as a nurse in a children's hospital.
86. And these patterns determine, at least inpart, the viability of the offspring, infant and childhood mortality conditions and maternal health.
87. Dorothy, the eldest, went to the maternal grandparents, where she stayed for a number of years.
88. Our results pertain to a sample of 101 subjects, in many of whom the birth weight was obtained by maternal recall.
89. It is completely different from the combination of maternal and paternal chromosomes in natural mating mechanisms.
90. Indeed, it is worth remembering that the effect of birth order may vary with maternal age.
91. The main source of data is maternal diary records of the children's language development.
92. This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
93. The sensible diet and strict routine also did him good, but the surrogate maternal love was best of all.
94. Improved nutrition, poverty reduction, maternal education and better medical services have combined to halve infant mortality.
95. He inherited the honorary title from his maternal grandfather, William Harold Pearson.
96. The warm, maternal, caring streak which has characterized her adult life, was becoming evident in her daily life.
97. Maternal infection can result in fetal infection and damage and is estimated to occur in 0-1-0-5% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom.
98. Did the Lord ordain her maternal exile, or had Augustine bartered her pain for his purity?
99. The older girls seemed to feel quite maternal towards the younger ones.
100. Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders.
101. None the less, the London Bills of Mortality suggest that maternal mortality halved from 1700 to 1800.
102. I don't know if it was maternal instinct or what, but I just knew my baby would be okay.
103. To picture your daughter with two boys in the back of a transit van is not exactly conducive to maternal solicitude.
104. Lack of maternal love can have a profound effect on a child's psychological development.
105. She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride.
106. Leigh takes a maternal attitude toward the Chinese girl.
107. Late maternal age has certainly been implicated in mongolism.
108. Results No maternal toxicity and offspring teratogenicity were observed.
109. Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior.
110. My sweetheart is a gentle sika a maternal sika.
111. We analyzed the clinical pathological characteristics of a case of intraplacental choriocarcinoma in a term placenta with maternal and infant metastases and reviewed the literature.
112. The maternal Injury Severity Score, mechanism of injury, and physical findings are unable to adequately predict adverse outcomes such as abruptio placentae and fetal loss.
113. A baby tree shrew, on the other hand, receives perhaps less maternal care than any other baby mammal.
114. As George Bernard Shaw puts it, "The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first-rate man to the exclusive possession of a third-rate one.
114. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
115. B. Maternal position. The mother is usually placed in the dorsal lithotomy position with left lateral tilt.
116. They can, however, generate "uniparental" embryonic stem cell lines. Uniparental embryos with two maternal sets of chromosomes are known as parthenogenetic.
117. Drabble considers that only maternal love can make it possible for contemporary women to obtain spiritual satisfaction, thus affirming self value and taking heart to live.
118. Nearly two - thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husbands mother of maternal love.
119. Objective To study the transfer of oxytocin across the single cotyledon of the term human placenta and the effects of maternal hypoproteinemia and fetal acidemia on the transfer.
120. She felt that he had escaped her, and was in the maternal nest no more.
121. Causal factors of macrosomia include maternal diabetes, postdates gestation, and obesity.
122. At present, the City to accept the " mother block" maternal childbirth have been gathered.
123. Objective:A mean concentration was shown by quantitative analysis of fetal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma.
124. We assessed cytogenetic and developmental toxicity in pre-implantation mouse embryos after maternal exposure to trichlorfon at low doses for one month.
125. The incidence of umbilical cord acidemia and anoxemia increased significantly in the cases with the factors which could adversely affect maternal and fetal blood gas values.
126. Methods To estimate maternal mortality in China by maternal age-specific mortality curve and to analyze influential factors on maternal mortality with methods of correlation and regression.
127. Maternal teratogens that hae been reported in association with cleft lip and palate include alcohol, maternal phenylketonuria , hyperthermia, hydantoin, trimethadione, aminopterin, and methotrexate.
128. Also I seem to remember our driving six miles north of Grangerburg to call on Grandma Beckley in Hinkley. She was my maternal great-grandmother, ninety-odd years old.
129. The relationships between maternal physical activity and incidence of macrosomia, fetal growth ratio, newborn ponderal index were examined.
130. Once, I entered the gate to see the Red Guard holding mallets crowding round my maternal grandfather sitting in the chair.
131. Second , the maternal culture implements and regulates the fatherhood culture and forms a dualistic ethic structure.
132. Conclusion Intraplacental choriocarcinoma is a rare tumor. To best of our knowledge, this is no case report of intraplacental choriocarcinoma with maternal and infant metastases in Chinese literature.
133. Conclusion: Maternal folate deficiency can change the ultrastructure of fetal rat lobus frontalis. It may lead to abnormality of neuronal function and disturb fetal brain development.
134. Oxytocin reduces the bleeding that causes twenty-five percent of all maternal deaths.
135. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that unprivileged young woman has limited accesses to prenatal care, present high-risk factors that hamper both maternal and newborn health.
136. Objective To investigate the changes of hepatocyte growth factor(HGF)in maternal and fetal circulation of patients with preeclampsia.
137. For example, we have shown that, in rodent models, maternal high-fat feeding during the prenatal and lactational period blunts stress responsiveness in neonatal pups.
138. GHI investments will help strengthen health systems, improve maternal and child health, address neglected tropical diseases and increase research and development.
139. The results showed that unit changing, unit composition, maternal parity and some environmental variables, such as climate, can influence the mother-infant relationships of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys.
140. The 10 countries with the highest risk of maternal death, says Unicef, are Niger, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Chad, Angola, Liberia, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau and Mali.
141. Conclusion Analgesic effect of pudendal nerve anesthesia, and can shorten the second stage of labor reduce maternal pain.
142. To study the distribution of total mercury in organs and serum of maternal and offspring, ICR mice were administrated with low dose of methylmercury by drinking water.
143. My maternal grandfather is a capitalist, who is a famous "furrier" in the Tianjin bazaar.
144. The Bishop was accustomed to listen in silence to these innocent and pardonable maternal boasts.
145. Some of high risk factors, such as hereditary and acquired thrombophilia, maternal and fetal circulation abnormality, play an important role in the pathogenesis of placental thrombosis.
146. Nutritional value: soft-shelled turtle - to eat an appropriate soft-shelled turtle is conducive to the maternal body to restore and improve the quality of breast milk.
147. These maternal personality traits fall under a collective name of high negative affectivity ( negative emotions ).
148. Both the maternal and infant health care situation and the economic situation are related to the MMR and IMR... In order to realize the MDGs on time, some effective interventions should be taken.
149. This study explores the experienced of advanced maternal age from being informed amniocentesis to actual implement.
150. Methods: The levels of SOD, MDA and VE in decidua and maternal serum were measured in 30 patients with premature rupture of membranes and 30 term-pregnant women by chemocolorimetry.
151. This study also found no association between SSRI exposure and maternal weight gain.
152. With the constructiveness of maternity, Rosamund satisfies her need for maternal love and self respect.
153. Furthermore, maternal biased chromosome conversion was revealed by GISH in both triploid and diploid hybrids, as early as at trophore-larvae stage.
154. She spoke Polish to her maternal grandmother and watched movies of Federico Fellini and Satyajit Ray with her cinephile dad.
155. Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.
156. No cases of maternal or neonatal death or eclampsia were recorded.
157. Trophoblast cells, as the outermost covering of placental barrier, are directly bathed in the maternal blood, might be the key sites for invasion of HBV into placentae.
158. Results: Of 15 patients, 9 (60%) were with advanced maternal age, 8 (53%) were primipara , and 9 (60%) attacked during the third trimester.
159. Among the 10 maternal deaths in this series, 6 were due to heart failure caused by toxemia of pregnancy.
160. Frequent prenatal visits for monitoring maternal lood pressure, proteinuria, and fundal growth and by periodic sonographic estimation of fetal size are recommended.
161. Results: KNJ had no toxicologic effect in the general status, body weight change, and embryonic rat development, maternal rat delivery, newborn rat as well as the development status of rat.
162. As the trophoblast shell gradually begins to break open, maternal blood placental lacunae.
163. Unless the religious statement here has recourse to what is put by analytic investigation, to what, n in sexual union is represented by the maternal pole.
164. In person, as in her book, she is more identifiably maternal than tigerish.
165. Project rescue center set up in Yulong County, MCH, maternal hospital to give birth grants and material assistance, but also for local medical facilities to improve maternal and child health.
166. Maternal love, with a sense of fluidness of maternity, can be discerned in numerous works by women painters around the worlds.
167. In women, oxytocin stimulates birth contractions, lactation and maternal bonding with a nursing infant.
168. C. Maternal weight, height, previous obstetric history, fundal height, and the presence of gestational diabetes should be evaluated.
169. Conclusion:Maternal serum PAPP-A might be a marker for predicting fetal chromosomal anomaly.
170. Childhood and maternal grandfather Stanley Tang Obama Hamsun (Stanley Dunham) playing on the beach. Obama adult eyes, the grandfather is full of people who dream of freedom.
171. In this region, as elsewhere, the goals calling for reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality present a major challenge.
172. Wen School of Yantai University, main campus to play close to the advantage of fully relying on the maternal quality of school educational resources.
173. For example, the authors discuss findings where maternal stress has been associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in male offspring and may alter fetal brain growth.
174. Amnesty is calling on Obama to create an Office of Maternal Health within the Department of Health and Human Services to improve outcomes and reduce disparities[http:///maternal.html], among other recommendations.
175. When syncytiotrophoblast cells die, they are released into the maternal circulation, initiating a cascade of inflammation that can damage maternal organs.
176. Women and kids MSF reports that South Sudan has some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world.
177. The maternal weight, height, the gestational weeks at delivery, maternal abdominal circle, biparietal diameter and femur length are predictive factors for diagnosis of macrosomia.
178. The majority of maternal deaths occur in Asia and sub - Saharan Africa.
179. Moreover, We assay ADM on serum of maternal peripheral blood using enzyme immunoassay ( EIA ).
180. Maternal oedema has been reported with tocolysis and fluid overload.
181. Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding despite maternal HBV infection when newborns have been immunized at birth and received hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG).
182. Plastid of most angiosperms is uniparental maternal inheritance, yet a majority of gymnosperm is uniparental paternal inheritance.
183. The PAR for selected studies indicated that if the infant population were entirely unexposed to maternal depressive symptoms 23% to 29% fewer children would be underweight or stunted.
184. Neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE), an immune-mediated disease with multisystem involvement in infants, is associated with the transplacental transfer of maternal autoantibodies.
185. In the region male stone filling the seminal fluid, in the maternal stone filling the milk.
186. There are few cases of surviving infants delivered more than 15 min after maternal cardiopulmonary arrest.
187. Maternal smoking remains one of the biggest risk factors for cot death.
188. Maternal age as a risk factor was used for congenital malformation screening.
189. Registering the general situation of maternal and physiological state of traditional chinese medicine and so on. Application of data processing systems SPSS 18.0 statistical analysis of data.
190. Science, Medicine, and the Future: Cell-free fetal DNA and RNA in maternal blood: implications for safer antenatal testing.
191. The principal objective of the Comprehensive Maternal and Child Health (MCH) project is to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality in the poorest areas of China.
192. Objective To investigate the effects of fenvalerate on reproductive system of male offspring rats after maternal exposure in gestation.
193. A . The rate of maternal fetal and neonatal complications increases with gestational age.
194. This study was undertaken to compare maternal outcomes at2years postpartum after planned cesarean section and planned vaginal birth for the single ton fetus in breech presentation at term.
195. Economic losses in developing countries with the highest burden of maternal and early childhood undernutrition amount to between 2 and 3% of gross domestic product (GDP).
196. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of mild abruptio placenta may decrease fetal and neonatal mortality and diminish maternal complications.
197. High quality maternal draff could produce full-bodied, tasteful and sweet-scented liquor.
198. The mother figure develops from fragmentary to whole, and the description of maternal instinct grows from tactics to solicitude.
199. Of the 20 countries with the highest maternal mortality ratios worldwide, 19 are in Africa; and the Region has the highest neonatal death rate in the world.
200. The nuchal scan helps doctors to estimate the risk of the fetus having Down syndrome or other defects more accurately than by maternal age alone.
201. Milk is symbolic of maternal instincts, nurturance and motherly love.
202. In the homestretch to 2015, we see the momentum continuing to build, especially to combat maternal and neonatal mortality, another item on your agenda.
203. So, we suggest that maternal serum thyrotropin and free thyroxine should be monitored in order to diagnose and treat gestational thyroid dysfunction early.
204. Is the presence of squamous or trophoblastic cells in the maternal circulation pathognomonic for AFE?
205. This eulogy poem well displays the author's praise for maternal love.
206. Results The family history was consistent with a maternal inheritance and the proband exhibited a typical clinical feature of LHON.
207. My overdeveloped maternal instinct has been triggered. There is only one thing to do in these circumstances and that is the right thing.
208. Objective To explore early diagnosis and effective treatment of abdominal pregnancy[sentence dictionary], so as to decrease maternal and neonatal mortality rates.
209. Conclusion CSEA for PIH caesarean section has no adverse effects on maternal and neonates.
210. As he trawled through genealogical records, he came across Cynthia Shipp, an Adelaide businesswoman who is a maternal cousin of Raymond Barrey, the only flying officer on board the Sydney.
211. Therefore, maternal (effect) on seed dormancy might be irrelative to embryonic sensitivity to ABA.
212. Early involvement an available obstetrician is important to evaluate both maternal and fetal well - being .
213. Maternal post - natal stewing hens to eat, why would it lead to less milk?
214. And finally, we must make the prevention and control of chronic noncommunicable diseases and the improvement of maternal health top priorities on the development agenda.
215. The maternal love is a rill, when the brook brook rivulet moistens our heart ~.
216. They linked that with maternal and infant hospital records during the same period of time, looking at associations between the use of metoclopramide and adverse outcomes in the babies.
217. Objective To study the relationship between ABO hemolytic disease of newborn and maternal antibody.
218. Magnetic resonance-based serial pelvimetry:Do maternal pelvic dimensions change during pregnancy?
219. Maternal depression was associated with early childhood underweight and stunting.
220. To reduce maternal and perinatal mortality, we must do a good job on the high - risk pregnancy.
221. Organization of Teratology Information ...Breastfeeding Online: Breastfeeding and Medications. Breastfeeding and Maternal Medication ...
222. The subversion and deconstruction of "maternal mythology" is a result of the fustigation of feminist literature on male dominated culture as well as of feminism introspection.
223. The colonnades was designed by Bernini. It is just like "the maternal arms of Mother Church" in Bernini's expression.
224. Monitoring and evaluating the burden of maternal and newborn ill-health and its impact on societies and their socio-economic development.
225. Maternal inheritance:A type of uniparental inheritance in which all progeny have the genotype and phenotype of the female parent.
226. Occiput anterior is usually the easiest position for the fetal head to traverse the maternal pelvis.
227. After puerperium rest and nursed back to health, maternal generally feel good.
228. Objective: To discuss the effect of maternal thyroid functions with Graves' disease on the thyroid status of their newborn infants.
229. After the confinement, the maternal uncle drove horse-cart to carry Mother, Ziyun and the twins back to the village from the city 100 li away.
230. Methods Flow cytometry was used to isolate the fetal erythroblast from 120 cases of maternal peripheral blood, and then PRINS was applied to detect the X, Y and 21 chromosome in single fetal cells.
231. At present, three modes of inheritance are identified including maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 7 and autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive inheritance.
232. Nearly two-thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husband's mother of 'unreasonably jealous maternal love'.
233. The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros.
234. The distribution of rivanol in maternal and fetal bodies, after its injection(100 mg)into the amniotic cavity for the induction of midterm labour in 17 cases, was studied.
234. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
235. It is a good auxiliary teaching unit because of selecting maternal easily, manufacturing simply and inexpensiveness but usefulness.
236. B . Maternal position. The mother is usually placed in the dorsal lithotomy position left lateral tilt.
237. The results demonstrate that VITALCARE EDTA and lead exposure interact in rats to influence maternal blood pressure, erythropoiesis, and fetal and neonatal growth during pregnancy and lactation.
238. In essence, social security right have five legal characteristics of the citizens' basic rights: indispensable, non-fungible, non-assignable, stable, and maternal for human beings.
239. In the maternal society, the basic economic unit is the family economy.
240. In Helen maternal love was stronger beyond comparison than any other.
241. Clare's late enthusiasm for Tess had infected her through her maternal sympathies.
242. B. Cephalopelvic disproportion is a disparity between the size of the maternal pelvis and the fetal head that precludes vaginal delivery. This condition can rarely be diagnosed in advance.
243. They also used an analytic method that allowed them to calculate the total effect of maternal employment taking into account all knock-on effects.
244. In some war-torn states, women are stepping in as a sort of maternal rescue team.
245. Generally speaking, fosterage quality, short of and deprive maternal love, the temperament of child, family and social environmental etc. , influence the child attaching most.
246. It may have been well-meaning, but we now talk and think about maternal health, child health, old people’s health,” he says. “This artificial compartmentalization marginalizes older people.
247. The FDA warns there is a potential for serious maternal heart problems and death if doctors use terbutaline beyond 48-72 hours of prolonged treatment in a hospital or outpatient setting.
248. Non-immune pregnant women are at risk as malaria causes high rates of miscarriage (up to 60% in P. falciparum infection) and maternal death rates of 10–50%.
249. The results showed the liquid had neither maternal toxicity embryotoxicity nor teratogenicity in rats at the doses used.
250. He dives into thethe maternal principle of unconsciousness, and reaches the nourishing fountainhead of life.
251. Quickening ( maternal perception of fetal movement ) occurs at about 17 weeks.
252. Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA.
253. A maternal grandfather had rheumatoid arthritis, and a paternal grandmother had systemic lupus erythematosus.
254. Altruistic filicide: a mother kills her child out of love; she believes death to be in the child's best interest (includes maternal filicide-suicide cases).
255. Many animals display maternal instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.
256. My father would occasionally unfurl his lovely old silk prayer rug, but every Sunday we attended mass at my maternal grandmother's enormous Catholic church.
257. Opuntia milpa alta flower has no maternal toxicity(), embryonic and teratogenicity under the experimental conditions.
258. For the litter size, variance components of maternal gametic effects were about twice than that of paternal gametic effects.
259. Conclusion:Using the method of acupuncture point massage could enhance the level of maternal body dynorphin and reduce labor pains during the period of active phase on the first stage of labor.
260. She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uplift him.
261. About 70 000 maternal deaths during childbirth could be prevented each year if treatment of post-partum bleeding by either oxytocin or ergometrine, a controlled medicine, was available.
262. This fetal ECG monitor provides not only the tococardiogram (FHR and UC) as a conventional fetal monitor, but also fetal ECG and maternal heart rate records.
263. In the world of Patrick White's novels, women are the maternal archetype.
264. Objective : To study the maternal serum thyroidstimulating - hormone ( TSH ) with fetal growth restriction ( FGR ) .
265. It proposes that a change in maternal quality occurs in animals present during the peak phase,[] carries over into the decline and low.
266. She may have four children ranging in age from 14 to 22, but critics say that despite the lipstick and well-turned heel, she has few wifely or maternal qualities.
267. When B. napus was used as maternal parent, the fertilization frequency and siliqua setting rate were lower and the number of hybrid seeds and plants were higher than that of reciprocal cross.
268. In early and mid pregnancy, maternal serum activin A levels are stable and low, rising dramatically from approximately 24 weeks of gestation, reaching peak levels proximate to term.
269. Yunnan Maternal and Child Health (YMCH) was carried out by University of Ottawa, School of Nursing and Yunnan Provincial Health Bureau from 1996-2002.
270. Objective To investigate the effect of maternal brominated diphenyl ethers-209 (BDE-209) exposure on the learning and memory ability of the offspring rats in prenatal and lactational periods.
271. Although many low-income countries remain off-track to meet the goals for maternal and child health, it is not too late for the goals to be attained.
272. Pre-history of the Palais conization group of premature, low birth weight, cesarean section rate were higher than those in normal rate of cervical injury in the maternal group.
273. This is because, as in the post - natal maternal womb Chang Cheng - induced reduction of spastic troupes.
274. The trophoblast begins as the outer covering of the early blastocyst and provides the route of nourishment between the maternal endometrium and the developing embryo.
275. But having an unsupportive partner was the most strongly associated with maternal depression.
275. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
276. With almost maternal solicitude she urged him to let his nature open to the full.
277. Objective To investigate the effect on fetal development and gravida health by instructing individually maternal diet during pregnancy.
278. Others in the family, who lived in the same house, and had a deep influence on the young artist's upbringing, were his maternal grandmother and especially his uncle Boniface Breton.
279. Early identification, treatment and prevention of maternal depression may help reduce child stunting and underweight in developing countries.
280. To review maternal deaths and the dose-related effects of misoprostol on blood loss and pyrexia in randomized trials of misoprostol use for the prevention or treatment of postpartum haemorrhage.
281. The resultant direct contact of maternal blood with the villous syncytiotrophoblast is known as'hemochorial placentation.
282. This type of maternal support is possible in bonobo societies because males tend to stay with the group they were born into.
283. There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand.
284. FDA does not believe that maternal dental amalgam fillings put infants at risk.
285. To assess equity in health outcomes and interventions for maternal and child health (MCH) services in Thailand.




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