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单词 knitting needle
释义  Related topics: Leisure, Toolsˈknitting ˌneedle noun [countable]  DLTZone of the two long sticks with round ends that you use to knit something 编织针 →4  See picture of 见图 SEWINGExamples from the Corpusknitting needle• Mr Davidson was battered to death while his daughter's eye was pierced with a knitting needle.• A knitting needle, in this day and age!• The next few days she stalked the flat with a hot knitting needle.• It was like a long knitting needle.• They had a steel knitting needle.• Cornelius observed that these corresponded in size to the diameter of a number thirteen knitting needle.ˈknitting ˌneedle nounChineseSyllable  two long with ends Corpus of the sticks round one




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