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单词 unprintable
释义 Word family  noun print printer printing adjective printed printable ≠ unprintable verb print  un·print·a·ble /ʌnˈprɪntəbəl/ adjective  SWEARwords or remarks that are unprintable are so rude or shocking that you do not want to say what they are 〔词语或言语因粗鲁或人听闻而〕不宜发表的,不能刊印的Examples from the Corpusunprintable• Chief McNally admits he's been called many things, some of them unprintable.• Most of what she said in the interview was unprintable.• Along the way they intend to write a book of their experiences, most of which will undoubtedly be totally unprintable.• But some dissenting comments made in private were unprintable.un·print·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  that are are remarks Corpus unprintable words or




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