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单词 unproductive
释义 Word family  noun produce producer product production reproduction productivity adjective productive ≠ unproductive counterproductive reproductive reproducible verb produce reproduce adverb productively  un·pro·duct·ive /ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv◂/ adjective  FAILnot achieving very much 无结果的,徒劳的 an unproductive meeting 没有成果的会议Examples from the Corpusunproductive• The meeting was long and noisy, but unproductive.• Cabinet meetings had grown so unproductive and depressing that we had to plead with the President to schedule them.• As a consequence land has become unproductive as unpalatable weeds have replaced nutritious fodder.• It was one of those unproductive confrontations between students and senior members of the university.• To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.• That is to say that savings are a function of the rate of profit and unproductive consumption.• It could hardly be said that Mrs Bush had led a frivolous or unproductive life.• It was a very unproductive meeting.• Some departments achieve very high publication figures, whereas others turn out large numbers of unproductive researchers.• Even after an unproductive third quarter, the Raiders still led 14-13.• Lots of smart people are interested in the problems of unhealthy and unproductive workplaces and what to do about them.un·pro·duct·ive adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus very achieving not much




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