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单词 Reversed
1. We had reversed the running order.
2. The decision was reversed on appeal.
3. I reversed the entire world,only put your reflection right.
4. Time will not be reversed?
5. He reversed the car.
6. The normal word order is reversed in passive sentences.
7. His white car reversed through the school gate.
8. He reversed his car straight at the policeman.
9. I reversed the car into a side road.
10. Another car reversed out of the drive.
11. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision.
12. She reversed into a parking space.
13. The nation's highest court reversed the lower court's decision.
14. He reversed into a tree.
15. After the war the government reversed its foreign policy.
16. The car reversed into the loading bay.
17. The car was reversed through the gate.
18. Husband and wife have reversed roles.
19. This trend is being reversed .
20. Their positions are now reversed.
21. He reversed the position of the two stamps.
22. Bob reversed into a parking space.
23. She reversed her car into the garage.
24. He reversed around the corner.
25. They are trying to get the judgement reversed.
26. Suddenly, he reversed himself completely.
27. The car reversed into a hedge.
28. She carefully reversed the lorry up the narrow driveway.
29. Writing is reversed in a mirror.
30. He has reversed himself on a dozen issues.
1. We had reversed the running order.
2. The decision was reversed on appeal.
3. He reversed the car.
4. The car was reversed through the gate.
5. Their positions are now reversed.
6. The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.
7. The car reversed out.
31. He reversed slowly out of the garage.
32. This increase reversed an earlier price plunge.
33. The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government.
34. The judge reversed his opinion and declared that the accused was not guilty.
35. The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.
36. The car reversed out.
37. He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
38. She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed.
39. The image you see in the mirror seems to be reversed.
40. The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment and set him free.
41. Their positions were reversed; John played centre forward and Tom played fullback.
42. The campaigners have promised to keep pounding away at the council until the decision to build the road is reversed.
43. Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.
44. The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
45. The decline in this industry has now been completely reversed.
46. Now that you have a job and I don't, our situations are reversed.
47. She reversed the paper.
48. Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer.
49. The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.
50. The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor.
51. It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.
52. He pressed the button and reversed the direction of movement of the machine.
53. Here the political gender battle is reversed.
54. Gold completely reversed her position on a hormonal link.
55. Decision of the Court of Appeal reversed.
56. In contemporary experimental music, the emphases are sometimes reversed.
57. A single mutational step can easily be reversed.
58. The action is exactly reversed in an environmental analysis.
59. It's clear that our priorities need to be reversed.
60. Now, Virginians seem to have reversed themselves.
61. That decision was reversed on the spot.
62. This reversed the materialistic concept that conditions determine psychology.
63. Their shields, reversed, served as boards on light trestles.
64. The decision was reversed on appeal on the facts.
65. Caught off-guard Wednesday, he apologized and reversed course.
66. These decisions can only be reversed with great difficulty.
67. On April 29, however, Taylor reversed his position.
68. He slowly reversed the van into the parking place.
69. The decision was subsequently reversed on appeal.
70. Medmelton eyes reversed would certainly have been commented on.
71. George Bush has reversed these priorities.
72. One week later, the decision was reversed.
73. But that was reversed yesterday when the market gained renewed strength from forecasts of additional rain.
74. The court of appeal reversed the original verdict set the prisoner free.
75. The Prince and Princess have each, in their own way, reversed the order of play.
76. Those doubts continued as Pittsburgh came out and reversed the situation in the second half.
77. However, the report of the Road Traffic Law Review has reversed this trend.
78. For older workers this means that trends towards early retirement are unlikely to be reversed despite shortages in some industrial sectors.
79. Whether human myopia can be arrested or reversed is the subject of some debate in ophthalmology.
80. Tony reversed his car and turned to take another look at the theatre - there was nothing there.
81. If both floppy drive lights are lit then one floppy connector is reversed.
82. Sometimes the rags to riches progress of a dish is reversed.
83. I felt our situation had been reversed: now I was the halting beginner,(http:///reversed.html) he was the fluent expert.
84. Both boats then reversed in front of me and two people from each boat set about the bridge, trying to free it.
85. The better choice here is a crescent-pattern spanner which has angled jaws so that it can be reversed in tight corners.
86. Moreover, the growing dependence of local government on central grants that so concerned the Layfield Committee has been reversed.
87. Yet both organizations allowed the experiment to go forward, and in each case it reversed a deteriorating situation.
88. As the bus was waiting in Bondgate a lorry carrying scaffolding reversed into the back of the bus.
89. They accordingly reversed the judge's decision to quash and restored the decisions of the appeal committee in both cases.
90. The action reversed a trend in which the two countries appeared to be edging ever so slightly toward increased cooperation.
91. The unnatural state of his early years had been reversed.
92. Why has there been a downturn in river water quality under the Government which has reversed the trend since the mid-1950s?
93. Not only was the Republican programme of land reform halted, it was reversed.
94. But all this is reversed for a cultivated garden, where not varied but controlled conditions are required.
95. Anomie theorists and their subcultural followers reversed the classical position on these matters, and in doing so encountered serious problems.
96. This argument is reversed when the load has to move a large distance, because a high operating speed is then required.
97. Mrs Wright reversed out into the road again and drove off past the church.
98. After an election, this policy has to be reversed to avoid the likely inflationary consequences.
99. When cimetidine was given together with histamine, blockade of histamine 2 receptor may have reversed histamine stimulated growth.
100. This energy is called ch'i and can stagnate, become blocked or weakened, or have its flow reversed.
101. When a circularly polarized signal is reflected from a flat surface, the direction of polarization is reversed.
102. This prompts the question as to whether young females lay down less fat in species showing reversed size dimorphism.
103. A senior county council official said later on Tuesday he was not optimistic that the decision would be reversed.
104. The Labour candidate advocating a pacifist programme, reversed a large Conservative majority in a seat never before held by Labour.
105. In a Committee debate, they have completely reversed their previous position.
106. Furthermore, the lift generated will act in a diametrically opposite direction when the rotation of the cylinder is reversed.
107. Then the county reversed field and decided to award two separate contracts.
108. The redistribution of wealth, erratically pursued by successive governments since 1945, was markedly reversed in the 1980s.
109. A black van reversed through the shattered remains of the main gate and the back doors were thrown open.
110. But then in 1997 they reversed the policy and, not surprisingly, they had a collapse.
111. I reversed the car into a side turn and waited.
111. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
112. The three men, wearing balaclavas, reversed the Ford Sierra, which had been stolen from Huntington, through the doors.
113. After a lower court ruled the signatures were valid, the Arizona Court of Appeals unanimously reversed that decision in February 1996.
114. By the time she had got across the field and back, Miranda had reversed the car on to the road.
115. The Court of Appeal reversed the judge's decision to refuse the injunctions sought.
116. So, how many policies were reversed by the incoming government, and which policies and areas of policy were left untouched?
117. At times firms may hesitate to respond to an expansionary policy fearing that it will be reversed soon.
118. Where previous models had been brain models first and useful devices second, Hopfield reversed the priorities.
119. It has also been clearly established that in the course of time evaluation of particular variants can change or even be reversed.
120. Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.
121. But our eyes, as though reversed, encircle it on every side, like traps set round its unobstructed path to freedom.
122. However, the falls were relatively modest and, in the case of the Crown Court at least, were soon reversed.
123. He reversed his car and prepared to drive back down the road.
124. Four days later the faculty reversed that decision, and then reversed it once again.
125. In all instances the toxicity was easily reversed by reducing the cyclosporin dose.
126. And the House of Lords reversed the Court of Appeal and decided that the union was responsible for its shop stewards.
127. In the past the senator has supported these programs, but last year he reversed himself.
128. The ban will remain in force for 50 years unless reversed by a consensus among the Treaty's voting members.
129. More valuable is James Woodhouse who reversed the pattern of Duck's career.
130. This is sometimes reversed; wives are not always good listeners.
131. For short periods the dominant direction of the drift may be reversed by abnormal wind conditions.
132. By the late 1970s, however, some elements of this dispersal had in turn been reversed.
133. Two days before the hearing, she reversed her decision and asked for him back.
134. For their part, the Communists completely reversed their line, earning the permanent hostility of many of their former allies.
135. But now the relationship is supposedly reversed, with the fashion industry kowtowing to consumers.
136. But in a letter sent Monday night to congressional leaders, Dole reversed course.
137. Number three has a quite different style of roundel and, to me it looks as if the tail stripe colours are reversed!
138. But the union of youth and age had reversed her role.
139. Sonia's deportation was only reversed because the Home Secretary used his discretion to consider the compassionate circumstances of her case.
140. She reversed the car out and swung it round to give Billy room to put his in its place.
141. The four-wheel started first go and he reversed out into the farmyard.
142. The neonatal pattern of drug elimination is reversed rapidly several weeks after birth and children generally utilize drugs more rapidly than adults.
143. Look especially for incorrect or reversed connections to integrated circuits(), transistors etc.
144. Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
145. On appeal by the commissioner the judge reversed that decision.
146. Successive Conservative governments implemented policies which reversed the slight trend for income redistribution to poorer groups.
147. There is no reason why general trends in evolution shouldn't be reversed.
148. Many stress-related complaints can be reversed simply by breathing properly and occasionally readjusting body alignment.
149. Parents, teachers, and local clergy are campaigning to have the decision reversed.
150. At the Centre Mondial, it looks to the outside observer as if the problem is reversed.
151. It reversed fast, the gearbox whining like a violin, and parked in front of the Mercedes.
152. Again, the same Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the case.
153. The two of them reversed Indianapolis' long-standing tradition of not taking federal funds, including money for school breakfasts.
154. As I watched, a Transit van reversed into Fastfit's loading area.
155. The image on the screen was reversed and upside down.
156. The decision was subsequently reversed on appeal to the High Court.
157. As I reversed the car, I caught sight of her blithely telling all and sundry about the row.
158. Privacy is a type of information that has its polarity reversed.
159. I knitted two plain white rows between each row of faces and reversed the pattern each time it changed.
160. The Court of Appeal reversed this decision, but it was held that instructions were relevant in deciding fitness for purpose.
161. Romford's lorry driver negligently reversed his company's vehicle into another employee, in fact, his father.
162. On the prosecutor's appeal to the Divisional Court this decision was in turn reversed.
163. In 1965 an Act was passed which reversed this judgment.
164. Nolan J. dismissed the claim but the Court of Appeal, by a majority, reversed his decision.
165. His verdict will have to be reversed if he is to play anything more than a symbolic role for a divided opposition.
166. Bowing to private and public pressure, Baer then reversed his ruling in the drug case.
167. Many of the consequences of our acts can be reversed or nullified by redefinition.
168. The bill reversed this decision and returned the burden of proof concerning a business necessity to the employer.
169. Many of the former administration's policies were reversed by the new president.
170. A fall in morale tends to be insidious but can be rapidly reversed with definite and positive action.
171. Various international bodies warned of the need to impose radical austerity measures without delay if adverse trends were to be reversed.
172. Her brave and beaming face was duplicated on the reversed covers.
173. Even at this late stage,(http:///reversed.html) the choice he has made can be reversed.
174. The chapter focus then switches to chromatographic modes, reversed phase, ion exchange and size exclusion being examined.
175. It has reversed some policies, such as the hated Employment Contracts Act and the hasty privatisation of the accident compensation scheme.
176. We can also see that labor productivity increased slightly more than land productivity until 1992, then the relationship was reversed.
177. Formalist theory reversed the priority of content over form and devoted its attention exclusively to form.
178. Flustered, she reversed, and the groceries she had bought enroute fell off the back seat and flopped to the floor.
179. Half the new police squad cars have the colors reversed.
180. So in winter the trade winds are strengthened and diverted, and are almost reversed in summer.
181. Then it came to a sudden halt and reversed back towards me with a high-pitched whine.
182. Bernard reversed straight out of the new garage into the road and hit a passing van.
183. Steroids and calcium channel blockers reversed the condition, and the patients improved.
184. The provision would be reversed when profits attributable to the minority shareholders started to make good the losses that were made earlier.
185. Instead of growing up, I had, as it were, grown down, and thus reversed a natural biological process.
186. As I approached the house a car reversed out of the driveway and sped off down the road.
187. But later on, the shortage of manpower reversed the situation.
188. The district court upheld the plan but was reversed by the court of appeals.
189. I also don't mean to be sexist because the same scenario works when the sexes are reversed.
190. He reversed his grip on the blade and drove it through the daemon's chest.
191. In total nine verdicts have already been reversed and 13 police officers have been suspended from duty.
192. We reproduce here Joseph Kosuth's reply, reversed out(), in Kosuth's own style.
193. A female driver had reversed into his car in the market place despite his warning cry.
194. The Supreme Court summarily reversed the Second Circuit decision.
195. He reversed and drove away.
196. The trend of d é tente cannot be reversed.
197. Emilia, herself, sewed and reversed all their dresses.
198. The change of content of phosphatidylinositol(PI)was reversed.
199. The method for determination of pentoxifylline in pentoxifylline sodium chloride injection by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was set up.
200. The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in Belgium's jobless rate.
201. It has been observed in rabbits that hypotension caused by haemorrhagic orendotoxic shock could be reversed by injecting naloxone, phentolamine or cinanserineinto the lateral cerebroventricle.Sentencedict
202. Methods 12 cases were performed with this method that flap was designed and connected with ulnar artery then reversed sutured and repair the defects.
203. Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and Laird quickly reversed themselves.
204. When the investor buys in below book value, the process reversed.
205. Upon reaching the destination point the operation is reversed and the stored energy signatures are reconfigured into matter in proximity to the phase prism.
206. The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender.
207. Agree with brother Jinxiang. This Dao has altiplano steel short Jian's ancestry, double handed cingulum , reversed blade, seems from north?
208. As the chromophore relaxes, the twist of the C15 methine bridge about its two dihedral angles is reversed.
209. The President also reversed his predecessor's ban on funding for embryonic stem-cell research, but specified that the embryos must come from fertility clinics that would otherwise discard them.
210. Conclusions— Treatment with N-acetylcysteine, a safe prodrug against oxidation, reversed established cardiac phenotype in a transgenic rabbit model of human HCM.
211. A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
212. The German literate reversed this process with the profane French literature.
213. The economy virtualization has changed the world proceeding pattern profoundly, formed the new international division system, and reversed the mechanism which the traditional economy crisis occurs.
214. Conclusion: The ideal results of repairing soft tissue defect in hand back by reversed island skin flap inosculated with nerve of wrist epithelial branch of ulnar artery can be obtained.
215. Whether moral damage exists or not should be judged from the matter of fact, then the law. If the order is reversed, we will fall into the odd circle of conceptualist jurisprudence.
216. Writing in Kommersant newspaper the economist Dmitry Butrin said that Putin's relative success in fighting poverty over the last decade had been reversed.
217. At the end of this step, the initial transformation is reversed by a term rewriting system.
218. Overexpression of MAGL in nonaggressive cancer cells recapitulates this fatty acid network and increases their pathogenicity phenotypes that are reversed by an MAGL inhibitor.
219. A reversed phase ion-pair high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the simultaneous determination of nicotine and cotinine in human hair.
220. No backup, no restore. The time can't be reversed, but the mentality can transmigrate.
221. Methods 12 cases with soft tissue defect of digital fingers were repaired by modified dorsal metacarpal artery reversed island flap, including 7 index fingers, 3 middle fingers and 2 ring fingers.
222. A reversed phase HPLC method was described for determination of psoralen in Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.
223. Gate opening IPO market trends will not be reversed, time does not change the market activity.
224. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that perfusate T cells had high LFA-1 integrin expression and had a reversed CD4 to CD8 ratio compared with control blood of healthy individuals.
225. A reversed phase HPLC method wa s esta blished to determine hydrazine in plasma.
226. Objective To explore the clinical effect that the first metatarsal dorsal artery(FMDA) reversed flap repair hallux bone reveal.
227. What would your self-esteem look like if roles were reversed and you were the child being parented by someone just like you?
228. The Appeal Tribunal has reversed the Disciplinary Committee's decision on the licensee.
229. A reversed radial thenar island flap pedicled with the TLDA can be designed to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.
230. In those circumstances Nixon reversed his attitude toward my growing celebrity.
231. Today he reversed the procedure and was at St. Bede's by 9 a.m.
232. Peak Broadening of Neutral Solutes on Reversed - Phase Capillary Electrochromatographic Column.
233. It happens so often that we've reversed our attitude to vesting.
234. The utility model provides two reversed power take-off with different speed.
235. TWO common drugs have reversed the effects in mice of progeria,(http:///reversed.html) a rare genetic disease that causes premature ageing.
236. A reversed - phase HPLC method was developed for determination of DSD, SD in Fructus Schisandrae.
237. The numbers are sometimes also reversed, but the smaller number always refers to the fill light.
238. In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.
239. The experiments showed that the thermochromatic order is reversed when the content of cholesteryl chloride exceeded 20 percent in mass.
240. A method for analysis of thiophene - 2,5 - dicarboxylic acid by ion pair reversed - phase HPLC was described.
241. Experimental Study on Basic Behaviour of Brick Masonry under Reversed Loading.
242. At the paleobiostratigraphic boundary of the Permian-Triassic, the reversed polarity is found.
243. It also investigates the effect of secondary torque, the characteristics of moment redistribution subjected to reversed cyclic loading, and the role of spandrel beams in the overall response.
244. A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court, which since the 1920s had seemed to take an ever more speech-protective view of the First Amendment, now apparently reversed itself.
245. Objective To introduce the method of repair of volar skin defect of index finger by reversed first dorsal metacarpal artery facial island flap.
246. The recession has quickly reversed the trend to trade up, and people are delaying expensive purchases.
247. Gnomish Poultryizer : Turns the target into a chicken for 15 seconds. Well, that is assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed...
248. That is a surprising move, because it opens up the possibility that any site which finds itself blocked could claim that its content is, contextually, artistic — and so get a ban reversed.
249. When the upper state population is not reversed, the channel with greater ratio of emission and absorption cross-section has greater competitive advantage.
250. Objective : To study hydrolysis of vitamin E acetate cholesterol esterase in the reversed micelle systems.
251. Our planet's magnetic field has reversed polarity from time to time throughout its history.
252. The board reversed its decision and asked Mr. Evans to stay on.
253. A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for analyzing 4 chloro 2 oxo 3(2H) benzothiazoleacetic ethyl ester (COBTAZAE) as a herbicide is described.
254. Last year, China successfully reversed plummeting sales in its auto sector with policy measures that included a purchase tax cut on smaller-engine vehicles.
255. If this positioning is reversed there is a risk of the carabiner twisting and allowing the rope to escape or the carabiner to unclip itself.




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