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单词 attempt
释义  at·tempt1 /əˈtempt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [countable]  1  TRY TO DO OR GET somethingan act of trying to do something, especially something difficult 努力,尝试,企图〔尤指困难的事情〕attempt to do something All attempts to control inflation have failed. 控制通货膨胀的所有努力都失败了。attempt at (doing) something her feeble attempts at humour 她徒劳无功的试图幽默at the first/second etc attempt 第一次/第二次尝试 She passed her driving test at the first attempt. 她第一次考驾驶执照就通过了。2  make no attempt to do something to not try to do something at all 全无企图做某事 He made no attempt to hide his anger. 他毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。3  an attempt on somebody’s life an occasion when someone tries to kill a famous or important person 企图谋杀某人〔尤指名人或要人〕 She has already survived two attempts on her life. 她已两次逃过暗杀。 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake an attempt 试图,打算She made several attempts to escape. 她几次企图逃跑。abandon/give up an attempt 放弃尝试[企图]They had to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain. 他们不得不放弃登山行动。fail/succeed in your attempt 尝试失败[成功]He failed in his attempt to set a new Olympic record. 他想创造奥运会新记录的努力失败了。nfoil/thwart an attempt formal (=make it fail)Troops loyal to the general foiled the assassination attempt fails/succeeds 努力成功[失败]All attempts to find a cure have failed. 寻找疗法的所有努力均告失败。adjectiveson the first/second etc attempt (also at the first/second etc attempt British English) 第一次/第二次尝试The car started at the second attempt. 第二次尝试时汽车发动了。a vain attempt (=one that does not succeed) 徒劳的尝试They worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule. 他们彻夜工作,还是没能按时完成。a desperate attempt (=that involves a lot of effort) 竭尽全力的尝试Doctors made a desperate attempt to save his life. 医生竭尽全力挽救他的生命。a deliberate/conscious attempt 有意/刻意的尝试nHis question was a deliberate attempt to humiliate her.a serious/genuine attempt 认真/真诚的尝试nThis is the first serious attempt to tackle the unsuccessful/successful attempt 失败/成功的尝试nan unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the governmentan abortive attempt formal (=unsuccessful) 【正式】失败的尝试nThey made an abortive attempt to keep the company going.a futile attempt (= certain to fail and not worth doing) 徒劳的尝试nI jumped up and down in a futile attempt to keep warm.a doomed attempt (=certain to fail, and causing something very bad to happen) 注定失败的尝试nHis attempt to reach the Pole was doomed from the beginning.a brave/bold/gallant/valiant attempt approving (=one that you admire, but that is unsuccessful) 【褒】勇敢〔却失败〕的尝试nThe previous government made a brave attempt to tackle the problem.nShe made a valiant attempt to continue playing, but the pain was too much.a blatant attempt disapproving (=when someone openly tries to do something bad) 【贬】公然的企图nIt was a blatant attempt to hide the truth.a final/last attempt 最后的努力[尝试]nThey made one final attempt to make their marriage work.a last-ditch attempt (=a final attempt to achieve something before it is too late) 孤注一掷nNegotiators are making a last-ditch attempt to save the agreement.NOUN + attempta rescue attempt 营救行动Two firefighters were hurt in the rescue attempt. 两名消防员在营救行动中受伤。an assassination attempt (=an attempt to kill a leader) 暗杀企图De Gaulle survived an assassination attempt in 1961. 1961年戴高乐侥幸逃过一次暗杀。a suicide attempt (=an attempt to kill yourself) 自杀企图nHe was admitted to hospital after a suicide attempt.a coup attempt (=an attempt to change the government, usually by force) 政变企图nThe US helped to crush the coup attempt.Examples from the Corpusattempt• It began an attempt to do this in several policy documents.• The government has announced that it will fund an extra 10,000 doctors in an attempt to reduce waiting times for operations.• The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit today.• It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters.• This was an incredible result bearing in mind the general statistics of 98 percent failure rates reported for most dieting attempts.• After four attempts, Mike finally passed his driving test.• a field-goal attempt• Dissent has occurred at times among university students in attempts to radicalise dominant ideas.• They ploughed cash into marketing attempts and even won a prize from the local council.• All my attempts to get the machine working failed miserably.• During a meeting at the Diamond police restrained attempts by loyalist and Catholic youths to break through their fines.• The attempt at adding-machine accuracy shows how serious the priests were about numbering the new saints bound for heaven.• He had been told also, in whispered confidence, that two attempts against the target had the first/second etc attempt• However, Tim Flowers' stand-in was up to the shot and knocked the ball down before gathering at the second attempt.• It was clear that the Government were not able to get their legislation right at the first attempt.• Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes.• She hoped Daak could get the shuttle in at the first attempt.• The longest he had ever stayed off was six months, at the first attempt.• Then McCaughan saved well from Mulholland before McKeeman flicked Portrush's equaliser over the keeper at the second attempt.• Victory was clinched when Lynn Marriner surged upfield and slipped a pass through to Oehlers who scored at the second attempt.attempt2 ●●● S2 W2 verb [transitive]  1  TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto try to do something, especially something difficult 试图,尝试,企图attempt to do something In this chapter I will attempt to explain what led up to the revolution. 在这一章里,我想解释一下导致革命的原因。attempt something Weather conditions prevented them from attempting the jump. 天气状况使他们无法尝试跳伞。► see thesaurus at try2  attempted murder/suicide/rape etc an act of trying to kill or harm someone, kill yourself etc 谋杀/自杀/强奸未遂等 He pleaded guilty to attempted murder. 他承认杀人未遂。n GRAMMAR: Comparisonattempt• You attempt to do something: They were attempting to climb the mountain.• You attempt something: The prisoners attempted an escape.try• You try to do something: I tried to call him at home.• In everyday spoken English, you say that you will try and do something (=try to do something): I will try and call him at home.• If you try something, you taste or experience something for the first time: I’ve never tried sushi before.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusattempt• Do not attempt any diet without consulting your family doctor or specialist.• A rescue was attempted by Coast Guards, but it was not successful.• No one has attempted this experiment before.• They are attempting to become the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks.• For instance, the company is attempting to bring Internet access to a mass consumer audience through an agreement with Continental Cablevision.• Some analysts are attempting to discipline the confused setting, primarily by studying what has happened in similar circumstances.• Any prisoner who attempts to escape will be shot.• At the time, ScotRail was also attempting to get through a similar application for the junction at Westerton, outside Glasgow.• Someone had attempted to open the car door.• Vying for your custom, each site attempts to provide something a little different.• These questions are especially germane in comparative research, where the analyst attempts to specify how the structure-function patterns vary between states.• Brown believes the Greys are attempting to speed human evolution and enhance our spirituality by creating humans with some Grey genes.attempt to do something• The doctoral student was apparently attempting to change a flat tire when his assailant struck.• The police account was that Garcia was shot while struggling with officers who were attempting to disarm him.• Firefighters spent more than eight hours at the scene, damping down the smouldering straw and attempting to discover how the blaze started.• As he attempted to dismount, he seemed to lose strength, and half fell to the ground.• Many studies have attempted to estimate the effect of advertising on sales, but few have established any relationship at all.• He did not attempt to find if the rest of the hibernation system was still in working order.• If you attempt to leave the car, I will kill you.• By what right did it attempt to speak for the parish?Origin attempt2 (1300-1400) Latin attemptare, from ad- “to” + temptare “to touch, try”at·tempt1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1attempt2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to an especially something, of difficult trying something act Corpus do




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