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- the manchester ship canal
- the-manchester-ship-canal
- the manhattan project
- the-manhattan-project
- the manic street preachers
- the-manic-street-preachers
- the man in the iron mask
- the-man-in-the-iron-mask
- the man in the street
- the man in your life
- the man of the hour
- the man of the house
- the man of the moment
- the man of the moment/hour/year
- the man of the year
- the mantle of
- the mantle of something
- the mantle of sth
- the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo
- the man with no name
- the-man-with-no-name
- the man/woman in the street
- the many
- the march hare
- the-march-hare
- Event list
- Nuclear research
- Hydraulic ram
- Projection plane
- Three-phase motor
- Bloomington
- Speedlight
- Impassability
- Rotary wing
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- 《竹香与雷香》诗词评论技巧
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- 《竹马梢梢摇绿尾,银鸾睒光踏半臂.》原诗出处,译文,注释
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- 《笃学》原文|翻译|赏析
- 《笃志力行,勤学好问,称人之善而咎己之失,从人之长而明己之短,忠信乐易,表里一致.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《笃志而体,君子也.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
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- Drabble句子
- Hospitalisation句子
- Sleeker句子
- Come to a standstill句子
- Marmoset句子
- Dysarthria句子
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- Unmemorable句子
- Professing句子
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