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单词 self-defence
释义  ˌself-deˈfence British English, self-defense American English noun [uncountable]  1  DEFENDsomething you do to protect yourself or your property 自卫,防身in self-defence He shot him in self-defence. 他出于自卫开枪打死了他。2. DEFENDskills that you learn to protect yourself if you are attacked 自卫术,防身本领Examples from the Corpusself-defence• self-defence classes• The police claimed they had acted in self-defence.• Clearly the current situation in which the use of force is illegal except in self-defence is inadequate.• She claims she shot him in self-defence.• The latter picked up a crossbow, intending to use it in self-defence.• Mr De Benedetti's line in self-defence is also rather familiar.• Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort.• But developing a sense of this is essential to wellbeing; assertiveness training and learning self-defence can both help.• It has the strange ability to blow itself up with either air or water as a means of self-defence.• The basic rules of self-defence are quite simple: keep your eyes open and you can usually avoid trouble.• All nations have the right to self-defence.ˌself-deˈfence nounChineseSyllable  yourself protect you to do or Corpus something




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