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juggler |
释义 |
jug·gler /ˈdʒʌɡlə $ -ər/ noun [countable] someone who juggles objects in the air, especially to entertain people 玩杂耍的人,杂耍表演者Examples from the Corpusjuggler• A juggler was entertaining a theatre queue, turning an orange, a book and a saucepan in an incongruous circle.• It's a performance with an environmental message told unusually by jugglers.• Voice over Fire Noise was formed a year ago; a few jugglers and drummers got together.• But times are hard, and bands of itinerant jugglers and acrobats have gone before them, picking the villages clean.• They switch three bowler hats between the two of them like jugglers.• Ed Kevarkian, who will craft balloon animals and hats; and Carl Hein, a magician, juggler and balloon artist.• They danced as if hurled by some titanic juggler from below the edge of the world.• They are the ultimate jugglers, but they have to manage without the help of disposable nappies, supermarkets and freezers.jug·gler nounChineseSyllable people who juggles entertain especially objects to air, the in Corpus someone |
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- 士君子之偶聚也,不言身心性命,则言天下国家;不言物理人情,则言风俗世道;不规目前过失,则问平生德业。傍花随柳之间,吟风弄月之际,都无鄙俗媟嫚之谈,谓此心不可一时流于邪僻,此身不可一日令之偷惰也。若一相逢,不是亵狎,便是乱讲,此与仆隶下人何异?只多了这衣冠耳。
- 士君子之勇是什么意思
- 士君子之相与也,必求协诸礼义,将世俗计较一切脱尽。今世号为知礼者全不理会圣贤本意,只是节文习熟,事体谙练,灿然可观,人便称之,自家欣然自得,泰然责人。嗟夫!自繁文弥尚而先王之道湮没,天下之苦相责,群相逐者,皆末世之靡文也。求之于道,十九不合,此之谓习尚。习尚坏人,如饮狂泉。
- 士君子作人不长进,只是不用心、不着力。其所以不用心不着力者,只是不愧不奋。能愧能奋,圣人可至。
- 士君子作人,事事时时只要个用心。一事不从心中出,便是乱举动;一刻心不在腔子里,便是空躯壳。
- 士君子到一个地位,就理会一个地位底职分,无逆料时之久暂而苟且其行,无期必人之用否而怠忽其心。入门就心安志定,为久运之计。即使不久于此,而一日在官,一日尽职,岂容一日苟禄尸位哉!
- 士君子只求四真:真心、真口、真耳、真眼。真心无妄念,真口无杂语,真耳无邪闻,真眼无错识。
- 士君子在尘世中摆脱得开,不为所束缚;摆脱得净,不为所污蔑,此之谓天挺人豪。
- 士君子在朝则论政,在野则论俗,在庙则论祭礼,在丧则论丧礼,在边圉则论战守。非其地也,谓之羡谈。
- 士君子常自点检,昼思夜想,不得一时闲,却思想个甚事?果为天下国家乎?抑为身家妻子乎?飞禽走兽,东骛西奔,争食夺巢;贩夫竖子,朝出暮归,风餐水宿,他自食其力,原为温饱,又不曾受人付托,享人供奉,有何不可?士君子高官重禄,上藉之以名分,下奉之以尊荣,为汝乎?不为汝乎?乃资权势而营鸟兽市井之图,细思真是愧死。
- 士君子抱经世之具,必先知五用,五用之道未得而漫尝试之,此小丈夫技痒童心之所为也,事必不济。是故贵择人。不择可与共事之人,则不既厥心,不堪其任,或以虚文相欺,或以意见相倾,譬以玉杯付小儿而奔走于崎岖之峰也。是故贵达时。时者,成事之期也。机有可乘,会有可际,不先不后,则其道易行。不达于时,譬投种于坚冻之候也。是故贵审势。势者,成事之藉也。登高而招,顺风而呼,不劳不费而其功易就。不审于势,譬行舟于平陆之
- 士君子澡心浴德,要使咳唾为玉,便溺皆香,才见工夫圆满。若灵台中有一点污浊,便如瓜蒂藜芦入胃,不呕吐尽不止,岂可使一刻容留此中耶?夫如是,然后溷厕可沉,缁泥可入。
- 士君子立身难,是不苟;识见难,是不俗。
- 士君子终身应酬不止一事,全要将一个静定心,酌量缓急轻重为后先。若应轇轕情,处纷杂事,都是一味热忙,颠倒乱应,只此便不见存心定性之功、当事处物之法。
- 士君子要任天下国家事,先把本身除外,所以说“策名委质”,言自策名之后,身已非我有矣,况富贵乎?若营营于富贵身家,却是社稷苍生委质于我也,君之贼臣乎!天之僇民乎!
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