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单词 inverse
释义  Related topics: Maths, Technologyin·verse1 /ˌɪnˈvɜːs◂ $ -ɜːrs◂/ adjective [only before noun]  1  AMOUNTif there is an inverse relationship between two amounts, one gets bigger at the same rate as the other gets smaller 成反比的;相反的 Clearly, the amount of money people save increases in inverse proportion to the amount they spend. 显然,人们储蓄的增加与消费成反比。 the inverse relationship between prices and interest rates 价格和利率之间的反比关系2. technicalHMT exactly opposite 反的;逆的 —inversely adverbExamples from the Corpusinverse• By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.• An inverse method for the calculation of stability boundaries is also discussed.• The inverse relationship between living costs and childbearing is found throughout the developing world.• In short, there is a negative or inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.• Thus, there is also an inverse relationship between the rate of inflation and the real demand for money.• The face was in inverse relief, with the features concave rather than convex, as for a mold.• The temperature at which an inverse solubility occurs is often termed cloud point.• This volume property is characteristic of the inverse square law; it holds for no other law of inverse proportion to• The proliferation of these diminutive shows will soon be in inverse proportion to the theatres still open to receive them.• The scope of personal responsibility expands and contracts in inverse proportion to the extent of the protected interests.• The stridency of their assertions tended to grow in inverse proportion to the extent of their knowledge on costs.• When this is not the case, benefit allocations are in inverse proportion to A's and B's.inverse2 noun [singular] technical  OPPOSITE/REVERSEthe complete opposite of something 相反;相反的事物 → reverseExamples from the Corpusinverse• A4 asserts each integer has an additive inverse.• This circle self-inverts; that is, its inverse is the same circle.• One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its inverse.• The concentration of buffering substances in a solution is expressed in terms of alkalinity, the inverse of acidity.• It is the inverse of the liquidity ratio. 4.• Yes, this is the inverse of what is known as the mutation rate, and it can be measured.• The monuments that were created around this war, however, were largely the inverse of traditional monuments.• If anything, this was the inverse of a restaurant.• The inverse is also true.From Longman Business Dictionaryinversein‧verse /ˌɪnˈvɜːs◂-ɜːrs◂/ adjective in inverse proportion/relation to something used for saying that one thing increases at the same rate as another related thing gets smallerStocks moved in inverse relation to oil prices throughout the day.Origin inverse1 (1400-1500) Latin inversus, past participle of invertere; → INVERTin·verse1 adjectiveinverse2 nounChineseSyllable  there inverse Business is relationship one between Corpus two if amounts, an




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