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单词 intoxicated
释义  in·tox·i·cat·ed /ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtɪd $ -ˈtɑːk-/ adjective  1  DRUNK formal drunk 喝醉的 OPP sober The driver was clearly intoxicated. 司机显然喝醉了。2  HAPPYhappy, excited, and unable to think clearly, especially as a result of love, success, power etc 〔尤因爱情、成功、权力等而〕极为兴奋的,陶醉的;得意忘形的intoxicated by/with He rapidly became intoxicated with his own power. 他很快就沉醉于自己的权力之中。 —intoxicate verb [transitive] —intoxication /ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃən $ -ˌtɑːk-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusintoxicated• Jensen was found guilty of driving while intoxicated.• Our policy is not to serve alcohol to anyone who is already intoxicated.• We were intoxicated by victory.intoxicated by/with• I was intoxicated with her - and she played me like a fish on a line.• He did it because he was intoxicated by it: and he had found it for himself.• While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.• Drunk on his words, intoxicated with the communication.• I was intoxicated with the information he had provided me, and my bruises were forgotten.• Both were intoxicated by the realization that a whole new century was about to begin.• They can also go bad because they become intoxicated with their own·tox·i·cat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   drunk Corpus




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