单词 | Equilibrium |
例句 | 1) This pair of scales is not in equilibrium. 2) He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium. 3) We have achieved an equilibrium in the economy. 4) He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike. 5) Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium. 6) She struggled to recover her equilibrium. 7) She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily. 8) For the economy to be in equilibrium, income must equal expenditure. 9) Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress. 10) The shock of Freddie's death had upset her equilibrium. 11) And this defines the theoretical equilibrium conditions. 12) This is called the point of general equilibrium. 13) The stability of the general equilibrium. 14) Determination of the equilibrium level of income. 15) Significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: P 0.005. 16) Free market equilibrium will not generally be efficient. 17) There is therefore a globally stable long-run equilibrium at. 18) This is the point known as the equilibrium point. 19) The equilibrium quantity remains the socially efficient quantity. 20) What determines the equilibrium between phases? 21) Suppose that the new equilibrium were at P'. 22) Autarky equilibrium in Home is illustrated by figure 4. 23) Free market equilibrium leads to too few improvements. 24) Equilibrium binding experiments were done under standard assay conditions. 25) The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium. 26) The disease destroys much of the inner-ear,(http:///equilibrium.html) disturbing the animal's equilibrium. 27) Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of equilibrium. 28) Change in the world around us disturbs our inner equilibrium. 29) The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. 30) I paused in the hall to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium. 1) The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium. 2) The disease destroys much of the inner-ear, disturbing the animal's equilibrium. 3) Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of equilibrium. 4) Change in the world around us disturbs our inner equilibrium. 31) How then would the new equilibrium be achieved? 32) Eventually a dynamic equilibrium is established. 33) In Figure 16.9, equilibrium is achieved with a rate of interest re and a quantity of money Me. 34) The healthy, well-adapted individual keeps them in balance in a dynamic equilibrium. 35) It was pointed out that if unproductive consumption is increased equilibrium may be maintained. 36) Any price below the equilibrium price will entail a shortage; that is, quantity demanded will exceed quantity supplied. 37) When this is done, assimilation of the stimulus proceeds and equilibrium is reached for the moment. 38) In this case, the equilibrium level of income is unaffected by the increase in the real value of the money supply. 39) Every atom seeks equilibrium at the lowest energy level, giving off surplus energy as radiation. 40) Consider a fluid particle that is displaced upwards, say, from its equilibrium position. 41) The question we now have to ask is whether the equilibrium path converges to a steady state. 42) Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains. 43) The equilibrium wage paid by employers now increases to W2 and employment falls to L2. 43) 44) The neo-classical analysis can be justified only if the new equilibrium positions are reached quickly. 45) Integrating transport costs into a general equilibrium trade model is a messy affair even with constant returns and perfect competition. 46) The final destruction of the road's equilibrium took place when it was given over to high speed travel by car. 47) Finally, we considered briefly the meaning of an equilibrium in macroeconomics. 48) At points on the tie-line between X and Y the saturated solutions coexist in equilibrium. 49) They emerge from periods of punctuated equilibrium with radically different structures that once again begin slowly evolving. 50) The second is to gain the knowledge and experience to maintain humans within equilibrium in a closed ecological system. 51) There were three main aspects to Bukharin's ideas on the transition period leading to a new socialist equilibrium: 1. 52) In effect, they involve a comparison of the general equilibrium of the economy with and without the government budget. 53) The organisation, like a living organism, maintains a dynamic equilibrium with the environment. 54) By walking upon earth and looking up at the heavens, and in no other way, can there be an equilibrium. 55) This model would obviously allow for contradiction and divergence but would be one of mobile equilibrium with positive indications. 56) As the interest rate rises, the speculative demand for money falls and money market equilibrium is eventually restored. 57) As a consequence the equilibrium level of aggregate demand will fall. 58) To attain hydrostatic equilibrium the position of the lithosphere adjusts vertically in accordance with its density and thickness. 59) First, they ensure that the initial position of competitive equilibrium is indeed an equilibrium. 60) Figure 4 illustrates that the general equilibrium we have just derived is indeed a stable one. 61) In equilibrium at E the quantity Q is produced and consumed. 62) Imperfectly competitive industries are a source of market failure because free market equilibrium is no longer Pareto-efficient. 63) This account has so far been in partial equilibrium terms. 64) The implications for less partial equilibrium behaviour are less clear. 65) Equilibrium is a necessary condition toward which the organism constantly strives. 66) In this case the home country exports good 1, just as in the partial equilibrium model discussed in the previous section. 67) And, indeed, his theory is firmly rooted in his conception of equilibrium. 68) Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit. 69) The pause was long enough to re-establish some sort of equilibrium between them. 70) A system is in chemical equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. 71) The second is how to move the economy towards a position in which the balance of payments will be closer to equilibrium. 72) Since no Pareto gain is possible, the initial position - competitive equilibrium in both markets - is Pareto-efficient. 73) Free market equilibrium occurs at E. A government agency now provides information about the product. 74) In the long run the economy will tend to gravitate towards a position of Walrasian equilibrium. 75) The equilibrium at Oi l can, therefore,(Sentencedict) be described as a stable one. 76) Originally presented in terms of partial equilibrium analysis, it has been extended in two principal directions. 77) A rise in government expenditure adds directly to aggregate spending and hence will tend to increase the equilibrium level of aggregate demand. 78) Partial Equilibrium Analysis Let us first return to the partial equilibrium model of section 5. 79) The calculated value is less than the upper limit from Mariner 10, indicating that Mercury is close to hydrostatic equilibrium. 80) Knowledge consists of the overall state of the network at some equilibrium condition after it has responded to the input patterns. 81) Consider a candidate equilibrium in which every firm charges the same price P for its product. 82) Eventually, with r rising and g falling, r would exceed g, which is the only sustainable long-run equilibrium position. 83) Thus a rise in the price level leads to a fall in the equilibrium level of aggregate demand. 84) Using the equilibrium condition Q, Qi solve the equations to determine equilibrium price. 85) A dynamic equilibrium exists when two reversible or opposite processes are balanced. 86) The neo-classical view is that a perfectly competitive economy always tends towards its full employment equilibrium position. 87) Perfectly competitive free market equilibrium will then allocate resources efficiently. 88) Like externalities, they induce market failure. Free market equilibrium will not generally be efficient. 89) Graphically, the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve for the product will indicate the equilibrium point. 90) The crucial point in this case is that it is no longer possible to reproduce the integrated equilibrium through trade. 91) Any consideration of equality focusing on employment and income, therefore, will miss the real sources of equilibrium between the sexes. 92) Given that an equilibrium exists, it can be found by solving these equations. 93) Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce it. 94) On an equilibrium path it is assumed that both capital and labour are fully employed. 95) A full discussion of equilibrium between liquids and solids and liquids and gases is found in chapter 6. 96) The equilibrium levels of income and employment were believed to be determined largely in the labour market. 97) Could one of the class give me a definition of the word "equilibrium"? 98) The motor velocity increases under the influence of the positive torque and the equilibrium position is attained with maximum velocity. 99) The need to relax the assumptions of perfect competition, and that the economy has attained equilibrium, is apparent. 100) There is a positive or direct relationship between a change in demand and the resulting changes in equilibrium price and quantity. 101) Successful farming requires equilibrium between sun and rain, drought and flood. 102) On the contrary, as we noted earlier, his equilibrium model is a mobile one. 103) This time the equilibrium level of income is above the full employment level and so can not actually be attained. 103) try its best to collect and build good sentences. 104) The two phases are in dynamic equilibrium when the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation. 105) Depending on various factors, production might find its equilibrium at a high level or a low one. 106) The equilibrium price or insurance premium would equate the marginal cost and marginal benefit of risk-bearing. 107) The relationship between these three important variables is supposed to determine the characteristics of a state of temporary equilibrium. 108) In both these cases, the net effect upon equilibrium price will be zero; price will not change. 109) Transactors will have to search for the new equilibrium values themselves. 110) Condition 1 Equilibrium in the goods market requires that aggregate demand should equal national income. 111) The operation of the free market maintains an equilibrium between supply, demand and price. 112) In Fig. 10-1 this yields a decrease in the equilibrium value of income from to. 113) Equilibrium results in each case on a wider basis; we are now dealing with unstable equilibrium with positive indication. 114) That pleasing equilibrium between man, raffia, mud or whatever, does of course still prevail in various parts of the world. 115) We have now discovered that a competitive equilibrium in all markets would generate one particular Pareto-efficient allocation. 116) It remains to specify the equilibrium conditions in commodity markets. 117) In most stepping motor systems the winding time constant is much less than the period of rotor oscillations about each equilibrium position. 118) In this sense the steady state may be a poor approximation, and we should study the full equilibrium path. 119) At the equilibrium point the real wage is and is the quantity of labour employed generating, of real output. 120) Equilibrium is achieved through changes in the interest rate and the exchange rate. 2. 121) Given the assumptions of perfect mobility of factors and perfect information, this equilibrium should be consistent with zero unemployment. 122) The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere. 123) In this case the new equilibrium point would be E 2. 124) The path to the equilibrium in the game where is the mirror image of the example. 125) Equilibrium is a state of balance between assimilation and accommodation. 126) Hence, the equilibrium output in a competitive market is also identified as the optimal output. 127) This is the upshot of a more general principle of general equilibrium theory known as Walras's Law. 128) Changing metaphor, the equilibrium unemployment rate is seen to be shackled to the actual rate. 129) But there are many more allocations that are inefficient. 5 Under strict conditions, competitive equilibrium is Pareto-efficient. 130) Imagine an object at some definite temperature, electromagnetic radiation being in equilibrium with particles. 131) Competitive bidding by buyers will push the price up toward the equilibrium level. 132) Once again for two-phases-on there is a shift in the equilibrium positions, which can be confirmed analytically. 133) The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. 134) This angle accounts for the lag of the rotor behind the phase equilibrium position as the load on the motor increases. 135) But in competitive equilibrium prices are performing a second role. 136) A saturated solution is in dynamic equilibrium with undissolved solute. 137) This concludes our brief survey of equilibrium concepts and the models in which they are embedded. 138) Mondrian and his colleagues in de Stijl considered this discord to be the ultimate concord and spacial equilibrium. 139) Hemler and Longstaff derived a number of empirical predictions of their general equilibrium model that differ from those of the no-arbitrage model. 140) On 12 July 1953, when the Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb(/equilibrium.html), equilibrium was restored. 141) What divergences arise between equilibrium and optimal output when a spillover costs and b spillover benefits are present? 142) This line intersects the characteristic about 2 degrees from the equilibrium position, so 8, - 2 degrees -0.035 radians. 143) We can predict an increase in equilibrium price greater than that caused by either change taken separately. 144) Assuming the new equilibrium price is instantly established, they derived an expression for the change in price between transactions. 145) Indeed, viewing society as a whole as an organization, we see that bureaucratic structures may generate a self-confirming equilibrium. 146) Their empirical results largely supported the predictions of the general equilibrium model, rather than those of the no-arbitrage model. 147) They accept the forces that tend to bring them into equilibrium with their surroundings. 148) Posing the problem in terms of the equilibrium equation for extended reproduction - - he asked what would happen if the value. 149) This, we recall from Chapter is the rationing function of equilibrium prices. 150) Every year it should be a slightly different ball game to keep every species slightly out of equilibrium. 151) We find intelligence and life spooky because they maintain a precarious state far from equilibrium. 152) If any of these should change, there will be an effect on the equilibrium level of income. 153) The changes over time in capital and labour then govern the equilibrium path followed. 154) Hence, we postulated that adaptive cytoprotection maintains a physiological equilibrium between duodenal mucosal resistance and luminal acidity. 155) Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility. 156) Find the equilibrium point that balances the weights of the political resources mobilized by each group. 5. 157) Within the confines of an equilibrium model, the specification of the savings function needs careful consideration. 158) For a competitive equilibrium, this line must be tangent to the individual's indifference curve. 159) But even with a rigid outer Moon gravitational forces would have raised the floor most of the way towards isostatic equilibrium. 160) In other words, we may continue with a partial equilibrium framework. 161) Equilibrium is everything to sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets. 162) She mounted the bike and wobbled precariously for several yards before attaining a kind of equilibrium along Small's Wynd and disappearing. 163) These equations were a major advance, since they generalised Marx's formulation,(/equilibrium.html) and incorporated both equilibrium and proportionality. 164) Different patterns of demand imply different demand curves for individual goods and services and determine different equilibrium prices and quantities. 165) Franco's concern with internal equilibrium was also reflected in the occupants of what were arguably the two most important cabinet posts. 166) Figure 15-3 shows that at the equilibrium point E the marginal utility of the last film equals its marginal cost. 167) Hegemony evolves in an extensive but temporary form, equilibrium is only relative. 168) From the standpoint of the partial equilibrium analysis of the employment impact, the role of foreign trade emerged as especially important. 169) As the partial equilibrium analysis suggested, a procompetitive effect, with monopolistic industries expanding, is expected from trade. 170) Equilibrium is the goal for sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets. 171) Foreign has simple tastes: only good 3 is demanded. Let us first consider autarky equilibrium. 172) The equation for equilibrium conditions is, in reality, a combination of these two dis-equilibrium conditions. 173) A basic economic assumption in a market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point. 174) Biological, social, or economic systems enter periods of punctuated equilibrium with slowly evolving but firmly established structures. 175) So would look for self-confidence come hereat equilibrium. 176) Equilibrium let the game to end is temporary state, the prevent tactic should adjust by the development of land conflict. 177) This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and rates of chemical reactions. 178) One way to look at this, since if there's chemical equilibrium between the species, it means the molecules can interconvert. 179) The paper widely discusses the limit of feasibility in titrimetry and has derived the general criterion formula of the limit of feasibility in titrimetry by extent of reaction at equilibrium. 180) The ball kept rolling on the bench to find an equilibrium point. 181) Therefore, on base of the combination strategy, the paper constructs the transportation and spatial computable general equilibrium model (SCGE) joint assessment model. 182) The tenability of "Walras's law" is the prerequisite of general equilibrium, and the tenability of the law is the result of the aggregate of individual budget. 183) The perturbation growth rate, critical wave number and critical Reynolds number are affected by thermal non - equilibrium effect . 184) The author adopts partial equilibrium and general equilibrium to analyse efficiency losses. 185) The results show that the acceptant tactic of each player must achieve the Nash equilibrium only as the accounting information becomes true and fair. 186) The equilibrium strategies of different models under various demand elasticity are also analyzed. 187) These findings contribute to our understanding of cancer heterogeneity and reveal how stochasticity in single-cell behaviors promotes phenotypic equilibrium in populations of cancer cells. 188) The crankshaft checked in dynamic equilibrium ensures the enggine running smothly. 189) Finally, this thesis constructs a computable general equilibrium model, analyzes the policy effects. 190) The method was good in the aspect of pointing out all pure strategy combinations which are pure strategy Nash equilibria while distinguishing pure strategy Nash equilibrium existence. 191) The results demonstrate that the platinum adducts influence moderately on tautomeric equilibrium, but do not change the relative stability of tautomers whether in gas phase or in aqueous solution. 192) As an important tool of testing time series stationarity, unit root test is always used, and cointegration test is also often implied for judging long equilibrium between nonstationary variables. 193) The equilibrium differential equation and corresponding boundary condition of laterally loaded long-piles under double-parameter foundation were deduced by means of energy variation principle. 193) try its best to gather and build good sentences. 194) In addition, the function of a suspension point andoriginal equilibrium position of pendulum to tiItmeter stability has been introduced. 195) Lecture 3 How to recognize equilibrium. Composition- assemblage diagrams; Contact metamorphism: the role of heat. 196) The methods that fulfil the goal of profits include opportunity cost contrast, equilibrium analysis, marginal analysis, and so on. 197) With a fractional reserve system you're in an unstable equilibrium. 198) While the balance between home buyer and seller activity remains in an equilibrium range in the Greater Vancouver housing market, last month's home sale total was below the 10-year average for July. 199) The formalism presented here can be applied to nuclear as well as other many fermion systems in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium states. 200) In China, the supply curve of labor is moving right, and the demand curve is immovable. In new equilibrium quantity, real wages is lower, employment quantity is increase. 201) In the modern period, economists discussed elementarily the dynamic incidence of land tax by general equilibrium analysis. 202) Allele and genotype frequencies among CAD patients and non - CAD subjects were compatible with Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium. 203) Secondly. utilizing the equilibrium structure method to analyze practical stability of large scale systems and existence of stable limit cycle are discussed . 204) The upper level problem seeks to maximize the operator's revenue, while the lower level problem is a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model with elastic demand. 205) The thermal equilibrium state in solid state materials is one essential mixed entangled state. 206) This intertexture between formation of American foreign policy has been in equilibrium between them. 207) The methods and results to realize the triple points of argon, oxygen and nitrogen in a cryostat and those of equilibrium hydrogen and neon in a mini-refrigerator are described. 208) HIPS prepolymer was seperated by ultracentrifugation to study phase equilibrium and the monomer distribution between rubber (R) phase and polystyrene (PS) phase. 209) The mathematical model treated by the computer can be deduced for the equilibrium condition of coplanar arbitrary force system. 210) In theory fuzzy controller of diffluence equilibrium charging system is designed and the model of fuzzy controlling system is established and simulated. 211) The securities noise is not a rational information which makes the equilibrium price of stock drift off its internal price under the environment of information unsymmetry. 212) On a supply - and - demand diagram, show equilibrium price equilibrium quantity, and the total revenue received by producers. 213) It also researches the equilibrium strategy under the merger and anti-merger. 214) Nonlinear Dynamics of contact load movement is analyzed and studied, and the equilibrium sediment transport equation of contact load movement and the function expression of Shields curve are deduced . 215) The total stress response of material is decomposed into a sum of an equilibrium stress response and a non-equilibrium overstress response. 216) This complex reaction is characterized by a keto - enol tautomerism equilibrium and ester exchange reaction. 217) The radial scale length for cylindrically symmetric plasmas in one-dimensional equilibrium is characterized by the electron skin depth. 218) According to the economic and financial characteristics in the transitional period of China, the paper establishes a partial equilibrium model of banks portfolio behaviors. 219) The tautomeric energies of DHP(HMP)-ethanol clusters is close to that of the isolated solute molecule. It indicates that the solvent molecule have not changed the tautomeric equilibrium. 220) On the contrary, the policies maintain the state of equilibrium. 221) The finite element equation is solved by equilibrium iteration procedure, and the stress integration and contact pressures are calculated by the implicit algorithm. 222) So perfect asset structure efficiently reduces risk of a firm to the extent of equilibrium between risk and profit. 223) The Fourth Part is an attempt to develop the model. In this part I inspect the complete competition equilibrium market, and compare the model with the Neoclassic Growth Model. 223) try its best to collect and build good sentences. 224) General equilibrium incidence analysis often employs a two - sector, two - factor model. 225) Sweet-and-sour pork, bathed in egg batter and cooked with scallions and sugar, was the perfect equilibrium of the two flavors. 226) As mentioned above, we have not explicitly used the first condition for equilibrium, that the vector sum of the forces be zero. 227) This article educes the non-equilibrium phase transition based on equilibrium phase transition and introduces the general methods for dealing with phase transitions and critical phenomena. 228) The disease basically results from breakdown of the harmony and equilibrium of Yin-Yang, which means the luxus or decline of Yin or Yang. 229) In this paper, various processes of potassium sulfate production by Glauber's salt method was simulated by software of PHEES (Phase Equilibrium of Electrol. 230) There will be no tendency for him to bounce back up and regain his previous equilibrium. 231) While there were multiple equilibrium results in the analytical results of the monopoly limit pricing game model, which inconvenienced the analysis and application. 232) Materials and Method:Low-dose Dobutamine stress Equilibrium Radionuclide Ventriculography was performed in 47 patients and 20 cases of control group. 233) But it is difficulties to control the piston's stroke, top dead position and equilibrium position, also the non-linear effect of the gas forces, and it is not easy to improve the efficiency. 234) Compared with typical non equilibrium stage model, this model has 20% less total calculation time and 50% less total iteration time. 235) A Nash equilibrium relies on the rationality of each player. 236) The solution of the resulting system of equations ( both linear and non - linear ) is the general equilibrium. 237) The nitrogen budget of tilapia is affected by the quality of protein, energy content and nutrition equilibrium of feed. It is key issue to improve feed quality to reduce aquacultural pollution. 238) This paper extends and founds a general equilibrium model of stock price based on difference of value estimation and asymmetric trade. 239) Based on the experimental data, the partitioning equilibrium constant of L tryptophan L Trp was obtained. 240) He no sooner recovers his equilibrium the next porpoise comes and hits him another crack. 241) Dissert the principle of power equilibrium, and present the method that is making use of equivalent resistance to compensate harmonic source. 242) Most IP routing algorithms are based on the shortest path, i. e. , the minimal cost path, which corresponds to the user equilibrium model. 243) Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better than an explosion and just as soon dead. 244) A partial equilibrium model for global carbon emission trading (TRCW) was set up to analyze the market potential and the market structure of clean development mechanism (CDM) put into effect in China. 245) The governing differential equation was derived with the help of these basic equations and equilibrium condition. 246) The application of pure strategy Nash equilibrium analysis and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium analysis in electricity market is also investigated using two separate examples. 247) In this paper, the rate constant and equilibrium constant of the crack reaction of methyl silicane were obtained with the transition state theory and quantum chemistry calculation. 248) The static equilibrium equation for the Cabin Supporting Structure is solved by iteration, which could make the six cables loaded very closely. 249) On the equilibrium geometries, the charge density topological analysis of critical points has been achieved. 250) We considered that the lactulose feedings were useful for growing well bifidobacteria, suppression of harmful bacteria, regulated micro flora, for maintained micro-ecological equilibrium in gut. 251) This paper deals with the mathematics model of two populations amensalism symbiosis and the stability of all equilibrium points in the system. 252) Under the condition of equilibrium crack the plastic component of the displacement can be regarded as a function of load and crack length. 253) Existence conditions of semi-trivial equilibrium solutions with principal eigenvalue theory of partial difference operator and comparison principle were analyzed. 254) Fluid phase equilibrium data is essential for the design of supercritical fluid extraction column involving the measurement of phase diagrams for ternary mixtures. 255) Axis is the wave band market in the relative equilibrium position Pupil. 256) Particularly, the example of mixed strategy Nash equilibrium analysis is dealt with special historical cases in Chinese electricity market. 257) Saw an article today that is to say: the equilibrium pressure. 258) The computative results show that the mass of core obtained according to the virial equilibrium of the dark molecular cloud is larger than one according to the LTE. 259) With the limit equilibrium condition, the ultimate bearing capacity of rock foundation was deduced under general shear failure. |
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