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单词 Creole
1. She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti.
2. The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum.
3. The new President delivered his inaugural address in Creole.
4. Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish.
5. I love Creole cooking, so hot and spicy.
6. It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics.
7. Linguists are studying the asymmetric use of Creole by parents and children .
8. Set up roadblocks on King Creole and Roustabout.
9. Have you had the shrimp creole?
10. Creole utterances in conversations like these are usually one-liners.
11. Tone greatly aids the researchers' understanding of Creole grammar, which appears less simple than was thought.
12. This tale was collected in the Louisiana Creole colloquial speech.
13. Some typical vocabulary words of this creole are listed in table 7. 2.
14. These often involve vowel sounds having their Creole rather than their expected London pronunciations.
15. We rented a house in the Creole quarter of New Orleans.
16. In practice, the amount of Creole used in any interaction is the subject of ongoing negotiation among the parties themselves.
17. It is true for intra-generational talk as well that speakers are not constrained to use Creole to respond to a Creole utterance.
18. The key part of her proposition, furthermore, is the Creole part.
19. Her data from Dudley, West Midlands, shows that this is one of the first Creole features adapted to.
20. This was a striated world, filled with the colorful sounds of white, Cajun, Creole and black societies.
21. Other questions were designed to elicit information about extent of Creole use as perceived by the respondent.
22. There is space here only to summarise very briefly the large amount of research on pidgin and Creole languages.
23. Generally it is true to say that use of Creole is restricted to the private domain, and informal situations.
24. The thatched restaurant offers a splendid selection of international and local creole dishes.
25. By simply questioning informants it is difficult to get an accurate picture of where and when Creole is actually used at home.
26. The food is excellent, with international cuisine as well as Creole, for which the hotel is well known.
27. Duck and andouille sausage gumbo was another dish that evolved out of the early Creole and Cajun kitchens of Louisiana.
28. English is the island's official language, but people also speak French and Creole.
29. Children of primary school age seem to make only limited use of Creole.
30. The island community Nichols studied traditionally spoke Gullah, a creole variety developed from the African/English pidgin of early slave plantations.
1. She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti.
2. The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum.
31. More on Haitian Creole morpho - syntax.
32. AAE: Creole origins + de - Creolization?
33. Creole Genesis: The Haitian case. What's to be explained?
34. More on Creole Identities. Haiti vs. the Dominican Republic.
35. Language: English is official language, Spanish and Creole.
36. Creole started into something else, it was almost sardonic.
37. The official language is French, generally speaking Creole dialect.
38. I heard that Maybelle's little Creole came home safely.
39. He speaks a Creole language. No wonder It'sounds strange.
40. Are Caribbean Creoles to be considered 'dialects' of European languages?For example, is Haitian Creole a 'dialect' of French?
41. So far it covers 52 of the world's estimated 6, 000 languages, the latest being Haitian Creole.
42. Language: Creole is the first language, English and French are also spoken.
43. I spoke to her in French, but she didn't seem to understand, and I hadn't learned any Haitian Creole yet (that was one of the things I had been planning to do during the three-year wait).
44. Recapitulate from last time: What does it mean to study Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities?
45. In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin,() the son of a prominent Creole family from Louisiana.
46. Elvis's first movie, Love Me Tender, was my favorite and remains so, though I also liked Loving You, Jailhouse Rock, King Creole, and Blue Hawaii.
47. Are all Creoles equal? The so - called Creole Continuum.
48. Like her author, Jean Rhys , Antoinette is also a Creole from the West Indies.
49. An Uruguayan gaucho (a South American cattle herder) is unseated by an unbroken horse during the celebration of Creole week in Montevideo, Uruguay, April 9, 2006.
50. Despite having English as an official language, most Belizeans speak Belize Creole , a colorful English - based language.
51. Through a sample of linguistic case studies focusing on Haitian Creole morphosyntax, we will explore Creolization from a cognitive, historical and comparative perspective.
52. The best teams also have a command of Haitian Creole and French, if possible.
53. Then Creole stepped forward to remind them that what they were playing was the blues.
54. What is to be represented, and how? Haitian Creole orthographic debates.
55. So far it covers 52 languages, adding Haitian Creole last week.
56. In Haitian Creole, the old are called "gran moun, " and they are relatively few.
57. In the southern state of Louisiana, people enjoy spicy Cajun and Creole foods.
58. But New Orleans serves up countless variations of the basic gumbo recipe, from classic Creole style to pungent Cajun.
59. The political psychological state of Creole Elite Class in the process of Spanish American Independent Movement was contradictory and complex.
60. He joined with associates Creole lecherous master Thach killed and took away a Collection on the martial arts.
61. When Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in January, aid teams poured in to the shattered island, speaking dozens of languages — but not Haitian Creole.
62. One of the best known Creole languages, and the one with the largest community of speakers, is Haitian Creole.
63. What is to be represented, and how? The Haitian Creole orthographic debates.
64. Guides are available in nine languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, Haitian Creole, Polish and Portuguese.
65. How do Creole speakers chose to project themselves to the world?
66. Her short stories set in Creole community of Louisianan won her literary fame and popularity.
67. Creole speakers 'attitudes toward elements of their Creole language and culture.
68. In this case it happens to be really useful because Haitian Creole is not really spoken outside of the Haitian community.
69. Creoles: A creole language is originally a pidgin that has become estabished as a native language in some speech community.




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