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单词 inborn
释义  in·born /ˌɪnˈbɔːn◂ $ -ɔːrn◂/ adjective  HBHNATURALan inborn quality or ability is one you have had naturally since birth 天生的,与生俱来的 Mammals have an inborn fear of snakes. 哺乳动物天生害怕蛇。 Good taste is inborn and cannot be learned. 好的鉴赏力是与生俱来的,无法通过后天习得。Examples from the Corpusinborn• It appears that in this case, at least, the avoidance of the deadly prey is inborn.• She soon realised that what he had said was true: taste and style were inborn.• He speculated that all such creatures had an inborn appreciation of beauty that they shared with humans.• A prolonged period of family life permits the growing offspring to add individual learning experiences to their inborn behaviour programming.• On average, environmental factors caused about twice as many cancers as inborn genetic factors.• Thus, within us all are powerful inborn systems for communicating, nurturing, and surviving.• Some people seem to have an inborn talent for cooking.• Those who survive best emotionally do so partly by the gift of their inborn·born adjectiveChineseSyllable  inborn an naturally quality have you is or one ability Corpus had




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