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单词 pow
释义  pow /paʊ/ interjection  SOUNDused to represent the sound of a gun firing, an explosion, or someone hitting another person hard, especially in children’s comics 啪,砰〔表示枪声、爆炸声或打人的声音,尤用于儿童漫画中〕Related topics: MilitaryPOW /ˌpiː əʊ ˈdʌbəljuː $ -oʊ-/ noun [countable]  PMa prisoner of war 战俘Examples from the CorpusPOW• We drove through that, and it was at this time that we captured 15 to 20 POWs and lots of equipment.• All POWs have been released.• The company now admits it is likely that the facilities were partly staffed by forced labor and POWs during this period.• After commencing retraining, the ex POWs, like most soldiers on a home posting, endeavoured to get home at weekends.• He received about 20 letters from ex-regimental POWs who were in need; these were passed on to the regiment.• Most of all, Nixon justified the continuation of the war by raising the issue of the POWs held by Hanoi.Origin pow (1800-1900) From the soundpow interjectionPOW nounChinese  to an of the a gun used Corpus sound represent firing,




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