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单词 impressionism
释义 Word family  noun impression impressionism impressionist impressiveness adjective impressionable impressive ≠ unimpressive impressionistic unimpressed verb impress adverb impressively impressionistically  Related topics: Painting and drawing, Musicim·pres·sion·is·m, Impressionism /ɪmˈpreʃənɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  1. AVPa style of painting used especially in France in the 19th century that uses colour instead of details of form to produce effects of light or feeling 印象主义,印象派〔不拘泥于细节,而以色彩来营造光线或感觉效果的绘画风格,尤盛行于19世纪的法国〕 → realism2. APMa style of music from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that produces feelings and images by the quality of sounds rather than by a pattern of notes 印象主义,印象派〔以音色而不是旋律来产生感觉和意象的音乐风格,盛行于19世纪末及20世纪初〕Examples from the Corpusimpressionism• The challenge to academic painting that impressionism posed was a challenge both in form and in·pres·sion·is·m nounChineseSyllable  of style a especially France Corpus painting in used




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