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单词 Be vital to
1. Perseverance is vital to success.
2. A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.
3. These matters are vital to the national security.
4. The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.
5. The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.
6. Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.
7. It is vital to keep accurate records.
8. It is vital to be honest with your children.
9. Good financial planning is vital to business success.
10. These measures are vital to national security.
11. It was vital to show that he was not afraid.
12. An efficient transport system is vital to the smooth running of a country's economy.
13. Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.
14. When drawing up a contract it is vital to build in safety measures.
15. He is firmly convinced that it is vital to do this.
16. Your contribution was vital to the success of the concert.
17. It is vital to keep a check on your speed .
18. Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. In fact they are vital to the accurate reconstruction of past human activities.
20. They are technically very advanced, they must be utterly reliable and effective for they are vital to industry.
21. This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching.
22. Web 2.0 technologies offer revolutionary capabilities that could be vital to overcoming existing and future threats, if they can be incorporated into the intelligence environment.
23. The current line can be vital to a tired diver fighting a current back to the boat.
24. The Bank says partnerships with other donors will be vital to making progress on gove rnance.
25. Exports will always be vital to any economy, especially those with few natural resources or large populations.
26. We also found a whole batch of papers which we thought might be vital to the war effort.
27. Given the importance of the information you're storing in your database, proper handling of both database errors and warnings can be vital to your business.
28. In some countrysides, more and more people realize that online education will be vital to the success of their students.
29. While this may be perfectly acceptable under normal circumstances, if problems occur, it can be vital to have a better understanding of how the Java application is configured.
30. Regardless of how you choose to depict the evolutionary approach, its ability to shorten time-to-market can be vital to project success.
31. He thinks the suspect may be vital to the Palmer assassination attempt.
32. In other parts of the world, text capability on cellphones can be vital to economic development and helping people who don't speak or read English buy and sell goods.
33. In the event of the intentional release of a biological agent these activities would be vital to effective international containment efforts.
34. It will be vital to reduce debt levels to avoid long-term damage and a loss of confidence from the international community.
35. Most people realize that computers will be vital to the success of today's youngsters.
36. The coordination and funding of this research, by institutions such as the U. S. National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration, will be vital to stem the epidemic.
37. "Our crowd will be vital to us on Sunday, no doubt about that, but we've got to give them something to cheer about, " he added.
38. In a series of experiments, they have identified a protein called 'wnt' found to be vital to the production of colour in hairs.
39. The business impact of the changes needs to be analyzed and if the changes are considered to be vital to the business, then the process steps need to change in an effort to close the gap.
39. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
40. The responsibility of the service custodian can be vital to the success of this approach.
41. This will be vital to ensure that biofuels develop sustainably, irrespective of geographies," say the authors.




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