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单词 Leukocytic
1 It is concluded that leukocytic pyrogen acts directly on the thermoregulatory mechanism of the anterior hypothalamus to cause fever.
2 The leukocytic aggregation and infiltration in lung were also decreased significantly.
3 Conclusion Local transfection of MC148 gene may promote immunosuppression by inhibiting leukocytic infiltration after allogeneous skin transplantation.
4 A large human phage antibody library was subjected for panning with leukocytes from healthy donors and leukemia patients to select for specific antibodies against leukocytic surface proteins.
5 Objective:To require into the expression and significance of Human leukocytic antigen DR (HLA- DR) in primary human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) .
6 Marked edema, nerve fiber separation, interstitial substance swelling and leukocytic infiltration of the sciatic nerve tranks were seen in severe cases.
7 Otherwise, we observed that ultraviolet radiation can result in the enhancement of leukocytic phago - cytic function.




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