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单词 imitation
释义  im·i·ta·tion /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃən◂/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]IMITATE when you copy someone else’s actions 模仿,仿效by imitation Many people think that children learn language by imitation. 很多人认为儿童通过模仿学习语言。 The remake of ‘Casablanca’ was a pale imitation (=something that is much less good than the thing it imitates) of the original movie. 重拍的《卡萨布兰卡》远不如原版。2  [countable] when you copy the way someone speaks or behaves, especially in order to be funny (滑稽)模仿 SYN impression She acted, she danced, she did imitations. 她演戏,跳舞,做滑稽模仿。imitation of his imitation of an American accent 他对美国口音的模仿3  [countable]COPY a copy of something 仿制品,赝品imitation of She wore an imitation of a sailor’s hat. 她戴着一顶仿制的水手帽。imitation fur/pearls/silk/leather etc (=something that looks like an expensive material but is a copy of it) 人造毛皮/珍珠/丝绸/皮革等 an imitation fur coat 人造毛皮大衣► see thesaurus at artificial, falseExamples from the Corpusimitation• Nor was the dambusters plus aeroplane imitations one performed, or the runway for ice.• Everything else is a cheap imitation.• The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it.• An earthen mound forms an even more direct imitation.• Rival troupes gave so many imitations that its inventor was forgotten.• These forms of imitation are not surprising.• Three generations of imitation so doggedly faithful that it defied credibility.• But this imitation of well-established exemplars is another mark of the psychotic rather than the genuine mystic.• Children learn through imitation.• A white imitation of black grief.pale imitation• It had been a pale imitation.• These, however, are but a pale imitation of the History file.• These programs are still only a pale imitation of the original human operators, however.• But this time round, they're pathetic, pale imitations of the planet destroyers that went before.• To its critics, it became a mild tabloid and a very pale imitation of what was originally intended.did imitations• He also did imitations - Churchill a piècederésistance.• Wits on the Salomon trading floor did imitations of Mortara.• He did imitations of different accents-Navaho, black, New York.• She acted, she danced, she did imitations.imitation fur/pearls/silk/leather etc• As he fumbled for another dime, a black girl in an imitation leather overcoat walked by the booth.• Some one else pulled her necklace, and imitation pearls spread underfoot.• Not poor-quality editions in imitation leather.• Nora chose a blue cotton dress with lots of tiny buttons covered in maroon imitation silk.• Better no pearls than imitation pearls.• Patsy and Betsy were in their best Sunday frocks, short-skirted, Patsy wearing imitation silk stockings and Betsy white·i·ta·tion nounChineseSyllable  you when copy Corpus actions someone else’s




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