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单词 Infectious
1. Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.
2. It was an infectious organism that he studied.
3. Her joy was so infectious that he momentarily forgot his own fears for the future.
4. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
5. When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
6. While you have this rash you are still infectious.
7. Her infectious laughter had everyone smiling.
8. She radiates an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does.
9. The patient is still infectious.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. What an infectious laugh she has!
11. Influenza is an infectious disease.
12. Infectious diseases are spread by airborne droplets.
13. The man was declared infectious and his clothes and bed had to be fumigated.
14. Flu is highly infectious.
15. Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
16. Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.
17. Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.
18. Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases.
19. Estimated costs for some infectious agents are equally staggering.
20. She had this wonderful natural and infectious charm.
21. It was infectious, and I grinned back at her.
22. Sheila has an infectious smile.
23. Establish a public health laboratory fellowship in infectious diseases.
24. Health care delivery and earlier recognition of emerging infectious diseases are enhanced when susceptible populations are targeted for surveillance.
25. This can be infectious in small doses, and her catchy anthem, Finally, is pop at its most celebratory.
26. The power of their positive thinking is infectious and pervades our daily working life.
27. Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
28. The source of infection may be a person who is incubating an infectious disease.
29. Timely recognition of emerging infections requires early warning systems to detect new infectious diseases before they become public health crises.
30. Activities i. Evaluate technologic aspects of food processing and water treatment that may promote infectious disease emergence.
1. Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.
2. It was an infectious organism that he studied.
3. Her joy was so infectious that he momentarily forgot his own fears for the future.
4. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
5. The patient is still infectious.
6. What an infectious laugh she has!
7. Influenza is an infectious disease.
8. Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
31. Elsewhere in the world, according to World Health Organization statistics, both new and re-emerging infectious diseases are raging.
32. Penicillin began a revolution in the treatment of infectious disease.
33. Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
34. Immediate priorities should include improving facilities to deal with infectious agents that require high level microbiological safety precautions. iii.
35. Five times more likely to die from infectious diseases and parasites; and Six times more likely to die from other diseases.
36. And laughter is infectious ... so a little bit of effort on the small screen could start the ball rolling.
37. Typical of the infectious optimism was Michael Ainslie, president of Sotheby's auctioneers.
38. Focuses on the links between overcrowding and the incidence of respiratory and infectious disease.
39. Better understanding of animal reservoirs and vectors of infectious agents is important in anticipating and controlling emerging infections.
39. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
40. A carrier of hepatitis B is infectious to other people even if he or she does not show symptoms.
41. Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
42. And most important, are they working properly, so that they can protect Getty from AIDS-related infectious disease?
43. In the case of acute infectious diseases, attempts are made to isolate a single identifiable organism.
44. That kind of morale booster is infectious and they could well have won by a bigger margin.
45. Those with infectious diseases, too, were excluded, and children who were vulnerable to them.
46. This was not by drama, but by being around, and by being himself, and by an infectious enthusiasm.
47. The great infectious epidemics responded to a combination of improved sanitation and hygiene, vaccination programmes and antibiotics.
48. Ensure that the laboratory space, equipment, and supplies needed to address emerging infectious diseases are available.
49. Improved diet would have reduced death rates primarily because well fed people are better able to fight off infectious disease.
50. By lessening your own tension you help to relax others in your sphere; relaxation and tension are infectious.
51. This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
52. These infectious disease problems demonstrate the urgency for expeditiously implementing this plan.
53. Improved cleanliness of young children can reduce the nasal and ocular discharges that constitute a major reservoir of infectious material.
54. This caused a sensation in Western countries where the threat of serious infectious disease had come to be considered remote.
55. Infectious diseases that now spread more easily because of increased worldwide travel.
56. As the mysteries of many infectious and nutritional diseases have been solved, what remain are the chronic disorders with genetic origins.
57. He was a snub-nosed little fellow in a grubby shirt, with an infectious smile.
58. Constant vigilance is essential, but undergraduates have little opportunity to gain first hand experience of infectious diseases during their hospital training.
59. The mood is similar, somewhere between awe of their opponents and their colossal price tags and the usual infectious optimism.
60. Women with infectious hepatitis or schizophrenia have slightly more daughters than sons.
61. The different ways in which superantigens activate T cells casts light on the pathogenesis of infectious disease.
62. The disease of tuberculosis is more dangerously infectious than that of leprosy....
63. Whereas blood recipients can easily receive infectious agents, passing them on is difficult.
64. Appropriate populations of lymphocytes make specialised proteins that attach to antigens on the infectious organism.
65. Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
66. He had an infectious sense of humour, and recently scripted an amusing and satirical pantomime.
67. These figures and other measures, however, most likely underestimate the impact of infectious diseases.
68. It seems as though we have conquered the traditional infectious diseases only to be assaulted by new ones.
69. Indeed some schools do not allow girls to do this, seeing pregnancy, like measles,(http:///infectious.html) as infectious.
70. Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
71. The countryside has been virtually shut down in a bid to contain the highly infectious disease.
72. At the same time, our ability to detect, contain, and prevent emerging infectious diseases is in jeopardy.
73. This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
74. Evaluate effectiveness and economic benefit of strategies to prevent emerging infectious diseases.
75. Laura found an occasional outlet in humorous accounts of their lives related to close women friends with an infectious laugh.
76. We therefore intend to analyse additional sera from patients with infectious gastroenteritis for the presence of anti-lactoferrin antibodies.
77. But you won't be infectious and most people are able to carry on just as normal.
78. Those who remembered him with his barrow recalled a cheerful, toothy smile, an infectious, confidence-inspiring laugh.
79. Testosterone itself, the very elixir of masculinity, increases susceptibility to infectious disease.
80. It seems unlikely to be an infectious agent that is causing the problem as only Koi and Orfe are affected.
81. The biggest risk to humans however lies in the rats' ability to carry infectious diseases.
82. The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus.
83. In addition to personnel resources, reference laboratory facilities and services are critical to the effective management of emerging infectious disease threats.
84. Activities i. Establish the means for early, systematic evaluation of newly recognized pathogens or syndromes of probable infectious etiology.
85. Infectious anaemia in salmon is caused by the broiler system being applied to fish.
86. As society, technology, and the environment change, pathogens evolve or spread, and the spectrum of infectious diseases expands.
87. Foot and mouth disease is caused by a highly infectious virus which animals either eat or inhale.
88. The current system for detecting infectious prion particles is not very sensitive.
89. Before either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease was diagnosed infectious and neoplastic diseases had to be ruled out.
90. Whatever made the sap infectious was not visible with the conventional microscope.
91. In fact leprosy is the least infectious of all the communicable diseases.
92. Clause 70 of the previous Bill required the undertakers to install monitoring apparatus to monitor water level and quality for infectious diseases.
93. Now, remember the elegant woman, always dressed to the nines, with the infectious laugh.
94. The crowded conditions they lived in were ideal for passing on an infectious agent.
95. Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.
96. The other major target group is those hospitalised with infectious illnesses.
97. Once infected, people remain infectious all their lives and can pass the virus on to others.
98. To drive out a sick individual is sometimes advantageous, because the sickness may be infectious.
99. According to various surveys, they showed a rate of infectious hepatitis eight to twenty-five times higher than heterosexual males.http://
100. His infectious smile and sense of fun was highly reminiscent of Gedge anyway.
101. His enthusiasm was infectious and the composer Edvard Grieg was numbered among his many friends.
102. Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.
103. The potential application of this technology to monitoring environmental changes that could affect the emergence of infectious diseases will be assessed.
104. Doctors say that the disease is most infectious in the first twenty-four hours.
105. B.. Develop more effective international surveillance networks for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases.
106. Glandular fever is an infectious disease that hits many older children, teenagers and young adults.
107. Needless to say, the lesions on the skin in the recurrent phase are still infectious.
108. a vaccine which protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus which is transmitted sexually or by sharing infected needles.
109. Apart from smallpox it was the first major infectious disease to decline.
110. Final microbiological diagnosis was made by two infectious disease specialists who weighed all available clinical evidence.
111. But Chabert, infectious giggles and all, is close enough to her precocious character to want to burst some picture-perfect bubbles.
112. In his short life, he had been a paratrooper and a physician, specializing in infectious diseases.
113. However it is only present in large enough quantities to be infectious in blood, semen and vaginal fluids.
114. It is only infectious in tiny airborne droplets of 5 microns or less, breathed into the lungs.
115. Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
116. The nasal discharge and the discharge from the abscesses is highly infectious and this is how strangles is spread to other horses.
117. National infectious disease surveillance systems form the foundation of our ability to know and track the routine.
118. Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
119. Such studies are often the first integral step toward identifying the cause of an infectious disease outbreak.
120. Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.
121. However, limited resources have left many state and local health departments with inadequate capacity to conduct surveillance for most infectious diseases.
122. Those with oriented motion is of infectious oncosphere.
123. Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
124. These viruses affect children and are highly infectious.
125. In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious.
126. This disease is not contagious [ infectious ] .
127. Poultry hauling equipment likewise can disseminate infectious material.
128. Melioidosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease of humans.
129. And any primate can harbor deadly infectious agents.
129. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130. When you have this anthema, you are still infectious.
131. His writing style is concise and infectious.
132. Prof. of Dentistry: Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
133. Scientists are a step closer to developing the first ever blood test for the deadly infectious disease known as kala-azar, or visceral leishmaniasis.
134. The moody, infectious Everything, featuring Motorcycle's Jes is also top-notch.
135. Infectious bursal disease (IBD) of poultry is an acute highly contagious viral infection. It heavily threatens the poultry industry.
136. Dean Blumberg, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at UC Dais.
137. Anthrax: Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that, in spore form, can retain its virulence in contaminated soil or other material for many years.
138. Avian leukosis in egg-type chickens is infectious neoplastic disease caused by avian leukosis viruse subgroup J( ALV-J).
139. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, which are caused by the Bovine herpes virus type I, are extremely harmful to cattle industry.
140. Proventriculus type of avian infectious bronchitis isolate virus D971 was used to infect SPF chickens. Infected chickens manifested emaciation, diarrhea and mild dyspnea after inoculation.
141. The chief reason for refusing donors was a history of disease, including malaria and infectious hepatitis, and of hypertension.
142. Newcastle Disease ( ND ) and chicken Infectious Bronchitis ( IB ) are both serious infectious diseases.
143. That's more than a folksy aphorism when it comes to infectious diseases.
144. Conclusions The main indications of functional sinus surgery are infectious nasal sinus diseases or meatus nasi lesion that may interfere with the drainage.
145. Plague: Infectious fever caused by the Bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea.
146. Methods The breeding environment and the density of intermediate host were observed at regular intervals and the natural infectious status of intermediate host was surveyed by dissection.
147. This disease is infectious.
148. He worked at a fever heat, and it was so infectious that I felt my temples throbbing in sympathy with his efforts, the veins swelling in my brow.
149. To explore the dynamic changes of cellular immune function in children with infectious mononucleosis .
150. The main goal of the toilet modernization in rural areas is to prevent and control the propagation of the verminous and intestinal infectious affection.
151. Influence of Marek's disease virus (MDV) infections on antibody titers induced by newcastle disease virus (NDV) and infectious bursal disease (IBDV) vaccines was studied.
152. This Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is expected to be able to treat infectious diseases, including AIDS and the virus-induced cancer.
153. To sicken for mental disorder, Hansen's disease, venereal disease, pulmonary tuberculosis or any other infectious disease and etc.
154. Under normal circumstances the immune system will eradicate an infectious agent using antibodies and T cells as its main weapons.
155. There was a peal of laughter down the phone, which Harry found infectious.
156. In this case, the discussant correctly focused on ruling out an infectious cause for this acute, multisystem presentation of a disease in an otherwise healthy young man.
157. Are ongoing and a candidate causative infectious agent is under investigation.
158. An indirect hemagglutination assay(IHA) was set up using sheep erythrocytes sensitized with capsid protein VP2 of infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV) which were expressed in Escherichia coli.
159. This study provided experiment background in formulating control measure against avian infectious coryza.
160. Most tragically,() infectious diseases such as measles or whooping cough can kill undernourished children more readily than well-fed ones.
161. There's a thoroughness to the historical diagnostic procedure that is sometimes lost in contemporary clinical practice, says Paul Sehdev, an M. D. in his final year of training in infectious diseases.
162. Ashanti first announced her presence with the Big Pun hit How We Roll in 2001. Her sound was infectious and caught the attention of record producers. Irv Gotti, a producer with Murder Inc.
163. Objective To evaluate clinical diagnosis value of procalcitionin ( PCT ) in old patients with acute infectious disease.
164. Pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastroenteritis etc. caused by co-infections of bacteria and canine distemper virus, parainfluenza virus, infectious hepatitis virus, coronavirus.
165. Objective To analyse the clinical value of ultrasound in diagnosing infectious endocarditis.
166. We don't accept people with psychopathy , infectious diseases and serious skin diseases.
167. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.
168. With The Brightness, Mitchell gives us a glimpse into the raw talent and infectious energy of today's underground folkies, not to mention a handful of the places she's been.
169. Syphilis is the infectious disease which causes by the syphilitic spirochaeta , mainly disseminates by way of the sex act.
170. Field trials of recombinant subunit vaccine of infectious bursal disease (IBD) were made in 9 flocks of commercial broiler chicken with 3 batches of experimental production.
171. The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine composition used for preventing and curing infectious bursal disease of chickens and a preparation method thereof.
172. Lemology has certain features of seasonal and regional happening and some diseases rarity and its infectious feature, which make students difficult in observing patients clinical physical features.
173. Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the poliomyelitis virus.
174. Methods To test the vagina secretion of child-bearing age women of Cangzhou city, and put up clinical analysis to procreation canal infectious patients hospitalize, examination, and treatment.
175. Objective:To research the significance of serum acetonic ketone body ratio(AKBR) for judging the severity and prognosis of infectious multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS).
176. Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus.
177. This work was supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the National Institute of General Medicine.
178. Newcastle disease (ND) and Avian infectious bronchitis (IB) are both very important viral infectious diseases that endanger seriously the raising-chickens' industries in our country all along.
179. Diphtheria is causes by the diphtheria clavate bacillus threatens the enormous one kind of acute respiratory tract infectious disease to the child.
180. In addition, they were able to determine a three-dimensional map by analysis of infectious hepatitis B virus isolated from patient blood samples.
181. Objective To detect the methods and countermeasures of personal protection for medical stuffs in the hospitalization of the infectious atypical pneumonia(AP) in the large hospital.
182. An acute whole-cranial, severe headache associated with fever, photophobia , and stiff neck indicates an infectious process, such as meningitis, until proved otherwise.
183. In a global view, SARS forebodes a globalization of infectious diseases and the new ones.
184. At home it began a program to vaccinate children against infectious childhood diseases.
185. Seborrhoea keratoses aren't related to exposure to sunlight, nor are they infectious.
186. In 1984 the Office International des Epizooties listed hog cholera as one of the A kind 16 legal infectious diseases because it caused huge economic loss.
187. Epidemics of infectious hepatitis are prone to occur in institutions, and gamma globulin has been shown to protect against clinical infection in these circumstances.
188. University of the Witwatersrand. Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases National Health Laboratory Service(NHLS) and the School of Pathology.
189. Laboratory-based surveillance and outbreak investigations were integrated with reports of notifiable infectious diseases to estimate the bacterial species-specific incidence of enteric fever.sentence dictionary
190. This is the website for Division of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Service at Johns Hopkins University.
191. Avian coccidiosis is an infectious and deadly parasitosis which infects chickens.
192. Data of visceral leishmaniasis cases since 2005 were collected through the National Infectious Disease Monitoring System.
193. In an article in the June issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the authors suggest that treatment programmes should be coupled with HIV drug-resistance surveillance programmes.
194. These include pinworms , influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A and infectious diarrhea.
195. The epidemiology survey result showed that in some breeding farm common popular respiratory disease the pig infectious peripneumonia morbidity is fiercer.
196. The most pools the bacteroidal infectious disease occurred is in Haikou city.
197. Intfction serositis of duck is one kind of infectious duck disease caused by Riemerella anatipestifer which has 21 kinds of serum type.
198. Infectious bursal disease is an acute and highly contagious disease, which damages mainly young chicken.
199. The Infectious Diseases Society of America, a professional organization of doctors, cites the case of Josh Nahum, a 27-year-old skydiving instructor in Colorado.
200. Robert Koch, a German physician, and Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, both experimented with anthrax, an infectious disease of man and animals.
201. But compared to other published data on human infectiousness, the patients in our study were highly infectious," Escombe adds.
202. Virus: Microscopic, simple infectious agent that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.
203. From above, strains Q, J and N were infectious bursal disease virus.
204. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
205. The Ni Vanuatu are happy people and this happiness is infectious.
206. This is highly related to the trypanosome lytic factor (TLF) found in normal human serum (NHS) and the serum resistance-associated (SRA) protein of trypanosomes infectious to human.
207. All those results showed that the pathogen of infectious proventriculus disease of chicken was a member of coronaviridae and had close correlation with IBV to some extent.
208. I am a board ... certified diagnostician with a double specialty of infectious disease and nephrology .
209. Conclusion JE and kala-azar were historically common insect-borne infectious diseases in Longnan.
210. Objective To confirm melamine and cyanuric acid was the infectious agent of kidney damage of rats and to explore the renal toxicity of melamine.
211. Avian broilers were used as experimental objects to study the mechanism of the pituitary adrenal axis regulating immune system when being infected with virulent infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV).
212. Any seafarer working ship has suffered infectious illness, mentioned by laws , which is likely cause infection.
213. Whatever the answer, it seems certain that an infectious agent of unusual properties has been discovered.
214. This is another infectious agent that is becoming more frequent in immunocompromised patients, particularly those with AIDS.
215. These include Kimwermspinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.
216. There is strong evidence that this infectious agent promotes diseases of both plants and mammals, which is very rare.
217. Objective:To report the clinical diagnosis and experiences of treatment of the first case of infectious atypical pneumonia in Guangzhou Respiratory Institute.
218. In this paper we formulate an epidemic model with chronological age and infectious age structure.
219. Infectious processes can be localized, as in a response to a local abscess or to cellulitis.
219. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
220. For the sake of public health, the American Red Cross should be trying to identify the infectious agent that is in our blood.
221. The researchers say this is consistent with Salmonella Typhi having become an infectious agent exclusive to humans, with asymptomatic carriers the main source of infection.
222. In the early days, pathologists called any agent of infectious disease'virus'.
223. Results The syphilis infectious rate of the returned rent service personnel (4/736) is higher than that of the exit - personnel (8/4752) .
224. Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by a spirochaete. Symptoms include liver and kidney failure and vasculitis.
225. Gastroenteritis : Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines.
226. Objective To analyze differential diagnostic method for infectious and non - infectious febrile diseases.
227. SIRS was a conception first brought forward in America in 1991 referring to the uncontrolled systemic inflammatory cascade induced by infectious or noninfectious factors.
228. Dissemination of the infectious agent (M. tuberculosis, fungi) may produce a similar pattern in other organs.
229. A lumbar puncture is a relative contraindication if a spinal epidural abscess is suspected, because infectious agents may be introduced into the subarachnoid space.
230. The fundamental measure for controlling infectious diseases is to cut the source of infection.
231. After Yao Ming's left leg bone stress bone fracture, we have understood a new term "the infectious mononucleosis".
232. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of serum procalcitonin ( PCT ) level of children infectious diarrhea.
233. The second intermediate hosts are Potamon chinghungense and Potamon hispidum, with natural infectious rates of 53.19% and 66.67% respectively.
234. The infectious serositis of duck is named Riemerella anatipestifer infection also .
235. Cloudy swelling is seen in febrile infectious diseases and metallic poisoning.
236. Method Chnical data of 38 cases of drug rash misdiagnosed as exanthematous infectious diseases, who were admitted to our hospital during Jan. 2001mAug. 2009, were analyzed.
237. There are currently no reliable diagnostic markers to differentiate infectious from noninfectious causes of postoperative fever.
238. Diseases diagnosis, prevention and control decision was divided into infectious and noninfectious diseases.
239. Methods Hospital site survey methodology is used to the status of infectious disease prevention and control and the management model of hospital infection control .
240. Objective To analyses the infectious factors of syphilis sufferers and to find out a valid countermeasure, the rent service personnel of the last two years were investigated.
241. The temperature type is commonly irregular, Infectious fever are common (69.81%), in which septicaemia is 57.65%, the pathogens are mostly staphylococcus and tetraeoceus.
242. She had been seen by experts in neurology, infectious disease, rheumatology , ear, nose and throat surgery, psychiatry.
243. There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces , urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid.
244. Kennel cough is an infectious respiratory disease which can be caused by one of several viruses or by Bordetella bronchiseptica.
245. Researchers are now trying to deploy this strategy against several infectious agents.
246. In recent years, an infectious disease charactered by polyserositis, arthritis and high death rate appeared and lead great economical loss in many pig farms.
247. The infectious disease can be disseminated by the various ways.
248. Here too the infectious agent is elusive -- yet incredibly hardy.
249. ObjectiveTo observe the change of the WBC count , abnormal lymphocytes and liver enzyme in childhood-onset infectious mononucleosis (IM) with multiple infections.
250. This paper systematically compared the different diagnoses methods of Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, and intent to provide quarantining method for this kind of infectious disease.
251. At the upper right is amorphous pink caseous material composed of the necrotic elements of the granuloma as well as the infectious organisms.
252. Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia (APP) is an important contagious pathogen causing different age porcine infectious pleuropneumonia, and lead to severe economic loss to the swine industry.
253. Mammillary fistula is a periareolar infectious disease, We treated 21 cases since 1979 through 1984. Most of the cases were young women, at the average age of 30.
254. This applies to most respiratory infections ( e . g . mycoplasma infections, infectious coryza, laryngotracheitis ).
255. It an endearing and infectious characteristic and carries people through situations successfully.
256. This article will introduce disease zymogen, disease mechanism and examination method of chicken infectious anemia.
257. Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.
258. There are early suggestions that the virus may be a secondary infection more likely to invade when hosts already are dealing with another infectious agent.
259. The effect of infectious diseases and parasitosis on per capita life expectancy arranged the 7th of death cause and the 6th formation resulting in the latent loss of longevity.
260. Dr. Myron Wentz is an internationally recognized microbiologist, immunologist, and pioneer in the development of human cell culture technology and infectious disease diagnoses.
261. Variola virus belongs to the genus of orthopoxvirus, and there are some other infectious members, such as Vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and monkeypox virus.
262. Pseudorabies and Foot-and-mouth disease are also infectious to human beings and follow with extensive interest as zoonosises.
263. Objective To investigate infectious status of vermiform mites among the freshmen of Putian University Medical College and analyze relevant factors.
264. Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision.
265. Infective serositis in ducks, an acute infectious disease, is caused by Bang's bacillus. Major clinic characters include high incidence rate and death rate, nerve symptoms and difficulty in breathing.
266. The symptoms are similar to the feline panleukopenia. CPV is one of the most infectious diseases in our country.
267. The communicability period occurs during acute infection and until the infectious agent is no longer present in feces, usually within 4 weeks after illness.
268. Varicella is a highly infectious disease caused by varicella zoster virus ( VZV ).
269. Newcastle disease is one of poultry infectious diseases caused by Newcastle disease virus.
270. Conclusion: ISED Decoction and gastral triple therapy displayed distinct HP eradication effect on HP infectious Mongolia gerbils.
271. CONCLUSIONS: HI - positie patients with tuberculosis varied greatly in their infectiousness, and some were highly infectious.
272. Objective To construct the DNA vaccine against type 2 herpes simplex virus(HSV-2) modified by ubiquitinated infectious cell protein 27(ICP27).
273. Caries are chronic infectious diseases and the consequence of oral ecologic disequilibrium.
274. The researchers said their findings show that people who are in contact with animals should be surveyed regularly for new infectious zoonotic diseases.
275. When the infection is systemic in nature, the lymphadenopathy is also usually generalized, as in tuberculosis, brucellosis, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, fungal infections, and toxoplasmosis.
276. By far the greatest risk associated with polluted drinking water is the spread of diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, and infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A).
277. Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of infectious mononucleosis in children.
278. Conclusion The early manifestations of fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis are mainly severe infectious signs.
279. OBJECTIVE:To observe clinical efficiency of yanhuning for the treatment of infectious monocytosis of the children.
280. An infectious facial cancer is spreading rapidly among Tasmanian devils and populations of the world's largest marsupial predator are believed to have fallen by more than 60% as a result.
281. Although the TREAT registry has shown systemic infliximab to be safe in the long term,(http:///infectious.html) there is concern regarding infectious as well as neoplastic complications.
282. Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle - faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.
283. Infectious organisms found in saliva are released when people spit.
284. We wished to determine whether infectious HBV can traverse a polarized trophoblast monolayer.
285. Infectious hepatitis is the most common of all serious infectious diseases in North America.
286. Chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol belong to phenicols broad-spectrum antibiotic and were widely used to prevent and treat infectious disease of animals effectively in clinic.
287. Canine herpesvirus is an infectious disease that is a common cause of death in puppies less than three weeks old.
288. In dermatology field, the interaction of CD40-CD40L is involved in the occurrence and development of immunologic, inflammatory, infectious and tumorous dermatoses .
289. Generalized: a response to a systemic infection such as tuberculosis, syphilis, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, fungal infection, toxoplasmosis, HIV, etc.
290. Pseudorabies is caused by Pseudorabies virus(PRV), which is a member of family herpesviridae and is the agent of acute infectious disease in many domestic and wild animals.
291. The U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt says the United States is helping China work to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases following this week's massive earthquake.
292. In addition, tuberculosis, as well as seasonal influenza caused by pneumococcal pneumonia and meningitis and other infectious diseases also pose a serious threat.
293. Canine distemper is an often fatal infectious disease that mainly has respiratory and neurologic signs.
294. Pseudorabies is a intense infectious disease endangering the world porcineculture and make great economic losses in the world.




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