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单词 image
释义  Related topics: Literature, Film, Theatreim·age /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun [countable]  1  public opinion 公众舆论APPEARANCEREPUTATION the opinion people have of a person, organization, product etc, or the way a person, organization etc seems to be to the public 〔某人、组织、产品等的〕声誉;形象 → reputationimage of attempts to improve the image of the police 提升警察形象的努力► see thesaurus at reputation2  idea in mind 脑海中的印象IDEA a picture that you have in your mind, especially about what someone or something is like or the way they look 〔尤指对某人或某物的〕印象,形象image of He had no visual image of her, only her name. 他记不得她的样子了,只记得她的名字。 He had the clearest image in his mind of his mother and father. 他脑海中对父母的印象极其清晰。3  picture/what you see 图像/所见之物 a) SHAPEa picture of an object in a mirror or in the lens of a camera 〔镜子或相机镜头中的〕映像 She peered closely at her image in the mirror. 她仔细检视镜子中自己的映像。 b) SHAPEa picture on the screen of a television, cinema, or computer 〔电视、电影或计算机屏幕上的〕图像,影像 Jill Sharpe was little more than a name, a glossy image on a television screen. 吉尔·夏普只是一个名字而已,一个电视荧屏上的浮华影像。 c) SHAPEa picture or shape of a person or thing that is copied onto paper or is cut in wood or stone 画像;塑像;雕像 carved images 雕像4  description 描绘IMAGINE a word, phrase, or picture that describes an idea in a poem, book, film etc 〔诗、书、电影等中的〕意象;比喻 He paints a very romantic image of working-class communities. 他描绘了工人阶级社区的浪漫景象。5  be the (very/living/spitting) image of somebody SAMEto look exactly like someone or something else 酷似某人,极像某人 He’s the spitting image of his mother. 他酷似他的母亲。6  in the image of somebody/something literarySAME in the same form or shape as someone or something else 与某人/某物同形 According to the Bible, man was made in the image of God. 《圣经》上说,人是照着上帝的样子创造的。 → mirror image COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + imagea good/positive image 好的/正面的形象We want to give people a positive image of the town. 我们要向别人展示这座城镇的正面形象。a bad/negative image 不好的/负面的形象It’s difficult to explain why the industry has such a bad image. 很难说清楚这一行业为何形象如此糟糕。nMany negative images of women are found in the media.a wholesome/clean-cut image (=morally good and never doing anything bad) 健康的/干净的形象The recent scandal has damaged his clean-cut image. 最近的丑闻破坏了他道德高尚的形象。an upmarket image British English, an upscale image American English (=expensive and good quality) 高端品牌形象The company is trying to promote an upmarket image. 这家公司在努力塑造一种高端品牌形象。a downmarket image British English, a downscale image American English (=cheap and not good quality) 低端品牌形象The store has struggled to break away from its downmarket image. 该商店努力想摆脱其低端品牌形象。the traditional image of something 某事物的传统形象They want to improve the traditional image of English food. 他们要改善英国食品的传统形象。the popular image of something 某事物的大众形象The popular image of the spy as a glamorous figure of mystery is far from the reality. 大家眼中间谍那富有魅力的神秘形象与实际情况相去甚远。somebody’s/something’s public image (=the image that many people have of someone or something) 某人/某事物的公众形象nHer public image does not reflect the way she behaves in private.somebody’s screen image (=how someone seems in films or on TV) 某人的银幕[荧幕]形象nHe had cultivated a screen image as a ruthless tough macho image (=someone’s image as a man who is strong and tough)He was keen to project a macho image in this film.verbshave an image 拥有形象The product has a rather downmarket image. 这一产品的形象很低端。create an image 创造形象The company is trying to create an image of quality and reliability. 公司力图打造优质、可靠的形象。improve your image 改善形象The casino industry was keen to improve its image. 赌博行业急于改善形象。damage your image 破坏形象Has this scandal damaged the company’s image? 这一丑闻是否损害了公司的形象?live up to your image (=be like the image you have presented of yourself) 与自己的形象相符He has certainly lived up to his wild rock-star image. 他的言行显然很符合其狂放不羁的摇滚乐明星形象。present/project/promote an image (=behave in a way that creates a particular image) 表现/展现/提升某一形象He presented an image of himself as an energetic young leader. 他展示了一名精力充沛的年轻领袖的形象。cultivate an image (=try to encourage or develop an image) 树立某一形象nHe was trying to cultivate an image of himself as an intellectual.tarnish an image (=damage it slightly) 损害[玷污]某一形象nHis behaviour has tarnished the image of the sport.nclean up your image (=improve your image after it has been damaged)The pop star promised to clean up his image after he was released from prison.lose/shed an image (=get rid of it) 摆脱某一形象nThe party struggled to lose its image of being somewhat old-fashioned.image + NOUNan image problem 形象问题Politicians have an image problem as far as many young people are concerned. 许多年轻人认为政治人物的形象有问题。Examples from the Corpusimage• The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking.• It was not direct preparation for production that the schools should be providing but image building.• But Moore is far more outrageous than her pop-culture image.• The digitized images can be stored on a computer hard disk, or printed out on special photographic paper.• the flickering images of an old silent movie• Some have made pilgrimages to re-enact ancient rituals in caves, others have dressed in costumes and objects evoking traditional Goddess images.• The scandal has badly hurt her image as an honest politician.• When he stared at his image in the mirror, Smith saw a middle-aged man.• The President's advisers said it would be bad for his image to be photographed with union leaders.• This latest scandal has severely hurt his image as a leader.• He doesn't really need those glasses - they're just part of his "intellectual" image.• The party is seeking to improve its image with female voters.• Perth is proud of its image as a breeding ground for "don't-take-no-for-an-answer" entrepreneurs.• I like her new image - it's a lot more dignified.• Most of the locations favourable for the emission of sound correspond more or less exactly to a painted image on the wall.• I looked horrible - this bony, awkward, pitiful image.• Mickey Mouse's image was plastered on billboards all over town.• At forty-six, Burnett hardly fits most people's image of an American college student.• Since I started working in this company, I have tried to maintain the image of a winner.• The images on a computer screen are made up of thousands of tiny dots.• The image can be seen from a variety of angles.• The image Johnson had smashed was restored by Louis: he was controllable.• The image of the tree in "Cinderella" is particularly important because it symbolizes personal growth.• The images of starving people on the news was what motivated us to send money.• People have this image of me as some kind of monster.image in ... mind• It's strange you have an image in your mind of the particular person you want for the particular role.• But for six years I carried his image in my mind, determined that he should somehow be made to pay.• He was repulsed by the scramble of images in her mind.• Such coups gave the perpetrators of these daring acts something of a romantic image in the popular mind.• The image in his mind's eye was as sharp as ever.• The images in our minds of ourselves never change.• I sketched the fish to preserve their images in my mind, then scalded and gutted them in boiling water.• How would you need to change this image in your mind to score 100?From Longman Business Dictionaryimageim‧age /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ noun [countable]1MARKETING the general opinion that most people have of a person, organization, product etcLaw suits hurt a company’s image and may hinder future fund raising.A good advertising campaign will promote a company’s corporate image while reminding consumers of the products it makes. → brand image2a picture on the screen of a computer or televisionA small company is leading the way in using lasers to create three-dimensional models from computer images.Origin image (1100-1200) Old French imagene, from Latin imagoim·age noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  opinion organization, person, of the people a Corpus have Business




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