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单词 idiot
释义  id·i·ot /ˈɪdiət/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  1  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEa stupid person or someone who has done something stupid 笨蛋,蠢材 It was all your fault, you idiot. 全是你的错,你这笨蛋。2. old useSTUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT someone who is mentally ill or has a very low level of intelligence 白痴 —idiotic /ˌɪdiˈɒtɪk◂ $ -ˈɑːt-/ adjective Stop asking such idiotic questions. 不要再问这些愚蠢的问题了。 —idiotically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusidiot• I would be an idiot to recommend it to the leader.• Stop treating me like an idiot -- I can count you know!• But then, like an idiot, I go down.• I must have managed an expression half way between a brave smile and the grin of an idiot.• You think he's an idiot, because he gets things wrong-the background, the politics, Walter, us.• I fear he is truly an idiot.• If you couldn't handle your booze then you were a bloody idiot to drink and drive, that was not negotiable.• Only a very disinterested idiot could miss, and be unimpressed by, either.• Whenever I phone the bank I get through to some idiot who sounds about twelve years old.• You idiot! What did you do that for?Origin idiot (1300-1400) Latin idiota “person who knows nothing”, from Greek idiotes “private person, person who knows nothing”, from idios “own, personal, private”id·i·ot nounChineseSyllable  person a who done Corpus stupid has someone or something stupid




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