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单词 ashes
释义  the AshesAsh·es, the /ˈæʃɪz/  the name given to the competition between the English and Australian cricket teams 灰烬杯〔指英格兰和澳大利亚之间的板球对抗赛〕 Australia have retained the Ashes for the third year running. 澳大利亚队连续第三年获得灰烬杯。Examples from the Corpusturned to ashes• All turned to ashes because he had not trusted her, or the love she had given him.• All relationships turned to ashes sooner or later.• His strength was turned to ashes.nashesn[plural] a) the ash that remains when a dead person’s body is burned His ashes were scattered at sea. b) a situation in which something is completely destroyed The organization has risen from the ashes to become very successful. All her hopes and dreams had turned to ashes. → ashAsh·es, theashesLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  between given competition Corpus the to the name




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