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诗文 《朱自清·说话》原文英译










Is there anyone who can keep mute except those dummies? Some people speak a lot now but keep mute then, some speak a lot here but keep mute there, and some speak a lot to these people but keep mute to others. Some people speak much, and some people speak little. Some are always ready to speak, and some are used to keeping mute. However, the dummies speak not at all, but they can make babbling sounds and gesticulating signs.

To speak well is not an easy matter. We speak everyday, but few of us are articulate. We speak all our life long, but few of us have said the right thing at the right time. The eulogistic expressions as the“incisive remarks of the orator”and“eloquent sophists”are the supporting proof for the rarity of the eloquent speaker. It is the same for those scholars who pay particular attention to the style of conversation. Not all of us want to become sophists, persuasive speakers or scholars. However, we keep ourselves bound to our speech and behaviors in our life, that is to say, we are only left to our speech except our behaviors. The so-called“skill of the world”is partly involved in our speech. As it is said in the Chinese classic book Collection of Ancient Chinese Historical Files,“the words said may lead to cordial relations or cause a war or dispute between States.”The influence of a word may be out of our expectation. We can learn many cases from history and stories.

Even if speaking is not more complicated than writing, it will never be easier. Some people are accomplished in speaking while some others are better at writing. We cannot refine and polish every word when speaking in a free flowing way, so inevitably we will miss something. In this way, speaking is less serious and precise than writing. However, ordinary articles are by no means comparable to fluent and natural speaking. Supposing writing is as natural as speaking, then it should be called colloquy rather than article, which, however, is almost impossible! Although in philosophy“writing is as glib as speaking”is a criterion for writing, almost no one in history can really meet the standard. Of course, writing is not so natural as speaking, it can still be euphuistic, elaborate and magnificent. But if speaking was heavily decorated with rhetoric, you could imagine how terrible it would be!

I am unsure how many different sorts of speaking there are. Approximately: making a speech, expounding, story-telling and such are divided into the same category; council board is one type; personal and open conferences belong to one kind; standing trial in the court and being interviewed by journalists fall into two separate sorts. These are all formal. Chatting with friends is informal. It.s common to see people pulling a face during official talks, it.s not essential though. Speech in the formal occasion is sequential and logical, sometimes it is prepared in advance. But for chatting, we can talk over past and present, just like a hodgepodge. A hodgepodge of course is odds and ends, so sequential and logical chatting is an exception. Also there is no need to prepare for chatting, you can strike up a conversation and accommodate yourself to different topics. Isn.t it ridiculous that you make preparation for idle talks? All sorts of speaking probably have some formulas, even for idle talk.Here is a case:“weather”always gets a conversation started. But formulas are limited and fixed, the real differences still rely on people. Although expressing the same meaning, or even using the same words, a good speaker will get you enraptured while a poor speaker will make you muddle-brained and confused.

Chinese people were particular about speaking long ago. Zuo.s Biography of Chinese Historical Files, Stratagems of the Warring States and A New Account of Tales of the World are three Chinese speaking classics. One is about diplomatese, one is about elocutionists.speeches and the third one is about idle talks. You can enjoy the euphemistic, eloquent and touching languages in these books. The conversations in Hong Lou Meng, another Chinese classic, are also exquisite and comfortable. Moreover, Jia Junfang of the Han Dynasty was known as“a great speaker”, but unfortunately all that he left now is the eulogy. Liu Jingting of the Ming Dynasty was noted for story-telling, however, at the moment it.s impossible for us to see it. In recent years, in the process of the new literature westernizing vernacular Chinese, we have borrowed lots of creative and refined words from foreign literature and start to reflect upon the original methods of literary expression. Fortunately it has injected fresh energy and flavor into our language. Furthermore, the situation becomes more difficult for speaking these years, and most newspapers turn to be shrewder. They try to report news in an indirect and reversed way. It is an inevitable but good training experience for readers; they acquire a higher degree of sensitivity, and only some of them can appreciate the fabulous taste in the newspapers. At that moment, the skills of speech have got improved considerably. Difficulties in Lobbying written by Han Feizi, is an essay with detailed analysis and remains the most renowned article on speaking in the past. Now we have quite a few pointed and profound books, such as On Presenting a View written by Lu Xun. We can see made much progress.

Chinese people think that catching meaning while forgetting words is the highest level of speaking. However, speaking can.t be avoided even if we follow Zen.s way and hung our mouths on the wall. Being watchful over words comes the second level, and then taciturnity and being slow in speech follows. Some differences still exist among these three: being watchful over words demands us to say carefully and speak less, in this way we will make fewer mistakes; taciturnity means speaking less, and it.s a trait of profound or modest character; while slow in speech means losing one.s tongue, representing an honest and sincere character. The former two types of speaking are always acquired in practice. Eloquence or rhetoric is the third category. The personality power of a sincere gentleman can drive away all darkness, so there is no need for him to talk much or embellish his speech. The person who is particular over speech embellishment, with florid and flowery words in mouth but filthy and sharp ideas in mind, is really a flunky. His too much speech embellishment will make people discredit what he says. But it.s certain that his jugglery will be debunked one day. Without such great power, we are just ordinary people in between, but at least we should not lose ourselves. And we must learn the ways of the world. With a view to both courtesy and entertainment we should choose the way to speak based on right timing, proper place and the recipient. We can make it by wisdom rather than power. What.s more, real power can.t be acquired through embellishing. What we expect is speaking well while speaking less.





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