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单词 Self-interested
1) Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating.
2) Opportunism is a devious kind of self-interested behaviour.
3) So there you have it: narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating.
4) In this way the self-interested use of power can restrict the recruitment of talented individuals to highly rewarded positions.
5) Nevertheless, darkness increased self-interested behavior.
6) In fact they are often driven by ruthlessly self-interested motives that leave him in a position of seeming weakness and unwillingness to defend not only national but his own political interests.
7) This is puzzling because self-interested children might be expected to behave in precisely the opposite way.
8) And because of their self-interested, apolitical pragmatism, they could turn out to be the salvation of the ruling Communist Party — so long as it keeps delivering the economic goods.
9) Even a self-interested army stands to gain more from a society that is more productive.
10) They will use strong insistent strategy for self-interested purpose, but not for seeking fairness goal.
11) In Georgia's enclaves, Russian forces have acted as self-interested troublemakers, not as neutral peacekeepers.
12) Additionally, Hobbes' account of human nature as self-interested cooperation has proved to be an enduring theory in the field of philosophical anthropology .
13) Of course, we should not be surprised that pressure groups pursue self-interested aims - that is usually why they are created.
14) Such dams required amounts of capital and commitment that were beyond the limits of aggregations of self-interested mortals.
15) But that doesn't mean we do good only in order to get that "warm glow" — that our true incentives are self-interested (as economists tend to claim).
16) At the same time,[http:///self-interested.html] we may notice that generous people don't necessarily suffer more or flourish less than those who are more self-interested.
17) And that, it should not be forgotten, is what the Academy Awards represent: the self-assessment of a self-interested, self-involved professional clique.
18) They retain considerable autonomy and power, and have a self-interested reason to manipulate economic statistics.
19) Or is it just because I don't want to confront the fact that people are the way they are, which is to say fundamentally self-interested?




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