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诗文 《The Dissolution》约翰·但恩诗赏析

《The Dissolution》约翰·但恩诗赏析

The Dissolution

Shee'is dead; And all which die

To their first Elements resolve;

And wee were mutuall Elements to us,

And made of one another.

My body then doth hers involve, 

And those things whereof I consist, hereby

In me abundant grow, and burdenous,

And nourish not, but smother.

My fire of Passion, sighes of ayre,

Water of teares, and earthly sad despaire, 

Which my materialls bee,

But ne'r worne out by loves securitie,

Shee, to my losse, doth by her death repaire,

And I might live long wretched so

But that my fire doth with my fuell grow. 

Now as those Active Kings

Whose foraine conquest treasure brings,

Receive more, and spend more, and soonest breake:

This (which I am amaz'd that I can speake)

This death, hath with my store 

My use encreas'd.

And so my soule more earnestly releas'd,

Will outstrip hers; As bullets flowen before

A latter bullet may o'rtake, the pouder being more.





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