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单词 second
释义  Related topics: Numberssec·ond1 /ˈsekənd/ ●●● S1 W1 number  1  HMNthe second person, thing, event etc is the one that comes after the first 第二(个)的 the Second World War 第二次世界大战 the second of August 8月2日 a second year student 二年级学生 his second wife 他的第二任妻子 Clinton’s second term in office 克林顿的第二个任期 the second half of the year 下半年 the second time in three days 三天中的第二次2  the position in a competition or scale that comes after the one that is the best, most successful etc 〔比赛或级别上〕居第二位的 She won second prize. 她赢得了二等奖。 They climbed to second place in the League. 他们在联赛中的排名上升到了第二位。second largest/most successful etc Africa’s second highest mountain 非洲的第二高山be second only to something (=used to emphasize that something is nearly the largest, most important etc) 仅次于某物 The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar. 欧元的流通量将仅次于美元。3  another example of the same thing, or another in addition to the one you have 另外的,外加的 We advertised for a second guitarist. 我们登广告再招聘一名吉他手。 There was a second reason for his dismissal. 他被解雇还有个原因。 I asked the doctor for a second opinion (=when you ask another person to repeat an examination, test etc for you). 我又征求了这位医生的意见。4  every second year/person/thing etc HMN a) the second, then the fourth, then the sixth year etc 每两年/每两人/每两样东西等 The nurse comes every second day. 护士隔天来一次。 b) used to emphasize that, in a group of similar things, there is too much of one particular thing 〔用于强调某一批类似的事物中,某一特征的东西太多〕 Every second house seemed to be boarded up. 大部分房子都好像用木板封上了。5  be second to none BESTto be the best 不亚于任何人[事物],首屈一指 The quality of Britain’s overseas aid programme is second to none. 英国海外援助计划的水准是首屈一指的。6  second chance help given to someone who has failed, in the hope that they will succeed this time 〔为失败者提供的〕第二次机会 I just want to give these kids a second chance. 我只是想给这些孩子第二次机会。7  have second thoughts CHANGE YOUR MINDto start having doubts about a decision you have made 〔对原先的决定〕犹豫,产生怀疑 You’re not having second thoughts, are you? 你不会改变主意了吧?have second thoughts about She’d had second thoughts about the whole project. 她对整个计划产生了疑问。8  on second thoughts British English, on second thought American English spokenCHANGE YOUR MIND used to say that you have changed your mind about something 又一想,再一想〔用于表示改变主意〕 I’ll call her tomorrow – no, on second thought, I’ll try now. 我明天打电话给她——算了,我还是现在就打吧。9  not give something a second thought/without a second thought used to say that someone does not think or worry about something 对某物不加考虑;对某事毫不担心 She dismissed the rumour without a second thought. 她对这个谣传不屑一顾。10  not give something a second glance/look  (also without a second glance/look) to not look at something again, because you have not really noticed it or because it does not seem important 对某物不看第二眼,没有多看某物一眼 No one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance. 没人对这个身穿灰色制服的女人多加注意。11  be/become second nature (to somebody) THINK ABOUTsomething that is second nature to you is something you have done so often that you do it almost without thinking 成为(某人的)第二天性,成为(某人的)习性 Driving becomes second nature after a while. 过一段时间之后,驾车就习惯成自然了。12  second wind a new feeling of energy after you have been working or exercising very hard, and had thought you were too tired to continue 〔感到精疲力竭后的〕精力恢复 He got his second wind and ran on. 他又来了精神,继续往前跑。Examples from the Corpussecond• He is not paid £20 million a year to come second.• Another forecaster places it second, and two others pick it to tie for runner-up.• Thus this second part is simply the tape that supposed to act on.• A second, then third decimation began.• The second was a glass dome, the size of a man, and a little taller than our hero.second largest/most successful etc• This has been the second most successful method of recruitment. 2.second opinion• Also, slides and pathology reports can be obtained for second opinions.• If in doubt, get a second opinion.• It seems okay, but you want a second opinion.• You want more than just a second opinion.• For a second opinion, I called the World Future Society.• In fact it was she who had advised him to get a second opinion on the matter, from a lawyer.• We can give the young reader a second opinion on what is being read.• A second opinion was called for, and furnished.Related topics: Chronologysecond2 ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  [countable]TMC a unit for measuring time. There are 60 seconds in a minute 秒 Hold your breath for six seconds. 请你屏气6秒钟。 The operation takes only 30 seconds. 这个操作仅需要30秒钟。 Ultrasonic waves travel at around 300 metres per second. 超声波的传播速度约为每秒300米。within seconds (=after only a few seconds) 立刻,马上 Within seconds, Bev called back. 不一会儿,贝弗就回了电话。2  [countable]SHORT TIME a very short period of time 一会儿,片刻,瞬间 I’ll be back in a second. 我一会儿就回来。 Just a second (=wait a moment), I’ll come and help. 稍等片刻,我就来帮忙。 At least 30 shots were fired in a matter of seconds (=in a very short time). 不一会儿便至少开了30枪。 → split second3  (at) any second (now) used to say that something will or may happen extremely soon 很快,马上 He should be here any second. 他应该很快就到这里。4  seconds [plural] a) informalDF another serving of food, after you have eaten your first serving 添加的饭菜,添菜 b) PERFECT#clothes or other goods that are cheaper than usual because they are not perfect 〔衣物等削价出售的〕次货,次品 → second hand15. [countable] technical one of the 60 parts into which a minute of an angle is divided. It can be shown as a symbol after a number. For example, 78° 52′ 11″ means 78 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds. 秒〔角度单位〕6. [countable]FIGHT someone who helps someone in a fight, especially in boxing or, in the past, a duel 〔尤指拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的〕副手,助手7. [uncountable] American English informal second base 〔棒球的〕二垒Examples from the Corpussecond• A second, then third decimation began.• Well, first of all, it's too expensive and second, we don't have anywhere to put it.• He is not paid £20 million a year to come second.• Ruth understood why in that tender, desperate second.• Another forecaster places it second, and two others pick it to tie for runner-up.• Left fielder Mark Whiten reached out and poked a tailing fastball over the left-field wall in the second.• The second was a glass dome, the size of a man, and a little taller than our hero.per second• The same connection could also carry 640,000 bits per second from the user to the Internet.• The extensions support transfer modes of up to 66M-bytes per second or 133M-bytes per second for bus master expansion boards.• Each one of those pulses has a carrier frequency of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of cycles per second.• Bat cries, as we have seen, have a pulse-repetition rate in the tens or hundreds per second.• For Deimos, in its higher orbit, only 560 meters per second suffices to escape from the Mars system.• A gun is known to fire bullets at precisely three hundred and thirty meters per second.• Cortical neurons are often silent-George often sees human temporal lobe neurons that respond at rates slower than once per second.• Good powder skiers turn at a rate of about one turn per second.Just a second• You wan na talk to her? Just a second.second3 /ˈsekənd/ ●●● S2 W2 adverb  1  next after the first one 第二名,第二位come/finish etc second I came second in the UK championships. 我在英国锦标赛中得了第二名。 Tea is the most popular drink, while coffee ranks second (=it is the second most popular drink). 茶是最受欢迎的饮料,咖啡次之。2. AND/ALSO[sentence adverb] used before you add information to what you have already said 第二,其次 SYN secondlyExamples from the Corpussecond• But, second, in the vast majority of markets, efficient production can be attained with a high degree of competition.come/finish etc second• He is not paid £20 million a year to come second.• The college confirmed that he came second.• Instead, he came second and had to make do with £80,000.• Peter Dillon finished second and third, respectively, with scores of 86. 13 and 81. 88.• David Toms finished second at 19-under 271 and Olin Browne was a stroke back in third.• Lewis, who had finished second, was awarded the gold medal.second4 verb [transitive]  SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto formally support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting 〔在会议上〕支持,赞成,附议 〔建议〕 → proposesecond a motion/proposal/amendment etc 支持一项动议/建议/修正案等→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussecond• These economic pressures were seconded by the intrusion of the state.• With Harman's blessing they were seconding her.• Alderman Keane nominated him and eighteen other committeemen made lengthy speeches seconding the nomination.• Mr Nichol has been seconded to the region for a special project, studying the effects of community care throughout the country.second a motion/proposal/amendment etc• The second proposal is to allow people collectively to improve their lot.• In case of inevitable necessity you will work to establish your second proposal of 10 to 6. 5.• On third Reading, he moved a second amendment to make racially discriminatory behaviour by the police a specific disciplinary offence.• The second proposal would allow employees a limited amount of time off per year in return for working·cond5 /sɪˈkɒnd $ -ˈkɑːnd/ verb [transitive] British English  SENDto send someone to do someone else’s job for a short time 临时调派,借调be seconded to something Jill’s been seconded to the marketing department while Dave’s away. 戴维不在的时候,吉尔被临时调到市场部工作。n Grammar Second is usually passive. → secondment→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussecond• These economic pressures were seconded by the intrusion of the state.• A quieter but potentially important project is currently under way by Sir John Boreham who has been seconded from the government statistical office.• With Harman's blessing they were seconding her.• In addition to financial support, personnel are sometimes seconded to projects and charities.• My father works for an oil company and last summer he was seconded to their Texas headquarters for five seconded to something• But this can also be true of educationalists who are seconded to a new project outside their own institution.• During my lengthy spell abroad, I was seconded to a public relations unit, run by a delightful and eccentric colonel.• I was seconded to MI5 to report back to them on this one.• In general, the rule of thumb was that one's peers were seconded to perform the role.• He was seconded to the Intelligence Corps as a clerk.• In addition, a senior teacher from each of the six schools will be seconded to the project for one term.• My father works for an oil company and last summer he was seconded to their Texas headquarters for five years.• Others are seconded to work in industry.From Longman Business Dictionarysecondsec‧ond1 /ˈsekənd/ adjective second half/quarter/periodACCOUNTING the second half, quarter etc of the financial yearThe company expects second-quarter sales to be substantially below those of the equivalent period a year ago.secondsecond2 verb [transitive] to officially support a suggestion, idea etc made by another person at a formal meeting so that it can be discussed or voted onEach nomination must be proposed and seconded by two members of the committee. —seconder noun [countable]His proposal failed to find a seconder, and was dropped.→ See Verb tablesecondse‧cond3 /sɪˈkɒnd-ˈkɑːnd/ verb [transitive] British EnglishHUMAN RESOURCES to arrange for an employee to work for another organization for a period of timesecond somebody to somethingWe provide the opportunity for you to be seconded to industry to receive additional in-service training. —secondment noun [countable, uncountable]You can encourage personal contact with suppliers through seminars, site visits and short-term secondments.Two members of the team are on secondment from the University of Miami.→ See Verb tableOrigin second2 (1300-1400) Medieval Latin secunda, from secunda pars minuta “second small part, one sixtieth of a minute”, from Latin secundus; → SECOND2sec·ond1 numbersecond2 nounsecond3 adverbsecond4 verbse·cond5 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus Business thing, the etc event person, second is




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