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单词 Fuller
1. Haman knew that Fuller was out to dust him.
2. The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.
3. They advertise clothes 'for the fuller figure'./fuller.html
4. A cello has a fuller sound than a violin.
5. This shop sells dresses for the fuller figure.
6. The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud.
7. They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure.
8. Please make this coat a little fuller across the back.
9. For a fuller explanation see paragraph 17-02, below.
10. These are issues which require fuller investigation.
11. What modifications are necessary to ensure fuller curriculum access?
12. But a fuller account for whom?
13. Turn to page 25 for a fuller explanation.
14. Bailey will succeed Fuller as Director of Operations.
15. Now the words have a fuller meaning.
16. You never see Fuller Brush men any more.
17. He never washed dishes with Margaret Fuller.
18. There are fuller and wider definitions.
19. The magazine has named Bonnie Fuller as deputy editor.
20. This happened fre-quently enough to warrant fuller discussion in a separate chapter.
21. A fuller acceptance of the concept of open government would stimulate discussion of public policy inside and outside Parliament.
22. Fuller information than is given by about the fluctuations at a single point can be obtained by measurements of, etc.
23. The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure.
24. Alternatively, you can have a sample of blood taken and sent away to a laboratory for a much fuller analysis.
25. At various points Pemell's book on children directs the reader to fuller discussions contained in his earlier publications.
26. See preceding error message in the incident log file for a fuller explanation of the error encountered.
27. Some of these topics have been touched on in S1 and S2 but receive a fuller treatment in the Standard Grade course.
28. On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam, and far fuller than it had been that morning.
29. The Flavia is a small tomato, which is left on the vine longer to develop a fuller flavour.
30. For the best-managed banks can only gain by telling a fuller story.
31. Mr Fuller, who had been married three times, dealt in second-hand cars and dabbled in property and building.
32. Two examples are given here to illustrate how socially useful design could make a fuller and more creative use of new technologies.
33. All this was familiar territory but as films became more ambitious so there emerged the possibility of fuller social statement.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
34. Fuller compiled a 20-36 record at San Diego during his two years there.
35. Science naturally seeks a fuller explanation of that behavior; its goal is the destruction of mystery.
36. The maxims would serve only to guide him towards fuller awareness of the present situation.
37. Of the Warriors playing Sunday night, only Todd Fuller stood taller than 6-foot-9; four were guards.
38. The weakness of the enemy offers the revolution fuller means of recovery from temporary defeats than is the case in imperialist countries.
39. Fuller and his wife were recently divorced, with his wife getting custody of their 3-year-old son Preston.
40. Nowadays, Lancashire cheese is kept for three months, so it has a slightly fuller flavour.
41. As it stands, Fuller and the Warriors are in a spot neither wanted.
42. In his first season, Fuller inherited a team that had graduated five seniors, including four starters.
43. Its smoky, herbal flavors from sauvignon blanc grapes intertwine neatly with the apple nuances and fuller body of the chardonnay.
44. Such openings can lead to a fuller life if the athlete surrenders to what is happening.
45. These other possible connections to income taxation require separate investigation for a fuller picture to be painted.
46. Click on Define, which opens up a fuller version of the Style box, and then click on Merge.
47. Fuller flights and new security measures are prompting the attention.
48. Only a life history approach can allow us to follow these threads to a fuller understanding of each person's singular present.
49. This idea potentially oversimplifies the actual process of offering vulnerable people choices which might result in their leading fuller lives.
50. For a fuller review of social security provision for the unemployed and the detailed regulations, see Morris and Llewellyn, 1991.
51. Overall the Fuller could have been a very decent unit but the quality of finish badly lets it down.
52. A fuller description of the process of data integration is presented by Flowerdew and Green in Chapter 4.
53. A concurrent exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art offers a fuller look at Rothko's work.
54. It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion, implication and inference.
55. On balance it is well worthwhile for the voluntary organizations to seize this opportunity to play a fuller role.
56. So gradually a fuller understanding of the actions of the remedies is obtained enabling them to be used with greater accuracy.
57. But a court-appointed psychologist and psychiatrist each arrived at the same conclusions, Fuller said.
58. How many years will it take to develop the fuller system George W.. Bush envisions?
59. Thomas Fuller Bacon was born in Stamford in 1824 and was considered to be stubborn, selfish and unsociable as a child.
60. The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
61. This fuller analysis of the costs and benefits raises rates of return, especially on lowland forests.
62. A famously ebullient man, Fuller was initially stiff and uncomfortable as an actor.
63. I respect Reggie White and William Fuller and those guys to the utmost.
63. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
64. So in 1992 Mr Fuller rounded up employers and hospital officials to chart a new course.
65. The surveyor conducts one inspection and provides a fuller report than is required to ensure compliance with section 13.
66. To encourage a fuller hedge, increase the organic matter in the soil, water, then mulch to conserve soil moisture.
67. In the meantime, closed questions can start us on the path to fuller negotiation.
68. I shall return to a fuller discussion of anthracnose pathology in due course.
69. Using a questionnaire to collect data, a much fuller picture of the team's work in this area was developed.
70. The geodesic dome was invented by R. Buckminster Fuller in 1947.
71. Whatever happened, the last person he wanted to have anything more to do with was Eleanor Fuller.
72. Analysts are hoping the review of the portfolio, carried out by surveyors Fuller Peiser, will indicate unlocked value.
73. Inpart at least, the conditions which frustrated their fuller implication also provided the justification for renewed efforts to improve social conditions.
74. A floral shirt softens this masculine look and a riding skirt flatters fuller figures.
75. And because they've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life, they're aware and starving.
76. In later sections I present a fuller discussion of merger.
77. Cabernet Sauvignon has a darker color, is usually fuller in body and generally ages longer than Pinot Noir.
78. Some can also help to strengthen thin and weak hair whilst others help hair look fuller and healthier.
79. She succeeds Bonnie Fuller who will join Cosmopolitan as deputy editor.
80. A Table of Fees giving fuller details can be obtained from the Registry on request.
81. Buckminster Fuller has made a life-time study of geodesic domes.
82. Fuller meal facilities are provided, but luncheon and weekend service to non-residents may be restricted.
83. The other was fuller in figure, red in the face and completely out of breath.
84. I would so like to see Alida lead a fuller life, less anxious and restrained.
85. If successful, this could promote the fuller integration of the children already in the schools.
86. Wesleyan brought Barlow in contact with such luminaries as John Cage, Buckminster Fuller and Jerzy Kosinski.
87. The key to the success of the play was the remarkable transformation Penn was able to facilitate in Fuller.
88. Thin vertical stripes and a drawstring waist make this divided dress ideal for the fuller figure.
89. Simpson was not at home Tuesday evening when authorities arrived, Fuller said, but he was contacted and soon returned.
90. The Fuller Theological Seminary opened in 1947.
91. Fuller named this structure the geodesic dome.
92. Winston's evenings were fuller than ever.
93. Mr. Fuller is on vacation now.
93. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
94. A fuller index and glossary are badly missed too.
95. Talking about R. Buckminster Fuller means using strange words.
96. After the rain the lotus flowers looked fuller.
97. Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.
98. Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualitiesMargaret Fuller.
99. In 1938 Buckminster Fuller coined the term ephemeralization to describe the increasing tendency of physical machinery to be replaced by what we would now call software.
100. A perigean spring tide, or king tide, is an especially high tide caused by the fuller moon and the close orbit of the moon to earth.
101. The darkest hour is that before the dawn. - --- Fuller.
102. As a result, these stones cost 15% to 20% more than a generic (i.e. unbranded) diamond of the same attributes, says Martin D. Fuller, an independent jewelry appraiser based in McLean, Va.
103. Lawmakers were also scheduled to get a fuller security briefing on Wednesday from the United States Capitol Police, the House Sergeant at Arms and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mr.
104. To create the conditions for a fuller partnership, we must expand people-to-people ties between our two nations.
105. Today we tell about an unusual man who had many abilities, Richard Buckminster Fuller.
106. Eventually I found resolution in the idea of Bonnie Fuller, doyenne of celebrity journalism.
107. This face has a narrow palpebral height angulated and square-shaped mandible protruding cheek and fuller lips compared with the average Caucasian face.
108. Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turing round and round like an eggbeater.
109. In the same year he split with his backers, before returning with new business partner Simon Fuller under the name RM.
110. Tensegrity-structure was proposed by Buckminster Fuller in 1962. It is the basic principle for creative design in steel structure and brings booming development later.
111. Thomas Fuller Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world.
112. And Fuller admits some students through its English as a second language programs.
113. Technology should be used to give man a happier, fuller, and richer life.
114. In 1954, Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin invented the first solar battery.
115. Either man is obsolete or war is ( R . Buckminster Fuller ).
116. The Department of Veterans Affairs staff helped Halsted realize he had access to programs to help him get back to living a fuller life.
117. In fact, you can actually save money by buying a fuller tree!
118. Other leaflets will give fuller answers to the questions we have considered.
119. Buckminster Fuller once said, "The minute you choose to do what you really want to do it's a different kind of life."
120. He'd spent a summer as a door-to-door Fuller Brush salesman, and outsold every other Fuller man in two states.
121. To enjoy the Heaven that is within us, to begin here and now to live the life eternal, takes only a fuller understanding of the Power-that-is-within-us.
122. This paper discusses the parameter estimation in measuring error secondary polynomial regression model based on Fuller.
123. Because the man was well-qualified, the board gave him a second interview -- and demanded a fuller explanation of his weak spots.
123. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
124. She also has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary.
125. There are two ways to change direction to create a better, fuller, richer life: incremental change and radical change.
126. Buckminster Fuller said humans are able, through planning and wise use of natural supplies, to feed and house themselves forever.
127. So, it tacitly approved Germany rearmament. Moreover, America sent Fuller to Germany as well as advocated Welles Plan.
128. The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king.
129. The researchers have identified several traits associated with "babyfaceness" including a rounder face, larger forehead, smaller nose, larger ears and fuller, pouty lips.
130. Based on the inseparability of law and morality, the revival of natural law of Fuller regards law as a cause with the interaction of objectives.
131. Fuller maintains that the search for the principles of successful human living must always remain open and unshackled.
132. The propaganda-filled plays of this movement—by Baraka, Charles Fuller, and Ed Bullins, among others—are, for the most part, forgettable.
133. S107 Doctor Thomas Fuller wrote: Was foxes, we must play the fox.
134. R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect.
135. The word tensegrity is a contraction of tensile and integrity , firstly conceived by Fuller.
136. In partial compensation for these problems, however, we obtain the benefits of fuller local government.
137. Quotation from British clergyman and writer Thomas Fuller ( 1608 - 1661 ).
138. In 1998 Burgess and Fuller discuss the problem again and showed the more inclusive result.
139. On the first page of the Catalog, the full corpus of Fuller's works was generously presented under the inscription: “the insights of Buckminster Fuller initiated this catalog.
140. Ever heard of a man named Buckminster Fuller, or Bucky, as his friends called him?
141. The U.S. pavilion was a 200 foot-high geodesic dome designed by inventor R. Buckminster Fuller, a trailblazer for geodesic structures.
142. "The extra fat in dark turkey or chicken meat raises your levels of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that makes you feel fuller, longer, " says Aragon.
143. Our spiritual intelligence quotient, or SQ , helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives.
144. Her whole soul was possessed by the fact that a fuller life was opening before her.
145. Margaret Fuller held a series of Conversations for women at the bookshop owned by Elizabeth Peabody, which also carried homeopathic supplies and art supplies.
146. This phyto-nutrient-rich serum utilizes a proprietary combination of peptides, Swiss apple stem cell biotechnology and vitamins to allow your eyelashes to grow fuller, longer, stronger and darker.
147. Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, is one of the largest in North America.
148. Along with the growth of alfalfa, canopy was continuous ongoing self-adjustment in fuller use of space resources, as well as hot-ray.
149. The defense team, he says, did not try to dismantle the graphic evidence but rather sought to "give a broader and fuller picture of what that was."
150. The fuller development of the parallelism was to lead to analytic geometry.
151. These are network-situational-awareness systems for dismounted units, complete with a helmet-mounted display screen that uses GPS digital-mapping-display technology, Fuller said.
152. Doctor Thomas Fuller wrote : Was foxes, we must play the fox.
153. A 20-year-old scheme devised by the late Buckminster Fuller "to make the world work for 100% of humanity" may soon become a reality.
154. So three-quarter-length sleeves in tops and cardigans are a wonderful way to conceal the fuller upper arm and upper body, but also bare some skin at same time.
155. This product with carnauba wax, the body recover the original brilliance in a short time, became fuller and longer lasting, more gorgeous.
156. Darker roasts, in contrast, have a fuller flavor approaching a bittersweet tang.
157. First this article used expands the Dick - fuller model the card index to carry on the time series analysis to our country in, finally indicated the index the returns ratio might not forecast.
158. "We are all born geniuses, but some of us grow up more damaged than others. " Buckminster Fuller.
159. Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller said the search ended around 9pm when it became too dark.
160. A "better and richer and fuller" life was no longer just what America promised its hardworking citizens individually; it was an ideal toward which these citizens were duty-bound to strive together.
161. In the words of Buckminster Fuller, 'If the success or failure of this planet, and of human beings, depended on how I am and what I do, how would I be?
162. Pastor Chang graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Divinity.
163. I wanted to put the Kalashnikov in a fuller context and show its place in a larger evolution of automatic infantry arms and shifts in tactics and war fighting.
164. Fulfilled once in the first advent of our glorious LORD, and yet to have a fuller accomplishment in His second advent , this gracious word is also for daily use.
165. Because had the more moderate arc line to integrate, the vehicle outline presented a fuller posture.
166. PALO ALTO, California – AS the designer R. Buckminster Fuller liked to tell it, his powerful creative vision was born of a moment of deep despair at the age of 32.
167. "Each high-vote ordinary share is entitled to 15 votes versus one vote for each ordinary share, " Fuller explains.
168. Last week, I wrote that there are only two ways to change direction to create a better, fuller, richer life: incremental change and radical change.
169. Thicker and fuller hair would make them more confident at work.
170. That changed the world's perception of Fuller from crackpot to " authentic American genius "
171. The big rudders would snap off if turned directly, but, as Fuller famously said, "just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around."




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