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单词 Built up
1 My neighbourhood has really been built up.
2 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.
3 A huge backlog of work had built up.
4 Noxious gases had built up in the sewer.
5 He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.
6 You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve.
7 She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist.
8 She had built up a protective shell of indifference around herself.
9 Tension built up as the crisis approached.
10 The area has been built up since I moved.
11 The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead.
12 Their products were built up everywhere.
13 The show has built up a cult following.
14 She's built up a very successful business.
15 The tension and excitement built up gradually all day.
16 The team has now built up a commanding lead.
17 We have built up our hope.
18 She built up my confidence.
19 The regime built up the largest army in Africa.
20 We built up the business from nothing.
21 He has built up a not inconsiderable business empire.
22 She has built up an impressive collection of paintings.
23 The museum has built up a fine art collection.
24 They built up the product by advertising.
25 She went for dance and built up her health.
26 The weightlifting built up his body.
27 One team has already built up a commanding lead.
28 We've built up good relationships with our clients.
29 The tension between the two countries built up to a climax.
30 Harriet has built up quite a reputation for herself as a reporter.
1 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.
2 He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.
3 You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve.
4 She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist.
5 She had built up a protective shell of indifference around herself.
31 We do not want to lose the goodwill built up over 175 years.
32 The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.
33 He was content to watch from the sidelines as his wife built up a successful business empire.
34 He built up the business at the expense of his health.
35 All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.
36 The doorway in the west side was built up by the neighbour's house.
37 The company has built up a loyal customer base .
38 They came to this country and built up the family business.
39 The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.
40 A 20-mile jam built up on the northbound lanes near Birmingham.
41 The river banks have been built up to prevent flooding.
42 The sea defences have been built up to ensure that such a disaster will not strike again.
43 He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.
44 Many a large and big business has been built up from small ones.
45 The company has built up a substantial lead in laser technology.
46 He built up his collection over a period of ten years.
47 She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country.
48 She seemed intent on destroying everything they had built up together.
49 He put his past troubles behind him and built up a successful new career.
50 The village has been built up since I lived here.
51 Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
52 He's built up the family firm into a multinational company.
53 The team built up a safe cushion of two goals in the first half.
54 The singer has been built up into a great success.
55 She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.
56 He built up his multimillion pound music business from small beginnings.
57 He has been built up to be the answer to the nation's problems.
58 The area has been built up since I lived here.
59 He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health.
60 The manager had built up a good relationship with his staff.
61 The gallery has built up a fine collection of contemporary art.
62 She had built up an impressive library of art books.
63 A network of contacts has been built up.
64 Here was a most lovely situation, a sandspit which had been built up into a peninsula.
65 The Geordies were seemingly cruising as they built up a 3-0 half-time lead.
66 He built up a complete instrument and travelled round the Dales on a horse and cart playing it.
67 The Storehouse chairman feels far more at home leading the expansion of the group he has built up so assiduously.
68 Such a thin strange quavering noise, and such a tense awkward atmosphere had built up.
69 Rodgers and his wife built up the collection without the aid of a professional adviser, purchasing from dealers and at auction.
70 Much of the country's foreign debt was built up during the apartheid-sponsored civil war, which cost 1m lives.
71 What happened was we took a look at the company and found that some areas had built up little empires.
72 The Stevens brothers, who had built up Garth Enterprises, got very drunk and very noisy.
73 Consequently, the drug must be started in low dosage and built up very gradually.
74 It had built up to such a level that truth was hidden pretty deep.
75 Gradually, he built up to a mile a day, roughly five days a week.
76 The police had been excluded from prior knowledge of the arrests, but quickly built up an accurate picture.
77 Evidence of widespread heroin use in the community built up rapidly during 1983-4.
78 He recovered his poise and, as in the last movement of a symphony, built up to a crescendo.
79 If it is physically restrained from swelling when it wants to swell, very considerable pressures are built up.
80 Where it was melting a huge pile of boulder clay was built up, as a terminal moraine.
81 Unhindered by the country's lax competition rules, they built up complex webs of cross-shareholdings across an astonishing array of businesses.
82 During the next 60 million years, about one-third of California was built up by accretions.
82 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
83 Tricia has built up a good network of professional contacts.
84 By looking after customers' interests, they built up their business.
85 Twenty times this monstrous frozen barrier slowly built up, inch by inch, and oozed south.
86 In this way a good freelance list can be gradually built up.
87 Hugh had built up a following of excitable groupies and the ovations throughout were like the last night of Seinfeld.
88 As he walked behind the plough he had time to think of the easy relationship that had gradually built up between them.
89 The corporate plan is therefore built up along the same lines as the organisational hierarchy.
90 Understanding of the dream built up in layers, over a long period of time.
91 I built up my soil, added trace elements, made compost, never used herbicides or chemical insecticides.
92 Threats intensified and an organisation capable of attacking larger mills was built up.
93 His style was light and friendly; in no time he had built up a big following among the viewers.
94 However, the experiential nature of police training usually ensures that a commonsense knowledge about these patterns is also built up.
95 At one time, apparently, the area all around was to be built up with good-class bungalows, etcetera.
96 In that time they have built up a force of one hundred and fifty vehicles and three hundred and forty staff.
97 It was almost as if the independent life I'd built up of necessity was being disrupted by Grant's presence.
98 Since its establishment in 1959 it has built up an international reputation as a centre of excellence in its fields.
99 Human machines everywhere are built up from mechanisms involving combinations of motion in a straight line and motion in a circle.
100 Local private firms had built up a skilled work force that eventually drew in foreign multinationals on terms acceptable to the government.
101 The pressure built up over the year, and eventually I had to leave my job.
102 His Big Night Out programme on Channel 4 has built up a cult following.
103 Streets around the normally tranquil town of Morton in Marsh were sealed and long traffic jams built up.
104 In its heyday it was so popular long queues built up outside its shops.
105 Good team spirit was built up during lunch before heading out to the second round.
106 Law itself is the by-product of custom built up by habit.
107 The surface could be built up to some extent by the application of thick and successive layers.
108 With the reversal of tidal currents deltas can be built up at both ends of the strait.
109 How far Gloucester built up a local following is unclear.
110 A huge backlog of work had built up during my absence.
111 Such networks are inevitably built up on a regional basis because the finds are usually confined to a limited geographical region.
112 This observation of Freud's has profound implications for the way in which psychoanalytic theory about groups and societies is built up.
112 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113 Many of them built up vast fortunes under my father's regime, illegal fortunes, I hasten to add.
114 He built up his property and leisure group to pre-tax profits estimated at just under £100 million in 1990.
115 The lawn itself has been built up from strong flowing curves and these naturally lead the eye away from those rectangular boundaries.
116 Expatriates' salaries are generally built up from a number of separate elements starting with basic salary.
117 Though geographical mobility is possible, to move means severing all the social ties which the miner has built up.
118 He built up neat stacks in order of priority, slipped rubber bands around them, dropped them in his briefcase.
119 Huge inventories of cultural traits, such as pot and basket designs or types of moccasins, were built up.
120 That is to say the curved members, such as ribs, were built up of naturally curving wood, chosen to have the right shape.
121 Our speed built up rapidly and the inside of my cockpit started to mist up.
122 He had not won an election, sung an aria, or even built up a business empire.
123 The Protec filters which can be built up by modules, feature brushes, foam cartridges and flocor.
124 Dounreay has built up an enviable international reputation as a centre of excellence for this work.
125 Difficulties created by local authority boundaries, especially where policies differ sharply and where these divide built up areas are well described.
126 Mr Afman built up a profitable portfolio of loans, mostly to small, independent film studios and heavily secured.
127 Sharelink has built up a clientele of about 57,000 in two years.
128 He quickly built up a reputation for his dry wit.
129 The managers built up portfolios which enabled them to demonstrate competence in ten specific areas from their day to day work.
130 A computer whiz-kid, he had built up an electronics empire that rivalled the best in the world.
131 I promise you it isn't the only time that warm relationships have built up between reporters and bereaved families.
132 Finally some library suppliers have built up databases of books which can be addressed online by library clients.
133 Through word of mouth and demand from customers, they've built up a sizable business with five drivers.
134 But gradually a mutual respect, based on agreed boundaries for each other's territory and mutual usefulness, built up.
135 We can look at our brains as structured in layers built up over the course of evolution.
136 Some biochemists have built up quite elaborate blueprints for forms of life utterly different from our own.
137 Eventually he built up a collection of bells which he played in time to the tunes he would play on his harmonium.
138 The worst fears of the residents were realised as the port was an immediate commercial success and heavy traffic quickly built up.
139 Outline case histories will be built up concerning many thousands of individual victims.
140 In early April the excitement built up as the first shoals of mackerel were expected.
141 There was a danger he'd lose his concentration if too much warmth built up.
142 The mutual structure of building societies means that capital resources to finance expansion can only be built up out of retained surpluses.
142 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
143 The ironmongers also built up their businesses by using the human and material resources of their families.
144 Hoskyns had built up a computer company and been active in the Centre for policy Studies before joining Mrs Thatcher.
145 This rim wall has been built up and fortified and marks the boundary of the town.
146 The town's magistrates were told that tension had built up for a year after a decision to dissolve the partnership.
147 I mentally crossed off each successfully negotiated landmark as the cloud built up.
148 Whilst crop rotations are being established and fertility built up, it will probably be necessary to buy in some feeding-stuffs.
149 The atomic structures which characterize each family are built up in different ways with the basic SiO4 building-block.
150 When I have built up what I want to say, I can send it to a speech synthesizer.
151 Her most valuable contribution lay in the relationships she built up with delegates from all round the world.
152 If you have built up some experience using the remedies then you will find the 30 an excellent potency for acute illness.
153 A territorial sunbird can time its visits to a particular flower such that its nectar has built up to a high level.
154 He said the debts had built up following the collapse of his business.
155 Despite its physical separation from the continuously built up conurbation, Cramlington is now socially a part of Tyneside.
156 Huge industrial sectors built up in the 70s and 80s-including petroleum, telecommunications and automobiles-will be especially vulnerable.
157 It replaces traditional drawing abilities yet it can preserve the centuries of craft skills built up by shoemakers.
158 He built up a hostel linked to the church for overseas students and asylum seekers.
159 Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War.
160 The sample will be built up from students in Further Education colleges in six locations in Britain.
161 Many layers of decaying organic matter built up in Pennsylvania during the Cretaceous, and now it is all coal.
162 It is little surprise that legend and lore should have built up around it.
163 Throughout the 1960s, as technology, especially computer technology, developed, pressure built up in Parliament for legislative controls.
164 The college has built up strong links with local industry and this will be reflected on the board.
165 The concept of charity is elusive, moving, embodied in a corpus of decided cases built up over centuries.
166 Usually such organisations are built up of a multiplicity of smaller gangs.
167 Huge jams built up behind the 74-year-old pensioner as he crawled for five miles along the inside lane of the dual-carriageway A1.
168 Maclean, perhaps fortunately, did not live long enough to witness the collapse of the system he had built up.
169 First a drive system and corresponding response system are built up respectively on the transmitting terminal and receiving terminal.
170 Starting bare-handed , you have built up so many steel plants. This is nothing short of miracles.
171 The whole system is built up and passed through the software simulation.
172 The deal should give Mr. Jackson's heirs plenty of breathing room with respect to the crushing debt load he had built up in his final years.
172 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
173 Amazon will be hoping to leverage both the strength of the Kindle brand, built up over three generations of its popular e-book reader, and its ability to serve up content such as music and video.
174 The bearing platform of various services of emergency communication is built up, and function designs are finished.
175 According to analysis result, cycle mode of datum plane was built up.
176 In this paper the lumped method based on heat transfer is established for the absorptance of laser, and the measuring apparatus is also built up.
177 Finally, an optimization system is built up on the optimization model. And it is utilized to optimize and compare the four schemes of ironstone resource utilization in CISC.
178 Based on the ideological and methodical system of Tao at ontological level originated from Lao-zi , he built up his theory of freedom .
179 Blades built up laminated hardwood and pine with ply covering overlain by glued fabric.
180 The availability model of the electromechanical equipment was built up, and a flexible methods based on the Markov process was also presented to solve the model.
181 However, reforming property tax system is still very backward and the real property tax system has not been built up. Therefore, more and more attention has been focused on reforming property tax.
182 And then we built up a practical vehicle braking sound and light alarm system for car brake failure occurs during a variety of circumstances, to give the driver effective warning signal.
183 In the development of 20 years, our country have built up throe layers structure to the trade market of capital market.
184 He is more than just a pretty face and has built up an astonishing career, bouncing from two-fisted action flicks with John Woo to art-house favourites with Wong Kar-Wai.
185 According to the original definition of titration error and titration curve equation, a general model for titration error has been built up.
186 When the concept of right and wrong is built up in our mind, the independent carrier of Tao and the combination of right and wrong of all matters are spoiled.
187 This research applies to the numerical technique in the agriculture production and the agriculture educations , combining the agriculture production actual, built up "the farm crop pest database".
188 Mongolia unified partite China again after going into the lord of China, and built up the more flourishing and perfect than generation transportation and communication systems.
189 And living with his parents rent-free allows him to start paying off debt he built up during the slump, he says.
190 The company has a world - class high - tech research team and has built up precision automatic production line.
191 A simple method for calculating the standard heats of formation of organic compounds containing carboxide using the inductive effect index is built up.
192 By analyzing the factors which affect the operational effectiveness of submarine torpedo weapon system, comprehensive assessment indexes system for the operational effectiveness is built up.
193 Finally, the author combined the impedance function which is built up based on GM (1,1) model with the ant colony optimization, and got the flow chart.
194 Because GI and TM had intrinsical differentiations, TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM.
195 In analytical product develop a decision foundation for relate to of the entity up built up the information model of the system.
196 To keep power network operating in safe and stable condition, the safe and stable control system should be built up in China southern power network and Guangdong power network.
197 However, for the composite load has the characteristics of complex composition, random time variance and spread over different area, its exact mathematics model is still not built up.
198 A two dimensional mathematic model is built up to simulate the blast flow status inside shaft lime kiln.
199 The second team had no work-in-process inventory built up, thus reducing the amount spent on materials and labor.
200 However, if anthropologists to avoid ethnocentrism , and create a common objective of the concept, the culture of "science" can be built up.
201 The electric hot machining (EHM) can effectively restrain built up edges and scales of the metal cutting surface by temperature compensation.
202 The integer program model of minimal spanning tree was built up by the concepts of root and level of node in LINGO. There are particular notes to the difficulties of the model.
203 The private banks themselves, the financial institutions which previously dictated the terms on which they were willing to lend money,[http:///built up.html] have built up the system of siphoning off liquid funds.
204 For evaluating short-term newspaper advertising effectiveness, the article built up a geometric lag distribution dynamic econometric model to relate advertising cost and customers' telephone response.
205 In particular, South Korean banks built up strong capital - solvency ratios and fended off bad assets.
206 The EU is sitting on large stocks built up after last year's bumper crop.
207 Starting bare-handed , you have built up so many steel plants. This is nothing short of miraculous.
208 In order to study flood management problems of the Wanquan River basin, a hydrological multicell and hydraulics model has been built up to simulate complex flood routing behaviors.
209 We have invested huge amount of money to indraught advanced equipments from internal and outside our country. This ensured the steadily fine quality of our products and built up our produce ability.
210 The high efficient government to be built up by us will surely belong to competent, service, accountable and nomothetic one.
211 Niwa would appear to be well-suited to the role of Japan's rainmaker in China, having built up a network of business and political contacts during his time as Itochu's president from 1998 to 2004.
212 Firstly, on the base of brief analysis of the difference between moving block system and fixed block system, train operation adjustment model under moving block system is built up.
213 Matches that go on past tier three can end up becoming campy and built up armies are easily destroyed before they get a chance to do any serious damage.
214 In order to provide the convenience for passengers with the shortest travel time as the object, the mathematic model of optimizing average stop distance is built up.
215 In the paper, firstly, the collectivity project of control system of four-wheel independent drive EV is built up with description and specification of structure.
216 The furnace chamber has flue next to activation path which were built up with special firebrick.
217 Whereas the latter is a natural space built up by virtue of objective reglations out of itself, the former is an Abstract space constructed by relying upon subjective self-regulations.
218 Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after time.
219 The results show there is structure modulation in lanthanum chromates and the model of long-range order structure is built up.
220 Svilen himself, a likeable man in his forties, has built up a successful car hire firm based in Varna, the gateway to the bucket-and-spade budget nirvana known as the "Bulgarian Riviera".
221 Although their structure is built up step by step like any edifice, it is nevertheless, in the end, inscribable in synchronic terms.
222 During the financial crisis, China built up holdings of short-dated T-bills from $14bn in mid-2008 to $210bn by May 2009 and they are now back around $70bn.
223 The industry has built up a comparative perfect system and a market supervising system during the development of the market.
224 However, the actual application of SM in China's enterprise is still not. optimistical, many enterprises have not built up real SM system in line with its actual conditions yet.
225 For collision detection, the tool holder can be built up from any number of cylinders and cones.




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