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单词 Refer to
1. Can't you refer to the dictionary?
2. The figures in parentheses refer to page numbers.
3. Don't refer to the matter again.
4. I promised not to refer to the matter again.
5. We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
6. They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, 'All the Way From Tuam'.
7. Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.
8. refer to sb/sth to mention or speak about sb/sth: The victims were not referred to by name.
9. This rule does not refer to children.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. These regulations refer to every foreigner.
11. The figures refer to our sales in Europe.
12. Don't refer to this matter again, please.
13. I refer to the situation instanced above.
14. Does your remark refer to all of us?
15. I had to refer to the instruction booklet.
16. You may refer to your notes if you want.
17. For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
18. The new law does not refer to farm land.
19. I will refer to child abuse generically .
20. The word "e-commerce" was coined to refer to business done over the Internet.
21. It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.
22. By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
23. Refer to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word.
24. The term'alexia'is used to refer to any acquired disorder of reading.
25. The word "man" can refer to all humans, irrespective of sex.
26. Some patients don't refer to the discomfort of angina as an ache; rather they describe it as sudden sharp pains.
27. The new law does not refer to land used for farming.
28. I'd like to refer to something that was posted in an earlier thread.
29. I'll never forget the terrible events of that summer. It can refer to something such as a concert, festival or sports competition:The tourist guide lists the major events in the town throughout the year.
30. Absolutely he won't have your going into his house if you don't refer to me.
1. Can't you refer to the dictionary?
2. The figures in parentheses refer to page numbers.
3. Don't refer to the matter again.
4. I promised not to refer to the matter again.
5. We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
6. They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, 'All the Way From Tuam'.
7. Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.
8. refer to sb/sth to mention or speak about sb/sth: The victims were not referred to by name.
9. Does your remark refer to all of us?
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
11. The term'alexia'is used to refer to any acquired disorder of reading.
12. Some patients don't refer to the discomfort of angina as an ache; rather they describe it as sudden sharp pains.
13. The new law does not refer to land used for farming.
31. The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.
32. The movie is based on a real-life incident. It can also refer to a crime or an accident:The police reported several thefts and one violent incident.
33. I like to keep a few dictionaries by to refer to.
34. The next two items refer to actual expenditures incurred, rather than estimated needs.
35. If you don't know the spelling of a word, you should refer to a dictionary.
36. I refer to your recent application and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor.
37. Please refer to the Regulations and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof.
38. For further details, please refer to the last page of the book.
39. Refer to the terms set out in the company's memorandum.
40. It can not refer to individual cases.
41. The exemption you refer to certainly needs clarification.
42. Figures in brackets refer to the Notes.
43. Page numbers refer to this brochure.
44. Doctors refer to this as secondary lactase deficiency.
45. Flat-footed and high arches also refer to foot type.
46. Ninety autobiographies refer to grandparents(http://), sometimes at considerable length.
47. Refer to an atlas and the map opposite.
48. I refer to demos of their high end programs.
49. I refer to the federal corollary.
50. This summary of findings does not refer to all foreign aid projects.
51. This may refer to the menstrual blood and semen consumed sacramentally by some Gnostic groups.
52. We shall refer to this as the minimum variance criterion.
53. Using the terms that more accurately refer to the present career realities, these people have all turned themselves into businesses.
54. I have no desire to rake over the past but we should have the right to refer to matters of historical record.
55. The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
56. How long does it take to refer to a grammatical rule?
57. The notes refer to other dancers representing handmaidens, a bird and winds: rather complex for so short a work.
58. The distinction applies to nouns which refer to animate beings as well as those which refer to inanimate objects.
59. This bizarre combat is a very dangerous one - refer to the Profiles section.
60. To the extent math refers to reality, we are not certain; to the extent we are certain, math does not refer to reality. Albert Einstein 
61. The more experienced dealers guessed it might paradoxically refer to a disaster on the horizon, but kept their thoughts from clients.
62. We used to refer to him as the man of principle.
63. Secondly, it causes the lights to be surrounded by a ring of light, which I refer to as their halo.
64. He had a written employment contract, but it did not refer to his place of work.
65. These are subjects which readers are encouraged to refer to a qualified professional adviser.
66. Imagine that you are writing an essay, and want to refer to what Norris says about deconstruction.
67. The numbers in her text refer to footnotes in which she spears the novelist with chapter and verse.
68. They also modify the accountant's certificate to refer to controlled trust money.
69. We might refer to these as the ancient and modern conceptions.
70. In practice,() the word seems to be used mostly to refer to animal sonar.
71. The different components refer to the different curvatures in different directions in the space-time.
72. Zenith did not refer to Acme's program further than this and Zenith developed its own methods of performing the purpose.
73. You refer to a map and monitor your health and energy by viewing two bars on the lower portion of the screen.
74. Some federal states are so centralised that it is doubtful whether one should continue to refer to them as federal.
75. It is notable that the large accountancy firms now refer to themselves as' professional service firms'.
76. Real numbers refer to a mathematical idealization rather than to any actual physically objective quantity.
77. Please refer to the Policy commentary for details of what items should not constitute part of the breakdown account.
78. The media are obviously hard up for stories because they seem interested in what they refer to as our overcrowding problems here.
79. If there has been a history of rheumatic fever in the past. Refer to other chapters as necessary.
80. Such brochures also refer to two other types of valuation or survey.
81. Economies of scope refer to the potential cost advantages likely to arise via diversifying strategies involving horizontal integration in particular.
82. Instead. these people only refer to farmers when there is news like a food scare to react to.
83. We also refer to one factor of production as labor and to the other as capital.
84. Anything less than that leads to what the theistic traditions frequently refer to as idolatry.
85. We might refer to this as the ex ante demand for bank lending.
86. The techniques refer to new or modified agricultural practices to reduce soil degradation and erosion.
87. Some refer to this change in the climate as global warming, others as the greenhouse effect.
88. In a semantic network, concepts, which refer to word meanings, are represented by nodes.
89. Being a healthy person, I immediately told myself this could not refer to me.
90. It is an extensive network which we sometimes refer to as the alternative multinational.
91. Still, when he makes a statement such as you refer to, I would be inclined to believe him.
92. Both the above quotations refer to severe learning difficulties but of course severe is a term open to varying interpretations.
93. The first of these we might refer to as appraisal.
94. Such concepts are unworthy of educated people and refer to anthropomorphism which has been misunderstood.
95. Pyrenees may also refer to small ewes' milk cheeses that are produced in the same area.
96. Did he refer to the high standards of social protection in this country?
97. In the present context, we are using these terms to refer to phonetic characteristics of syllables.
98. The Minister may also refer to the discretionary grants from local education authorities.
99. The various terms refer to the types of oar used,(/refer to.html) or the number of strokers involved.
100. Numbers to the right of each row refer to the nucleotide position, numbers to the left refer to amino acids.
101. For further information on Issues and Products, refer to Section 9 of this manual.
102. We shall use the term secondary radiation to refer to radiation coming from or absorbed in a plant.
103. And it was early enough for Britain's arms makers to refer to it in their autumn armaments promotions.
104. I refer to the case of Mustapha Akkawi, who was killed after being tortured in prison just over a week ago.
105. The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism.
106. Please refer to our tariff of charges for details of these services.
107. SHIme may be nonsense, or it may refer to shimmy or some other term, but it is not Yiddish.
108. The citations also refer to the provisions on which the measure is based.
109. It is to save them the need to refer to the very foundations of morality and practical reasoning generally in every case.
110. It was Adam Smith, interestingly, who first used industry to refer to manufacturing and other productive activities.
111. Face it, when wedding guests refer to the lovely spread, they may not be talking about the sandwiches.
112. It can be used to refer to some one who is physically or temperamentally very ugly: a real MEESkait.
113. Political cultures to refer to those in which there are significant proportions of both the simpler and more complex patterns of orientations.
114. These figures refer to the size of free waves in the open ocean.
115. In order to store or retrieve information we must have some means by which the computer can refer to any location.
116. A small number of nouns which refer to professions have masculine and feminine forms, with the suffix -ess indicating feminine gender.
117. They don't refer to particular cases of primary school closure in any particular location.
118. Both terms refer to styles of depicting the arms of spouses on a single shield.
119. The habitat I refer to, as you may have guessed, is the garden.
120. It is an ethical or moral judgment in the sense that ethos and mores refer to the customary practices of a group.
121. Also used to refer to a complete set of characters forming a family in a particular design or style.
122. The first is that it is usually preferable to make each objective refer to only one learning outcome.
123. Many people would refer to them more as superhuman than as divine characters.
124. Please refer to the catalogue for the full range of products available.
125. These are later used to refer to specific citations in the text.
126. They refer to secondary prevention as early detection and medical treatment or selective abortion.
127. To check the correct font name, refer to the font list from the menu bar or press F9.
128. In the same way as we talk about the composite commodity of sport, we can also refer to the composite price.
129. Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
130. These terms usually refer to a public company whose shares were bought up by a small group.
131. Please refer to the back cover of this brochure for more details.
132. The deadlines refer to the time at which the convergence conditions will be examined.
133. One of the revisions relates to a matter which arises in this appeal(http://), and I shall refer to it later.
134. Before parting with the case, we should refer to a further argument mounted by Mr. Thornton.
135. Now if you will refer to your folders, you have extracts containing the relevant material.
136. Of course, the parameters that determine the drop's energy refer to nuclear matter and not to any familiar liquid.
137. Keep your orders and shipping together in a separate folder so you can refer to them later something goes amiss.
138. It is an account of legitimate authority, whereas the phrase is often used to refer to defacto authorities.
139. He identifies eight role types which refer to the potential contribution in terms of behaviour rather than knowledge or status.
140. These refer to victims of road accidents occurring throughout Lothian and not necessarily in the eligible areas themselves.
141. The actual phenomenon these qualitative attributes refer to is, as we have witnessed, contested.
142. It is the students who refer to it as the black magic course.
143. Such relations only refer to the name of the referenced module.
144. Writers often refer to uneven development between sectors, for example, or between firms within a sector.
145. Before referring to the arguments, it is necessary to refer to other provisions of the Act of 1986.
146. A demonstrative is used to refer to a temporal aspect.
147. You may want to refer to it in conjunction with this section.
148. To conclude this section, we can, at last, refer to an experiment.
149. Formerly, the Anglo-Saxon words were used to refer to both the meat and the animals.
150. We shall therefore refer to it as the Fundamental Theorem of Vector Programming.
151. This political response is what I refer to as labourism.
152. Please refer to the individual hotel descriptions for full details.
153. Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.
154. I will only refer to 2 projects in the short time available.
155. To rectify a problem you should refer to Section 6 - Design Change System.
156. All my shortcuts on the new drive refer to the C drive.
157. For instance, flying level on a heading, if you are checking height there is no need to refer to the airspeed.
158. This may help to explain why we refer to this type of game as a specific form of group dynamics.
159. When we say that a ring round the moon means rain, we refer to a connection in nature.
159. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
160. What does all this refer to in the third sentence?
161. Fink's symbols, such as the bird, tree, vessel and Madonna, refer to dreamlike relationships and fleeting moments.
162. Hotel Amenities Please refer to page 154 for a guide to the bedroom amenities and public facilities of the hotels featured here.
163. Please refer to the advertisement on page 14 for ordering details and coupon.
164. Once the dictionary was available, society gained in cohesion because anyone could refer to it as an outside source for comparison.
165. Why do I refer to Euclidean geometry as a physical theory rather than a branch of mathematics?
166. If hon. Members plan to refer to that document, it would be helpful if they addressed its basic flaws.
167. It can be useful to refer to something you all have in common, which may restore a feeling of harmony.
168. Strictly speaking, this should be used to refer to an auditory sensation experienced by the hearer.
169. We refer to them affectionately as the honorary founders of the club.
170. Shall we soon abolish death and refer to some one dead as having a life problem?
171. Their voices can be heard throughout the following pages, where I refer to them consistently by name.
172. Criminal laws aimed at regulating corporate activities tend to refer to a specific rather than a general class of behaviour.
173. I refer to the Communist leaders of the Front as the Party.
174. I refer to people who, as I speak, are sitting at home, unable to put on their electric fires.
175. What collectors refer to as historical flasks are glass bottles blown into metal molds between about 1815 and 1870.
176. The commanders can not actually see what Lord Raglan intends to refer to.
177. Terms such as thought leader, golden boy, or winner refer to people with a power base of reputation.
178. I refer to paid maternity leave, child allowance, single parent allowances etc.
179. We were looking for a precise way to express what we mean when we refer to something as complicated.
180. But he did refer to a spectator and an alleged verbal and physical abuse on Dooley and himself.
181. I refer to the direction of physical and mental activity toward the accomplishment of a major task.
182. I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word.
183. All mandibular numbers in the tables refer to half mandibles, as for maxillae.
184. The ending we gave above, ... because she had seen what had happened, makes she refer to Diane.
185. We do not, for example, tend to have words which refer to both sentient beings and to events.
186. Being primarily an ornithologist, most of these quotations refer to birds, but there are passing descriptive botanical records.
187. In a later chapter I refer to the modern notions of witchcraft and satanism which receive such wide publicity today.
188. An aid to construction Next I must refer to an established principle of statutory construction which looms large on this appeal.
189. The curved arrows refer to the main carriage and the straight arrows to the lace carriage.
190. Advertisements for houses for sale often refer to their proximity to Buzz,() Go and EasyJet destinations.
191. The nomenclature of science does not refer to definitive concepts: It is ceaselessly adjusted, completed, varied.
192. It is interesting to note that we often refer to the training rather than education of language teachers.
193. Both letters refer to a small section of between the end of the footway and the start of the flood bank proper.
194. Medieval texts refer to it as one of the fifty-one most sacred places for Hindus.
195. As always, play up your strongest points in the opening paragraph and refer to them as you go along.
196. Refer to symbols for full list of available facilities, then contact the Hotel of your choice.
197. It does not refer to naive anthropomorphism, to childish notions of a kind of finite Person resident somewhere.
198. It is this component, comprising its symbolic aspects of rhetorical and metaphorical devices, which we refer to as its circumference.
199. If you don't number your answers, how will I know which questions they refer to?
200. In this section I shall use the term black or ethnic minority to refer to all non-white groups.
201. Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.
202. Such studies generally refer to wider determinants or concomitants of the national industrial relations variables with which they explain their findings.
203. Fax or telex messages should therefore refer to the standard terms, but the terms themselves be sent by post.
204. Before I come to those passages, it is convenient to refer to such earlier authority as there is.
205. Students and teachers often refer to the academies as an extended family.
206. Early in Bore's time, minutes refer to horse-drawn vehicles of various types manufactured at Wolverton.
207. For further information on the Design Change System, refer to Section 6 of this manual.
208. By culture we refer to the shared values, beliefs and basic assumptions about what we are doing.
209. They launched what they refer to as the milk mustache campaign using ads of famous people with milk mustaches in their ads.
210. Telling the truth about mothering-when it does not refer to the oneness and bliss-means breaking the rules.
211. You should be aware that software licence agreements refer to installation and use on one computer only.
212. Please refer to Blood Test Normal Value.
213. Articles 4 and 5 of the Individual Income Tax Law specify tax exemptions and reduction for Individual Income Tax , For details, you may refer to the law.
214. Rather than denoting pitch values, Chiang's tablature notation appears to refer to fingerings on the Chinese flute and is of limited value in restoring the original music of a larger body of songs.
215. Both hands sign language people also name to refer to the type syllable, the initial consonant hit with the right hand, the final hits with the left hand, about puts together a syllable.
216. If you're unsure how to get Apache Axis running, you should refer to " Build an RPC service and client using JAX-RPC."
217. Tangible assets refer to the physical assets such as buildings and machinery.
218. The dynamic library has not yet been tested, please refer to the user.
219. Measure the cooling air side static inlet pressure (P) in inches of water at the heat exchanger inlet on the pressure indicator. Refer to Table C.
219. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
220. Frequently used to refer to a Pro Forma Balance Sheet which is based on assumptions of future hypothetical events.
221. Or also called... most of the time I refer to it as "the cross product."
222. Today, people easily cross the Atlantic Ocean by plane and cavalierly refer to the great body of water as "the pond."
223. Refer to the Aircraft Maintenance Manual for materials specified for aircraft cleaning and deicing. The CMM specifies the materials for use in repair.
224. Refer to the section Network Settings for detailed Bridge network mode configuration information.
225. These nouns refer to devices used in the performance of work.
226. Article 2 Pharmaceutical precursor chemicals refer to such substances as lysergic acid, ephedrine, etc. as determined in the Regulation, see Annex 1 of these Measures for the catalogue of varieties.
227. Payables due mentioned in this article refer to the payables that should be calculated into relative costs and expenditures of the payer according to accrual basis principle.
228. Refer to Section 1.5.3 for a more detailed discussion of the coulombmeter circuit.
229. Existing Vacancies' refer to those unfilled,() immediately available job openings for which the establishment is actively trying to recruit personnel at date of survey.
230. Secondly, to refer to foreign Genetic Privacy Legislation, Combining the specific situation in our country to carry on genetic privacy legislation Mode Selection.
231. In turn, the Base for Default Contract in each country store will refer to the appropriate regional base contract.
232. The indicator refer to individual risk, social risk and potential loss of life.
233. Stream standards refer to quality of receiving water downstream from the origin of sewage discharge.
234. There is no table in the dataset that a foreign key constraint could refer to.
235. Please refer to the rating plate for information such as the oil grade, oil viscosity and the amount of oil required.
236. Equity Interest: shall refer to all of the equity interest lawfully now held and hereafter acquired by Pledgor in Party C.
237. Fixes press air escape valve department refer to API and about standard optimize design face become, It structure new, Performance dependable.
238. Bird - A colloquial expression used to refer to a communications satellite.
239. That remark does not refer to [ direct at ] her.
240. The Current Corporate Communications refer to the publication of the Interim Report 2010 of the Company.
241. The so-called punitive damages refer to besides actual damages, the court orders the perpetrators to pay additional monetary compensation to the victims.
242. Refer to Air Scoop and Floatvent Instruction Sheets for proper installation.
243. Many in the south don't even accept the term "civil war" but refer to it as "the war of northern aggression" or "the war between the states".
244. Please refer to each shop drawing for details not covered in this instruction.
245. Refer to Listing 9 which uses a MIME-Version header field.
246. Sunshine Hours refer to the actual hours of sun irradiating the earth.
247. Flux of cool water should refer to the design requirement of cooler.
248. The results of the 2001 Population Census and the 2006 Population By-census presented in this article refer to the Hong Kong Resident Population enumerated under the "resident population" approach.
249. Dongrui Leopard: We do not propose to do this, but you can refer to our earnings in the ACU and PCU data, calculate the relevant data.
249. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
250. Investors please refer to prospectus for further details of the unit trust.
251. Learners have to access to numerous lexicalized sentence stems to refer to standard phenomena in a speech community.
252. The amount of financial guarantee shall refer to the highest amount of repayment to be demanded among the considerations the enterprise receives.
253. And finally, my thanks to the rest of you, the loose agglomeration of editors and teachers and librarians that I usually refer to, mostly with a smile, as the dirndl mafia. You keep the flame alive.
254. Investment involves risk. Past performance is no guarantee to future performance. Please refer to the Fund's Explanatory Memorandum for further details.
255. Please refer to the simple board part in this manual for the implication of indicator light.
256. With .. and ., the sigil for the current working directory, you can refer to files and directories in the file system relative to your current working directory.
257. Each of the bindings is in a separate state of developmental maturity; please refer to the cairo project home page (see Resources for a link) for up-to-the-minute details on each.
258. They are both from the Guion Steamship Company, and refer to the sailing of their boats from Liverpool.
259. For simplicity, we will refer to the process of pre-parsing a schema and building an internal representation of the schema as compiling the schema.
260. The study on Rana Chensinensis refer to every part of body, like skin, muscle, viscus and brain, also we use fish to do control experiment.
261. We refer to our letter of January 10, 1999 regarding low Arsenic Antimony Trioxide and take this opportunity to advise that we are also interested in purchasing your low tint Antimony Trioxide.
262. General convolution operation methods, which mainly refer to the graphics way and the expressions way, are complicated and difficult to program.
263. We refer to our president as vice chancellor, in the English tradition.
264. Used to refer to a self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.
265. Article 9 The "business license (copy)" as used in the Regulations and these Rules shall refer to the copy of the business license or other document of approval for financial business operation.
266. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the Consolidated Explanatory Memorandum for further detail.
267. You can refer to a subexpression from within a regular expression.
268. You can also refer to a subexpression from within a replacement string.
269. Similarly, you can encrypt any format by providing IANA values (refer to the IANA Web site, see Resources).
270. Analytically-trained psychiatrists refer to the embodiment of the person's parentally-inspired internal code as the super-ego or conscience.
271. In this article, we refer to a CICS transaction as the work initiated in a CICS region, and which runs under a four-character transaction ID (tranid).
272. Refer to the section on setting the display order of the fields in this article for instructions on how to do this organization.
273. But 20.86 ton British pale taste vehicle reaches the cheese also to refer to saccharomycetes exceeding the allowed figure, imports by the domestic young business from Suzhou.
274. Please refer to the relevant rules in regard of posting a picture and attachment.
275. Especially to deserve to be mentioned, the modern members of Bourbon royal family are all famous by conservative. So in American English, Bourbon refer to those who are extremely conservative.
276. Client code can refer to these methods in their code regardless of the actual Database -derived object used. For example, the following code snippet shows how to use the ExecuteDataSet method.
277. This is a six decimal counter source, needy students can refer to you!
278. Please refer to the attached List of Real Time Quote Service Plan for details of CASH Points to offset the monthly fee.




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