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单词 But what
1) God is Love, I dare say, but what a mischievous devil Love is. 
2) Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it. 
3) She won't notice anything but what relates to herself.
4) Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
5) But what if she says not?
6) This is only the draft of my speech, but what do you think of it?
7) All of life is an act of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
8) Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind, your humor, your kindness and your moral courage.
9) It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be. J.K. Rowling 
10) Life is not what you have gained but what you have done.
11) But what has brought the company to such a pitiful condition since I last worked for it?
12) Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 'duplex'?
13) It's rather expensive, but what the heck.
14) PMJI but what are you talking about?
15) He knew Bailey was up to something. But what?
16) Pardon my ignorance, but what does OPEC stand for?
17) The train was delayed, but what do you expect?
18) But what if the government takes no heed?
19) But what has brought the company to such a pity condition since I last worked for it?
20) It means I'll be late for work but what the heck!
21) My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world ; ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 
22) The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. 
23) Life is a series of collisions with the future. It is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.
24) It matters not what you are thought to be, but what you are.
25) It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
26) I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
27) The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give. In any case,(http:///but what.html) the giving of love is an education in itself.
28) The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.
29) It is not a person's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.
30) This government has a good record on inflation, I give you that, but what is it doing about unemployment?
1) She won't notice anything but what relates to herself.
2) Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
3) But what if she says not?
31) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.
32) I cannot do it; not but what a younger man might be able to do it.
33) This is probably a bad idea, but what the hey!
34) The job's done that's all well and good but what about the bonus we were promised?
35) Perhaps I'm being obtuse, but what has all this got to do with me?
36) Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do?
37) Sorry to bother you , but what was the address again?
38) Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly are you talking about?
39) The doctor said I shouldn't drink, but what the heck.
40) I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you in the pub in half an hour.
41) Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?
42) Well, so much for the producers. But what of the con-sumers?
43) But what exactly is a trade association?
44) But what constabulary safeguards do those altruistic groups maintain?
45) But what are all those bedding planes?
46) But what users actually want are reliable electricity services.
47) But what has it availed me?
48) But what a chance for high adventure!
49) But what about patients who are apparently fit and healthy until they suffer a massive exposure to toxic man-made chemicals?
50) But what they have in common is something both blindingly simple to name and blindingly difficult to think about.
51) What is the past but what we choose to remember? Amy Tan 
52) They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls. Rumi 
53) But what happens if work is demonstrably and objectively a bad experience?
54) Time is what we want most,but what we use worst. William Penn 
55) But what better place for Swindon to score their first league win of the season.
56) But what struck me then was the idea of his habitually alternating with pipe and cigarette-smoking.
57) We produced a whole environmental assessment, not just what I think,(http:///but what.html) but what several other coral researchers thought.
58) But what Yorkshiremen want above all is a winning team.
59) But what sets apart Silvers' Grocery Store and others like it is the upstairs-downstairs, shopkeeper nature of the business.
60) But what I want them to accomplish is responsibility for them-selves and also a respect for others.
61) But what specific actions can we take to enhance our satisfaction while at the same time reassuring our new acquaintances?
62) But what impressed me most was the enormous amount of sheer wasted space everywhere I happened to glance.
63) But what could be more important than his appointment as chairman of the largest and most prestigious funeral parlour in the city?
64) But what happens when academic researchers go out on a political limb with their findings?
65) But what, if anything, can they do with all this information?
66) But what if a large passenger aircraft has to be fuelled ready for flight?
67) But what would then be the case with an exhibition or competition of ballroom dancing?
68) Lots of your friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. Oprah Winfrey 
69) But what I have to say has his full approval.
70) Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely soley upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake. Christopher Hitchens 
71) The achiever says his thoughts led him to success and the criminal says his thoughts led him to crime. Everybody thinks, but what we think determines our destiny. RVM 
72) But what began as an enlightened innovation has become an albatross around the neck of the free enterprise system.
73) But what worried him most was the apparent lack of breathing or pulse.
74) But what of species in which, it appears, only one parent is necessary.
75) It hurt very, very badly, but what hurt most was the awful feeling of having let herself down.
76) But what we found was that that was the point when the accident rate began to go up.
77) Over 50 attended the function, but what was so encouraging was the quality of the prospective members that attended.
78) Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. Garrison Keillor 
79) Beliefs have the power to change everyone's life, but what people believe is not nearly as important as how they behave and live in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
80) In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich. Henry Ward Beecher 
81) But what happened to me was that my head was bitten off almost literally.
82) But what I like about him most is his wanderlust.
83) But what of the expectation of life of some one who has reached the age of forty?
84) I was normally not prone to astrological contemplations, but what harm could there be in a little bit of astrology?
85) But what is the image Advent calls to our minds?
86) But what about alteration of brain chemistry at an early age?
87) But what is it doing in a grown-up hotel bar?
88) On paper it appears the light blues are inches shorter ... and a few months older ... but what about on the water?
89) But what among all the streaks of wickedness in human nature are you going to write about?
90) But what happens if there are two Acts on the statute books which conflict with one another?
91) But what makes Courtney especially dangerous is not that he abused his position as a doctor.
92) Okay, so perhaps he wasn't known as a big drinker, but what the hell?
93) But what was noticeably absent was any serious intra-group rivalry.
94) Something was very wrong, she could feel it in her bones, but what was it?
95) But what I really want is for the book to be read and enjoyed by the people who read the other books.
96) But what Rob admired most was that Albert was outside the official world.
97) But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand?
98) One readily accepts this interpretative excellent, but what is the cost?
99) And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. John F. Kennedy 
100) But what is still more astonishing is that what goes for individuals goes for governments too.
101) But what is life like for people living in rural areas who can't afford a car?
102) The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say. Anais Nin 
103) It was a bleak existence, but what struck Joe was how easily he and his fellow internees became accustomed to it.
104) Seth: But what can be done to stop it?
105) Questioner: Yes, but what do you mean by change?
106) But what does the SPF rating really mean?
107) But what a shameless rewriting of history!
108) But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?
109) But what if she genuinely believed in the false claim?
110) But what chronobiology reveals is the importance of regularity in all aspects of your life and of learning to act in synchronization with your body's natural rhythms.
111) Our hotel room was decorated with flowers. Frangipani were changed daily, but what I really like is the little garden outside.
112) How forceful are upright words! But what does this reproving from you reprove?
113) U.S. debt is generally expressed in U.S. dollars, but what if we instead expressed it in troy pounds of gold (12 troy ounces to a troy pound) instead?
114) But what I'm not doing is feeling one way or another about it.
115) But what does the future hold for both him and the Merseyside club?
116) Certainly that was rationalization, but what is wrong with rationalization when -- the doorbell rang.
117) But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception.
118) But what is so special about T206 Honus Wagner cards that helped them tout as the most-expensive baseball card ever?
119) But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.
120) Programming was fun because I could make cool stuff, but what actually got me obsessed about it was suddenly seeing something interesting in the semantics and syntactics of the very lines of code.
121) But what they both like a whole lot more is a liquid called bromobenzene.
122) I'm sure the TV audience got a kick out of it, but what I saw bothered me.
123) That is well known that money makes people disembarrass. But what to do when someone has no cash? Th.
124) Crafting is a large part of the Dark and Light world, but what is the one thing every crafter needs?
125) But what really scared him was the stability pact, which he likened to a medieval torture chamber.
126) But what if you're loading a lot of modules into a single address space?
127) But what do you call a female horse under three?
128) But what they are really attacking is the quintessence of Marxism.
129) The animals were packed asas could be. But what animal would grue with a bear?
130) But what if the Maya wanted to keep note of a historical event that occurred more than 52 years ago?
131) But what makes this lawsuit especially intriguing is its potentially far-ranging impact.
132) We can only see a 3-dimensional world, but what if this world has N dimension just like what the math says?
133) I know sometimes it's frustrating to watch them underachieve , but what right have we to blame them?
134) c And the wavefunction is clearly nonphysical, but what we do know is that we can take the product of the wavefunction times its complex conjugate.
135) Paul Graham has written extensively about this so I won't belabor it too much, except to say this: you don't need much startup capital, but what you do need is a willingness to work your buns off.
136) That sounds very nice. But what if I have to cash in the Savings Bond maturity?
137) But what about Lowrey? Just last week Firman told you his hopes for the young man.
138) This time, he Bata Bao in arms, have a somewhat tight, arms of the woman to pay him all the best time, now, but what has not left.
139) But what does a Stock Index Futures SIF contract buy or sell?
140) But what is the origin of our bank holidays and what do they tell us about the UK?
141) But what started out as a good idea has since been warped by China's long standing problem of excess liquidity.
142) But what was new the past couple of weeks was the stepped-up U.S. pressure.
143) But what do you do when risk and reward are skewed?
144) But what makes a book review good is totally up to the reader – personal taste.
145) Most of the style sheet is easy, but what about the element, the HTML code for a new table row?
146) We can do that, " the boy said. "But what about the eighty-seven of your great record?
147) For example, it is ethically and legally important that scientists acquire informed consent from custodians of traditional knowledge — but what else?
147) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148) But what troubles me is that your anger has a nasty side.
149) But what if it comes to confront the difficulties one cannot break through single-handed?
150) But what if a low - tax OFC is shoddily regulated or its rules are opaque?
151) Trade of tarsiers is permitted by CITES - but what for?
152) But what the crowd didn't realize was that the music they were hearing was a backing tape provided by Melbourne's orchestra (below).
153) But what about his feelings for T'ang Hsiao - fu last year.
154) But what does it transfigure when it presents the world of appearance in the image of the suffering hero?
155) But what Jobs has also done, always, is to position himself vis-a-vis another – IBM, Microsoft, even Google, Goliaths to Steve's David, even though this has led Apple to the top of the pile.




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