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单词 anemone
释义  Related topics: Plantsa·nem·o·ne /əˈneməni/ noun [countable]  HBPa plant with red, white, or blue flowers 银莲花 → sea anemoneExamples from the Corpusanemone• Creatures like sea stars and anemones attach themselves firmly to rocks.• Above: These colonial anemones are each brandishing hundreds of stinging cells.• Damaged anemones are open to all sorts of bacterial diseases which can be fatal.• Why the sea anemone stays there and whether it gains anything from this relationship is not known.• Shrimp, anemones, and brittle stars dominate, but their numbers are few, their biomass small.• The crab effectively parasitises these protective devices for its own ends by placing the anemone on its shell.• Specimens of this anemone have been seen with as many two dozen clown anemonefish nestled among their tentacles.• There were anemones in a bud vase on the table.Origin anemone (1500-1600) Latin Greeka·nem·o·ne nounChineseSyllable  a or with red, plant flowers white, Corpus blue




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